Springjdbc 简明教程

Spring JDBC Tutorial

Spring JDBC 框架处理从打开连接、准备和执行 SQL 语句、处理异常、处理事务再到最终关闭连接的所有低级细节。本教程在让大家了解 Spring 提供的 JDBC 框架的同时,带大家了解简单且实用的方法。

Spring JDBC Framework takes care of all the low-level details starting from opening the connection, preparing and executing the SQL statement, processing exceptions, handling transactions, and finally closing the connection. This tutorial will take you through simple and practical approaches while learning JDBC framework provided by Spring.


本教程专为初学者编写,以帮助他们理解与 Spring 的 JDBC 框架相关的从基本到高级的概念。

This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts related to JDBC framework of Spring.



Before you start practicing the various types of examples given in this tutorial, we assume that you are already aware about computer programs and computer programming languages.