Snowflake 简明教程

Snowflake - Objects

Snowflake 在三个临时存储区内从逻辑上组织数据 − 帐户、数据库和模式。

Snowflake logically organizes data in three stages − Account, Database and Schema.

数据库和模式在 Snowflake 帐户内从逻辑上组织数据。一个帐户可以有多个数据库和模式,但一个数据库必须与一个模式相关联,反之亦然。

Database and Schemas organize data logically within a Snowflake Account. An Account can have multiple databases and schemas, but a database must be tied up with only one schema and vice versa.

Snowflake Objects

下面是 Snowflake 对象的列表 −

Here is the list of Snowflake objects −

  1. Account

  2. User

  3. Role

  4. Virtual Warehouse

  5. Resource Monitor

  6. Integration

  7. Database

  8. Schema

  9. Table

  10. View

  11. Stored Procedure

  12. User Defined Functions (UDF)

  13. Stage

  14. File Format

  15. Pipe

  16. Sequence


Objects after Schema are tied up with Schema and Schema is tied up with Database. Other entities like User and Role are used for authentication and access management.

以下是有关您应该了解的 Snowflake 对象的一些重要要点 −

Here is a set of important points regarding Snowflake objects that you should be aware of −

  1. All snowflake objects fall under logical containers where the top level container is Account, i.e., everything is under Snowflake’s Account.

  2. Snowflake secures all the objects individually.

  3. Users can perform operations and tasks on objects based on the privileges granted to roles. Privileges Example −