Soap 简明教程

SOAP Tutorial

SOAP 是一个基于 XML 的开放标准消息传递协议,用于在计算机之间交换信息。这是一个简短的教程,在进一步解释它的各个元素、编码和 SOAP 如何传输之前,先向读者介绍 SOAP 的基础知识。

SOAP is an open-standard, XML-based messaging protocol for exchanging information among computers. This is a brief tutorial that introduces the readers to the fundamentals of SOAP before moving on to explain its various elements, encoding, and how SOAP is transported.


本教程专为初学者编写,以帮助他们了解 SOAP 的基础知识以及如何实际实现它。

This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basics of SOAP and how to implement it in practice.


作为本教程的读者,您应该对客户端/服务器环境有一定基础了解,并具备 XML 和 XML 名称空间的知识。

As a reader of this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of client/server environment, and knowledge of XML and XML namespace.