Selenium 简明教程

Selenium Webdriver - Introduction

Selenium 是一个主要用于为基于网络的应用程序创建自动化测试的自动化工具。它没有任何许可费用,并且用于在各种操作系统、设备和浏览器上自动化测试。Selenium 测试可以使用 Java、Python、Kotlin、JavaScript 等语言开发。

Selenium is an automation tool used mainly for creating automation tests for web based applications. It comes without any licensing cost and used to automate tests on various operating systems, devices, and browsers. Selenium tests can be developed using languages like Java, Python, Kotlin, JavaScript, and so on.

Selenium Components

以下是 Selenium 的组件 −

The following are the components of selenium −

Importance of Selenium Webdriver

Selenium Webdriver 诞生是为了克服 Selenium RC 的问题。Selenium RC 的架构并不简单,需要花费大量时间才能完成测试执行。

Selenium Webdriver came into existence to overcomes the problems of the Selenium RC. The architecture of Selenium RC is not an easy one and it requires a lot of time to complete the test execution.

另一方面,Selenium Webdriver 具有更简单的架构,并直接与 Web 浏览器通信,从而缩短了执行时间。因此,Selenium Webdriver 比 Selenium RC 更流行。

Selenium Webdriver on the other hand has a simplier architecture, and communicates directly with the web browsers thereby making execution time shorter. Hence, Selenium Webdriver became more popular than Selenium RC.

阅读更多信息: Selenium WebDriver vs RC

Advantages of Selenium Webdriver

让我们讨论 Selenium Webdriver 的一些优点 −

Let us discuss some of the advantages of Selenium Webdriver −

  1. Selenium is a free and open-source tool.

  2. Can be extended for various technologies that expose DOM.

  3. Supports multiple browsers.

  4. Supports multiple operating systems, and platforms.

  5. Supports mobile devices.

  6. Supports headless and parallel executions.

  7. Has a big community support for help in case of issues.

Disadvantages of Selenium Webdriver

让我们讨论 Selenium Webdriver 的一些缺点:

Let us discuss some of the disadvantages of Selenium Webdriver −

  1. Supports only web based applications.

  2. No support for QR, captcha and barcode, scenario.

  3. No feature such as Object Repository/Recovery Scenario.

  4. No default test report generation.

  5. Programming and technical knowledge required.

  6. It requires time to be more compatible and stable with new browsers.

  7. Difficult to set up since no vendor support.

Configure Selenium Webdriver in Different Languages

Selenium Webdriver 可以与多种语言结合使用,例如 Java、Python、C#、JavaScript、Ruby 等。在进行 Selenium Webdriver 配置之前,必须配置这些语言,才能真正使用 Selenium。

Selenium Webdriver can be used in conjunction with multiple languages like Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, and so on. Prior Selenium Webdriver configuration, it is mandatory to configure these languages before actually working with Selenium.

这结束了我们对 Selenium Webdriver 教程的全面讲解 - 简介。我们先介绍了 Selenium Webdriver 是什么,为什么 Selenium Webdriver 很重要,以及如何使用不同的语言配置 Selenium Webdriver。

This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Selenium Webdriver - Introduction. We’ve started with describing what Selenium Webdriver is, why Selenium Webdriver is important, and configure Selenium Webdriver in different languages.

这让你对 Selenium WebDriver 详细了解 - 简介。明智的做法是实践你已学到的知识,并探索其他与 Selenium 相关的知识,以加深你的理解并拓宽你的眼界。

This equips you with in-depth knowledge of the Selenium WebDriver - Introduction. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Selenium to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.