Spring Boot H2 简明教程

Spring Boot & H2 Tutorial

Spring Boot 对内存数据库 H2 提供内在支持,并且配置最少。开发人员可以在一小时内快速启动具有 CRUD 功能的应用程序。H2 是一款内存数据库,充当嵌入式数据库。它仅在应用程序运行时保留数据。永久存储也可以进行配置。

Spring Boot provides a intrinsic support for an in memory database, H2 and is minimal in configurations. Developers can quickly start a application with CRUD capabilities within a hour. H2 is a in memory database and acts as an embedded database. It persists data only upto the time when application is running. Permanent storage can be configured as well.


本教程专为希望深入了解 Spring Boot 应用程序以连接到 H2 数据库的 Java 程序员设计,并附带实际用法。

This tutorial is designed for Java programmers who would like to understand the Spring Boot application to connect to H2 database in detail along with actual usage.


在继续本教程之前,你应充分理解 Java 编程语言。由于你要处理 H2 数据库,因此你应事先了解 RDBMS 和数据库概念。

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a good understanding of Java programming language. As you are going to deal with H2 database, you should have prior exposure to RDBMS and Database concepts.