Servicenow 简明教程

ServiceNow - Mastering and Certification

ServiceNow 是一个企业云生态系统,它彻底改变了在组织内实施 ITSM 的方式。由于其灵活、质量更高、生产力更高、集成方便的特点,它非常受欢迎。

ServiceNow is an enterprise cloud ecosystem, which has revolutionised the way ITSM is implemented within the organisation. Due to its flexibility, better quality, improved productivity and easy integration, it is in very much demand.

我们的 ServiceNow 教程应该为您提供扎实的根基和足够的知识,开始您的 ServiceNow 专业人士之旅。您可以开始在您的开发人员实例中创建新应用程序,用于假设用例,因为动手实践非常必要,以掌握每个主题并对每个主题建立良好的理解。

Our ServiceNow tutorial, should have given you a strong base and sufficient knowledge to start your journey as a ServiceNow professional. You can start creating new applications in your developer instances, for hypothetical use cases, because hands on is very necessary, to grasp each and every topic and to build good understanding on each topic.

您在 ServiceNow 领域有两个职业选择,如下所示 -

You have two career options in the field of ServiceNow, which are as follows −

  1. ServiceNow developer

  2. ServiceNow administrators


Although having a specialisation in administration or development is very beneficial. Many organisations prefer to hire resources having knowledge of both fields. We have tried to cover the important concepts of both administration and development in this tutorial.

但是,您可以通过浏览 ServiceNow 文档来提高熟练度。ServiceNow 非常系统地组织了其产品的文档,您可以使用此链接 来参考它们。

However, you can gain more proficiency by going through ServiceNow documentations. ServiceNow has organised the documentation of their products very systematically and you can refer to it, using this link .

接下来,我们要强调的是,您可以通过 ServiceNow 认证展示您的 ServiceNow 技能。要获得 ServiceNow 认证,必须首先完成 ServiceNow 付费培训,之后您将收到免费认证券。

Next thing, we want to highlight is that, you can showcase your ServiceNow skills through ServiceNow certification. To earn a ServiceNow certification, it is mandatory to complete the ServiceNow paid training first and post which, you will receive a free certification voucher.

ServiceNow 已将认证分为四个主要类别,如下所示:

ServiceNow have divided the certifications in four main categories, which are as follows −

  1. Certified implementation specialist (CIS)

  2. Certified application developer (CAD)

  3. Certified application specialist (CAS)

您可以在此 URL 上找到有关 ServiceNow 认证和 ServiceNow 授权培训合作伙伴的更多详细信息。

You can find more details on ServiceNow certifications and ServiceNow authorised training partners on this URL,