Servicenow 简明教程

ServiceNow Tutorial

ServiceNow 是一家云解决方案公司,用于流程自动化、IT 服务管理、IT 运营管理和 IT 业务管理。在本教程结束时,您应该已经对 ServiceNow 管理和开发有了很好的了解。

ServiceNow is a cloud solution company which is used for process automation, IT service management, IT operation management and IT business management. At the end of this tutorial, you should have gained good knowledge in ServiceNow administration and development.


本教程专为有兴趣了解 ServiceNow 概念的读者而设计。本教程还涵盖了 IT 服务管理 (ITSM) 和云计算的基础知识。它主要针对参与 ServiceNow 管理及其开发的软件专业人员。

This tutorial is designed for readers who are interested in understanding the concepts of ServiceNow. The tutorial also covers the basics of IT service management (ITSM) and Cloud computing. It is mainly targeted for software professionals who are involved in ServiceNow administration and its development.


这是一份基础教程,将帮助您从零开始了解 ServiceNow 的概念。学习 ServiceNow 管理无需任何先验知识,但对于 ServiceNow 开发,必须具备 Javascript 知识。对 ITSM 有些基本了解会很好,但不是强制性的。

This is an elementary tutorial which will help you to understand the concepts of ServiceNow from scratch. There is no prior knowledge required to learn ServiceNow administration, but for ServiceNow development, knowledge of Javascript is mandatory. It will be good to have some basic understanding of ITSM, however, not mandatory.