Spring 简明教程
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Spring Framework 是一个开源 Java 平台,它为非常轻松而且非常快速地开发健壮的 Java 应用程序提供全面的基础设施支持。Spring Framework 最初是由罗德·约翰逊编写的,并于 2003 年 6 月在 Apache 2.0 许可证下首次发布。本教程基于 2015 年 3 月发布的 Spring Framework 4.1.6 版本编写。
Spring framework is an open source Java platform that provides comprehensive infrastructure support for developing robust Java applications very easily and very rapidly. Spring framework was initially written by Rod Johnson and was first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003. This tutorial has been written based on Spring Framework version 4.1.6 released in Mar 2015.