Springbootcli 简明教程

Spring Boot CLI Tutorial

Spring Boot CLI 是一种命令行工具,用于快速启动 Spring。它允许运行 Groovy 脚本。Groovy 脚本类似于 Java 代码,没有任何样板代码。Spring CLI 有助于引导新项目或为其编写自定义命令。

Spring Boot CLI is a command line tool, which is used for a quick start with Spring. It allows running Groovy scripts. Groovy scripts are similar to Java code without any boilerplate code. Spring CLI helps to bootstrap a new project or write custom command for it.


本教程对大多数 Java 开发人员都有用,从初学者到专家。完成本教程后,你将发现自己在 Spring Boot CLI 方面处于中等专业水平,从此可以提升到下一个水平。

This tutorial will be useful for most Java developers, starting from beginners to experts. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in Spring Boot CLI, from where you can take yourself to next levels.


了解基本的 Java 编程语言和 Spring Spring Tutorial 是学习本教程中解释的概念的唯一先决条件。

Knowledge of basic Java programming language and Spring Spring Tutorial is the only prerequisite for learning the concepts explained in this tutorial.