Statistics 简明教程

Statistics - Probability


概率意味着“可能性”或“机会”。如果一个事件肯定会发生,则该事件发生的概率为 1,如果肯定不会发生,则该事件发生的概率为 0。

Probability implies 'likelihood' or 'chance'. When an event is certain to happen then the probability of occurrence of that event is 1 and when it is certain that the event cannot happen then the probability of that event is 0.

因此,概率的值范围是 0 到 1。概率已被各个思想流派以不同的方式定义。以下讨论其中一些。

Hence the value of probability ranges from 0 to 1. Probability has been defined in a varied manner by various schools of thought. Some of which are discussed below.

Classical Definition of Probability

顾名思义,古典概率定义方法是最古老的方法。它指出,如果有 n 个穷举的、互斥的和同样可能的案例,其中 m 个案例有利于事件 A 的发生,

As the name suggests the classical approach to defining probability is the oldest approach. It states that if there are n exhaustive, mutually exclusive andequally likely cases out of which m cases are favourable to the happening ofevent A,

然后事件 A 的概率由以下概率函数定义:

Then the probabilities of event A is defined as given by the following probability function:



Thus to calculate the probability we need information on number of favorable cases and total number of equally likely cases. This can he explained using following example.


Problem Statement:

Problem Statement:


A coin is tossed. What is the probability of getting a head?



完全可能的结果总数 (n) = 2(即正面或反面)

Total number of equally likely outcomes (n) = 2 (i.e. head or tail)

有利于正面的结果数 (m) = 1

Number of outcomes favorable to head (m) = 1