Statistics 简明教程
Statistics - Data collection - Observation
观察是一种在行为科学中流行的数据收集方法。观察的力量已被 W.L.Prosser 总结如下:
Observation is a popular method of data collection in behavioral sciences. The power, observation has been summed by W.L. Prosser as follows
Observation refers to the monitoring and recording of behavioral and non behavioral activities and conditions in a systematic manner to obtain information about the phenomena of interest, 'Behavioral Observation' is:
Non verbal analysis like body movement. eye movement.
Linguistic analysis which includes observing sounds like ohs! and abs!
Extra linguistic analysis which observes the pitch timbre, rate of speaking etc.
Spatial analysis about how people relate to each other.
The non behavioral observation is an analysis of records e.g. newspaper archives, physical condition analysis such as checking the quality of grains in gunny bags and process analysis which includes observing any process. Observation can be classified into various, categories.