Soap 简明教程
SOAP - Standards
SOAP 1.1 最初于 2000 年 5 月提交给 W3C。官方提交者包括大型公司,如 Microsoft、IBM 和 Ariba,以及小型公司,如 UserLand Software 和 DevelopMentor。
SOAP 1.1 was originally submitted to the W3C in May 2000. Official submitters included large companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba, and smaller companies such as UserLand Software and DevelopMentor.
2001 年 7 月,XML 协议工作组发布了 SOAP 1.2 的“工作草案”。在 W3C 中,此文档正式的工作进程,这意味着在最终确定之前,该文档可能会多次更新。
In July 2001, the XML Protocol Working Group released a "working draft" of SOAP 1.2. Within the W3C, this document is officially a work in progress, meaning that the document is likely to be updated many times before it is finalized.
SOAP 1.1 版本可以在 在线获得
SOAP Version 1.1 is available online at
SOAP 1.2 版本的工作草案可以在 获得
The working draft of SOAP Version 1.2 is available at
请注意,W3C 还主持提交“带有附件的 SOAP 消息”,它与核心 SOAP 规范分离开来。此规范使 SOAP 消息能够包括图像和声音文件等二进制附件。如需了解详细信息,请参见 处的 W3C 注意事项。
Note that the W3C also hosts a submission for "SOAP Messages with Attachments", which separates from the core SOAP specification. This specification enables SOAP messages to include binary attachments such as images and sound files. For full details, see the W3C Note at