Sql 简明教程
SQL - String Functions
SQL 字符串函数主要用于字符串处理。下表列出了重要的字符串函数:
SQL string functions are used primarily for string manipulation. The following table details the important string functions −
Sr.No. |
Function & Description |
1 |
ASCII()Returns numeric value of left-most character |
2 |
CHAR()Returns the character for each integer passed |
3 |
CHARINDEX()Returns the position of a substring within the given string. |
4 |
CONCAT_WS()Returns concatenate with separator |
5 |
CONCAT()Returns concatenated string |
6 |
DIFFERENCE()returns an integer value measuring the difference between the SOUNDEX() values of two different expressions(strings). |
7 |
ESCAPE()Returns a text with escaped characters. |
8 |
FORMAT()Returns the formatted string. |
9 |
LEFT()Returns the extracting string. |
10 |
LEN()Returns the length of the given string. |
11 |
LOWER()Returns returns the lower case of the given string. |
12 |
LTRIM()Returns a string after removing all the white spaces and characters from the string found on the left side. |
13 |
NCHAR()Returns the Unicode character based on the number code. |
14 |
PATINDEX()Returns the position of a pattern in a string. |
15 |
QUOTENAME()Returns a string with a delimiter |
16 |
REPLACE()Returns a new string by replacing all the occurrences of the particular part of a string (substring) with a specified string. |
17 |
REPLICATE()Returns the repeated value. |
18 |
REVERSE()Returns a reversed string. |
19 |
RIGHT()Returns the rightmost characters from the actual(current) string. |
20 |
RTRIM()Returns a string after removing all trailing blanks. |
21 |
SOUNDEX()Returns the Soundex string. |
22 |
SPACE()returns a string consisting of N number of space characters. |
23 |
STR()Returns a number as string. |
24 |
STRING_AGG()Concatenates the values of string expressions and places separator values between them. |
25 |
STRING_SPLIT()Splits a string into rows of substrings. |
26 |
STUFF()Returns a new string by inserting the second expression at the specified deleted place. |
27 |
SUBSTRING()Returns the part of the character. |
28 |
TRANSLATE()Returns a string from the first argument. |
29 |
TRIM()Returns a trimmed string. |
30 |
UNICODE()Returns an integer value of the first character. |
31 |
UPPER()returns a string that has all the characters in upper case. |