Sqlalchemy 简明教程
SQLAlchemy Core - Executing Expression
在上一章中,我们了解了 SQL 表达式。本章中,我们将会了解如何执行这些表达式。
In the previous chapter, we have learnt SQL Expressions. In this chapter, we shall look into the execution of these expressions.
要执行所得的 SQL 表达式,必须首先 obtain a connection object representing an actively checked out DBAPI connection resource 并 feed the expression object ,如下面的代码所示。
In order to execute the resulting SQL expressions, we have to obtain a connection object representing an actively checked out DBAPI connection resource and then feed the expression object as shown in the code below.
conn = engine.connect()
以下 insert() 对象可用于 execute() 方法:
The following insert() object can be used for execute() method −
ins = students.insert().values(name = 'Ravi', lastname = 'Kapoor')
result = conn.execute(ins)
控制台将显示 SQL 表达式执行结果,如下面所示:
The console shows the result of execution of SQL expression as below −
INSERT INTO students (name, lastname) VALUES (?, ?)
('Ravi', 'Kapoor')
以下是显示使用 SQLAlchemy 核心技术执行 INSERT 查询的完整代码段:
Following is the entire snippet that shows the execution of INSERT query using SQLAlchemy’s core technique −
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///college.db', echo = True)
meta = MetaData()
students = Table(
'students', meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
Column('name', String),
Column('lastname', String),
ins = students.insert()
ins = students.insert().values(name = 'Ravi', lastname = 'Kapoor')
conn = engine.connect()
result = conn.execute(ins)
可以使用 SQLite Studio 打开数据库并查看结果,如下图所示:
The result can be verified by opening the database using SQLite Studio as shown in the below screenshot −

结果变量被称为 ResultProxy object 。这类似于 DBAPI 游标对象。我们可以使用 ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key 获取语句中生成的主键值的信息,如下所示:
The result variable is known as a ResultProxy object. It is analogous to the DBAPI cursor object. We can acquire information about the primary key values which were generated from our statement using ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key as shown below −
要使用 DBAPI 的 execute many() 方法发出多个插入操作,可以发送一个列表,其中每个列表包含一组要插入的不同参数。
To issue many inserts using DBAPI’s execute many() method, we can send in a list of dictionaries each containing a distinct set of parameters to be inserted.
conn.execute(students.insert(), [
{'name':'Rajiv', 'lastname' : 'Khanna'},
{'name':'Komal','lastname' : 'Bhandari'},
{'name':'Abdul','lastname' : 'Sattar'},
{'name':'Priya','lastname' : 'Rajhans'},
This is reflected in the data view of the table as shown in the following figure −