Statistics 简明教程

Statistics - Pie Chart

饼状图(或饼状图)是一个圆形的统计图表,被分成若干个扇区,以说明或展示数值比例。在饼状图中,每个扇区的中心角、面积和弧长与其表示的数量或百分比成比例。总百分比应为 100,所有弧度之和应为 360 度。饼状图的以下说明描述了建造房屋的成本。

A pie chart (or a pie graph) is a circular statistical graphical chart, which is divided into slices in order to explain or illustrate numerical proportions. In a pie chart, centeral angle, area and an arc length of each slice is proportional to the quantity or percentages it represents. Total percentages should be 100 and total of the arc measures should be 360° Following illustration of pie graph depicts the cost of construction of a house.

pie chart1


From this graph, one can compare the sum spent on cement, steel and so on. One can also compute the actual sum spent on each individual expense. Consider an example, where we want to know how much more is the labour cost when compared to cost of steel.