Sql Certificate 简明教程

SQL Fundamentals Certification

(Oracle Certified Oracle Database 11g Administrator)

Oracle 的 Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals 考试是 Oracle 认证 Oracle Database 11g 管理员轨道的部分内容,它结合了培训、经验和测试,为候选人提供行业最先进的数据库管理系统的坚实基础和专业知识。

Oracle’s Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals exam is part of the Oracle Certified Oracle Database 11g Administrator track, combining training, experience, and testing to endorse candidates with a strong foundation and expertise in the industry’s most advanced database management system.

此认证是为了让你进入赢得 Oracle 基于 SQL 的项目的候选人名单。Oracle 技术认证是一项有价值的、行业认可的证书,代表着已证明的知识和技能水平。

This certification is to put you on the short list for winning Oracle SQL-Based projects. An Oracle Technical Certification is a valuable, industry-recognized credential that signifies a proven level of knowledge and skill.

Oracle Database:SQL 基础知识 I - 仅作为 Oracle Database:SQL 导论(捆绑包)的一部分在某些地区提供,Exam 051 已针对 Oracle Database 10g 和 11g Release 2 版本 验证。此考试可以作为非监考考试在线参加,也可以作为监考考试在考试中心参加。

Oracle Database: SQL Fundamentals I - only available as part of Oracle Database: Introduction to SQL (Bundle) in some regions and Exam 051 has been validated against Oracle Database 10g and 11g Release 2 version This exam can be taken online as a non-proctored exam, or in a test center as a proctored exam.

Exam Number


Exam Name

Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals

Certification Track

Oracle Certified Oracle Database 11g Administrator

Exam Product Version


Exam Fees

US$ 125

Number of Questions



120 Minutes

Passing Score


Questions format

Multiple Choice


此认证主要适用于开发人员、应用程序开发人员、PL/SQL 开发人员、表单开发人员、系统分析师、业务分析师和数据仓库管理员。也推荐给希望开始和/或继续使用 SQL 技术的入门级和初级程序员,以及希望巩固其与 SQL 相关的技能的软件开发人员和技术负责人。

This certification is primarily good for developer, application developers, PL/SQL developer, forms developer, system analysts, business analysts and data warehouse administrator. It is also recommended to the entry-level and junior programmers wishing to start and/or continue down the path of using SQL technologies and same time software developers and technical leads wishing to solidify their SQL-related skill sets.