Spring Boot Jpa 简明教程
Spring Boot JPA - Repository methods
Let’s now analyze the methods available in repository interface which we’ve created.
Repository - EmployeeRepository.java
Following is the default code of Repository to implement CRUD operations on above entity, Employee.
package com.tutorialspoint.repository;
import org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import com.tutorialspoint.entity.Employee;
public interface EmployeeRepository extends CrudRepository<Employee, Integer> {
Now this repository contains following methods by default.
Sr.No |
Method & Description |
1 |
count(): long returns the number of entities available. |
2 |
delete(Employee entity): void deletes an entity. |
3 |
deleteAll():void deletes all the entities. |
4 |
deleteAll(Iterable< extends Employee > entities):void deletes the entities passed as argument. |
5 |
deleteAll(Iterable< extends Integer > ids):void deletes the entities identified using their ids passed as argument. |
6 |
existsById(Integer id):boolean checks if an entity exists using its id. |
7 |
findAll():Iterable< Employee > returns all the entities. |
8 |
findAllByIds(Iterable< Integer > ids):Iterable< Employee > returns all the entities identified using ids passed as argument. |
9 |
findById(Integer id):Optional< Employee > returns an entity identified using id. |
10 |
save(Employee entity): Employee saves an entity and return the updated one. |
11 |
saveAll(Iterable< Employee> entities): Iterable< Employee> saves all entities passed and return the updated entities. |