Spacy 简明教程

spaCy Tutorial

软件开发人员 Matthew HonnibalInes Montani 开发的 spaCy 是一个用于高级 NLP(自然语言处理)的开源软件库。它使用 PythonCython (Python 的 C 扩展,主要设计用于为 Python 语言程序提供类似 C 的性能)编写。spaCy 是一个相对较新的框架,但它是用于实现 NLP 的最强大、最先进的库之一。

spaCy, developed by software developers Matthew Honnibal and Ines Montani, is an open-source software library for advanced NLP (Natural Language Processing). It is written in Python and Cython (C extension of Python which is mainly designed to give C like performance to the Python language programs). spaCy is a relatively new framework but one of the most powerful and advanced libraries used to implement NLP.


本教程对毕业生、研究生和研究型学生很有用,他们要么对 NLP 感兴趣,要么将其作为课程的一部分。读者可以是初学者或高级学习者。

This tutorial will be useful for graduates, post-graduates, and research students who either have an interest in NLP or have these subjects as a part of their curriculum. The reader can be a beginner or an advanced learner.


读者必须具备关于 NLP 和人工智能的基本知识。他还/她还应该了解英语语法和 Python 编程概念中使用的基本术语。

The reader must have basic knowledge about NLP and artificial intelligence. He/she should also be aware about the basic terminologies used in English grammar and Python programming concepts.