Servicenow 简明教程

ServiceNow - ITIL

ITIL 代表 Information Technology Infrastructure Library 。它是由英国政府的中央计算机和电信局 (CCTA) 在 20 世纪 80 年代引入的。

ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. It was introduced by the UK government’s Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) during the 1980s.

ITIL 是一系列书籍,其中包含了实现高效的 IT 服务 IT (Information Technology) Service Management (ITSM) 所规定的流程和最佳实践,并详细阐述了在任何组织中提供端到端 IT 服务所需的所有活动。

ITIL is a collection of books having processes and best practises laid down in order to achieve efficient IT (Information Technology) Service Management (ITSM) and elaborating all the activities required for delivering end to end IT services in any organisation.

ITIL 将服务定义为“通过促进客户希望实现的结果来提供价值的方法,但没有特定成本和风险的所有权。”ITSM 陈述了组织内设计、交付和管理 IT 服务的系统方法。

ITIL defines service as “means of delivering value to customers by facilitating outcomes customers want to achieve, but without the ownership of specific costs and risks.” ITSM states the systematic approach to design, deliver and manage IT services within the organization.

Stages of ITIL

ITIL 分为五个主要阶段。每个阶段都在服务生命周期中发挥特定的作用,并形成 ITIL 的骨架。让我们简单了解每个阶段。

ITIL is divided into five main stages. Every stage has a specific role to play in a service life cycle and form the skeleton of ITIL. Let’s look into each stage briefly.

Service Strategy

这是 ITIL 的第一阶段,它制定了新服务(或现有服务的更改)的蓝图。在这一阶段制定了服务的恰当计划和路线图。本阶段讨论了服务的各个方面,如价值创造、资源、能力、投资、投资组合等。

It is the first stage of ITIL, which lays down the blueprint of a new service (or changes in an existing service). The proper plan and roadmap of the service is prepared in this stage. All the aspects of services like value creation, resources, capabilities, investment, portfolio, etc. are discussed in this phase.

Service Design

这是 ITIL 的下一阶段,其中根据服务策略制定新服务或更改后的服务的架构。它还根据业务要求制定流程、政策和解决方案。

This is the next phase of ITIL, wherein, architecture of the new or changed service takes place, as per the service strategy. It also lays down the processes, policies and solutions as per the business requirements.

Service Transition

这是 ITIL 的第三个阶段,这一阶段的主要目标是在生产(现实世界)中规划、管理、构建和部署新服务或更改后的 IT 服务。该阶段还起草了风险管理和退出计划。变更管理是在服务过渡中出现的重要的流程之一,稍后将对此进行解释。

This is the third stage of ITIL and the main objective of this stage is plan, manage, build and deploy the new or changed IT service in the production (real world). This stage also drafts the risk management and back out plans. Change management is one of the important processes which comes under service transition, which is explained later.

Service Operation

ITIL 的这个阶段专注于向客户交付的日常 IT 服务。它确保高效交付每项 IT 服务,尽可能减少(或根本没有)中断。这一阶段引入了各种流程,这些流程在发生服务中断时需要执行,其中服务中断管理和问题管理尤为重要。

This stage of ITIL focuses on the day to day IT services, which are delivered to the customers. It makes sure that; every IT service is delivered efficiently without any (or at minimum possible) disruption. This stage introduces various processes, which need to be carried out in case of service disruption, incident management and problem management being important among them.

Continual Service Improvement (CSI)

该阶段突出了可以采取的提高总体服务效率和性能的步骤。CSI 与所有其他阶段紧密配合,并采用指标驱动的方法找出改进机会。

This stage highlights the steps that could be taken, to increase the overall efficiency and performance of the service. The CSI works closely with all the other stages and identifies improvement opportunities with metrics driven approach.

Processes in ITIL

现在我们来看看 ITIL 中的三个主要流程。 Change Management 属于服务过渡, Incident Management *and *Problem Management 属于服务运营。

Now let’s look into the three main processes in ITIL. The Change Management comes under Service Transition and Incident Management *and *Problem Management comes under Service operation.

Change Management


It is an approach which guides on how to prepare, manage and support transition in the service. It deals with any kind of change within the organisation. May it be technological change, process change, organisational restructuring, physical datacenter related changes, software related changes, server related changes, etc.

在 ServiceNow、Remedy 等任何 ITIL 工具中都会针对特定变更请求进行提出,以跟踪变更。变更请求会经历评审、审批、预算、文档等多个阶段,这些阶段会根据组织的策略而有所不同。

specific change request is raised in any ITIL tools like ServiceNow, Remedy, etc. to track the change. The change request undergoes several stages like review, approval, budgeting, documentations, etc. which may vary as per the organisation’s policies.

Incident Management


It is an approach to identify, analyse, manage and restore any disruption caused in the service. Incident management ensures that the performance of the service is up to the mark and any interruption in the quality of the service is restored as soon as possible.

支持/服务台主管会针对每个报告的中断在 ITIL 工具中创建一个具有唯一工单号的特定事件记录。对应的团队会进一步分析并恢复服务,并相应地在 ITIL 工具中更新事件工单。

A specific incident record with unique ticket number is raised in ITIL tool, by support/service desk executive for each and every disruption reported. The corresponding team further analyses and restore the service and updates the Incident ticket accordingly in ITIL tool.

Problem Management

问题管理的目的是找到反复事件的永久根源。问题管理减轻了反复事件对服务的影响。根据 ITIL 实践,会针对反复类型事件创建一个问题记录。

The purpose of problem management is to find a permanent root cause for the recurring incidents. Problem management mitigates the impact of the recurring incidents in the services. As per the ITIL practice, a problem record is raised for recurring types of incidents.


The corresponding team finds the exact root cause and proposes change or fix in the service for the permanent resolution of the incident. A change request is raised for the proposed fix/change and it is implemented in production through change management process.

Example of entire ITIL process

我们以在线通过其网站销售书籍的初创公司 BookWorm ltd. 为例。该公司计划在选定的城市推出图书租赁服务。此服务提供上门送书和归还租赁图书的便利服务。自成立以来,该公司就采用了 ITIL 框架,并且由于这是一项新服务,因此应该经历 ITIL 的各个阶段。

Let us take an example of a startup BookWorm ltd., which sells books online through their website. The company is planning to launch a book rental service in selected cities. This service provides facility for doorstep delivery and return of the rented books. The company has adopted an ITIL framework, since its establishment and since, this is a new service, it should undergo various stages of ITIL.

Service strategy

首先向利益相关者介绍服务提案。在此阶段讨论客户基础、投资回报 (ROI)、价格、市场研究、竞争对手和商业模式。

The service proposal is first presented to the stakeholders. The discussions on customer base, return on investment (ROI), prices, market research, competitors and business model takes place in this phase.

Service design


The blueprint of the service is prepared by the experts in the respective fields. The technology that will be used to deliver the service to the customer, subscription plans, payment method, online portal design, delivery and return model and charges are finalised in this stage.

Service transition


At this point of time, scope and design of the service is already defined. In service transition, the preparation to implement the service starts. The change request is raised for the new service and activities like software development, budgeting, approval, acquisitions, inventory management is undertaken by the respective teams. The roadmap for the service is finalised and milestone dates are set for the service to go live.

Service operation


The service is now in production and each and every issue (whether one time or recurring) reported during the service delivery by the customers, users or internal team is tracked and managed by the Service operation.

Continual Service Improvement

在这个持续过程中,会发现改善服务的机会,例如,内部 IT 团队建议为其网站使用新的 CMS(内容管理系统)工具,该工具提供改进的指标、易于访问和增强的功能。

In this continuous process, the opportunities are identified to make service better, for example, internal IT team suggests a new CMS (content management system) tool for their website, which provides improved metrics, easy access and enhanced features.

Change, Incident and Problem Management

下面讨论了 BookWorm Ltd. 在变更管理、事件管理和问题管理方面的示例:

An example of BookWorm Ltd. with respect to change management, incident management and problem management is discussed below −

BookWorm ltd. 已提出一个想法,将新的 CMS 作为持续服务改进的一部分实施。服务改进计划经历 ITIL 的各个阶段 - 服务战略、服务设计、服务过渡,最后在生产中实施新的 CMS,并作为服务运营的一部分进行监控。新 CMS 按预期执行,并提供增强的功能。

The BookWorm ltd. has taken forward the idea to implement the new CMS as a part of continual service improvement. The service improvement plan undergoes various stages of ITIL - Service strategy, Service design, Service transition and finally the new CMS is implemented in production and is being monitored as part of Service operation. The new CMS is performing as expected and is providing enhanced features.

有一天,使用图书租赁服务的一位客户打电话给客服并报告说,他选择了其基本计划的月度订阅,但按高级计划向他收取了费用。客服主管在 ITIL 工具中为该问题创建了事件工单,并将其转发给相关团队。这是 Incident management phase 。IT 团队检查问题,并直接从后端(数据库)纠正账单金额和计划,并将事件标记为已解决。

One fine day a customer using book rental service calls up the customer care and reports that, he had opted for the monthly subscription of their basic plan, but he was billed as per the premium plan. The customer care executive creates an Incident ticket for the issue in ITIL tool and forwards it to the respective team. This is the Incident management phase. The IT team checks the issue and corrects the bill amount and plan from the backend (database) directly and marks the incident as resolved.

一段时间后,多个客户报告了类似事件。在通过后端手动调整解决问题后,IT 团队决定找到永久根源并解决此问题。他们在 ITIL 工具中为此反复事件打开了一个问题记录,并开始调查。这是一项 problem management phase 。经过调查,团队在其脚本中发现了一个错误,并确定了解决方案的一部分所需要的 скрипт中的所需要的变更。

With time, several similar incidents got reported by multiple customers. After resolving the issue by manual adjustment from the backend, the IT team decides to find a permanent root cause and fix this issue. They open a problem record for this recurring incident in an ITIL tool and start the investigation. This is a problem management phase. After an investigation, the team spots a bug in their script and identifies the changes required in the script as a part of fix.

IT 团队现在在 ITIL 工具中提出更改请求,修复新 CMS 脚本并开始处理代码更改。这是 change management phase 。更改请求将经历各种审批、优先级和预算编制阶段,最后根据商定的日期在生产中实施。

The IT team now raises a change request in ITIL tool to fix the script of the new CMS and starts working in the code changes. This is the change management phase. The change request goes through various approval, prioritisation and budgeting phase and finally, gets implemented in production as per the agreed date.