Statistics 简明教程

Statistics - Process Capability (Cp) & Process Performance (Pp)

Process Capability

过程能力可以定义为过程相对于其规格的可测量属性。它以过程能力指数 ${C_p}$ 表示。过程能力指数用于检查过程产生的输出的变异性,并将变异性与产品公差进行比较。 ${C_p}$ 由以下公式控制:



  1. ${USL}$ = 上规格限。

  2. ${LSL}$ = 下规格限。

  3. ${\mu}$ = 过程的估计均值。

  4. ${\sigma}$ = 过程的估计变异性,标准差。

过程能力指数 ${C_p}$ 的值越高,过程越好。


考虑一辆汽车及其停车位的案例。车库尺寸表示规格限,而汽车定义为过程输出。此处,过程能力将说明汽车尺寸、车库尺寸以及汽车停放在车库中间有多远之间的关系。如果汽车尺寸比车库尺寸小很多,则可以轻松将汽车停入其中。如果汽车尺寸与车库尺寸相比非常小,则可以从中心任意距离停入。就过程控制而言,这种变化较小的过程允许轻松地将汽车停放在车库中,并满足客户的要求。让我们根据过程能力指数 ${C_p}$ 来考虑上述示例。

  1. ${C_p = \frac{1}{2}}$ - 车库尺寸小于汽车,无法容纳您的汽车。

  2. ${C_p = 1}$ - 车库尺寸刚好适合汽车,只能容纳您的汽车。

  3. ${C_p = 2}$ - garage size is two times than your car and can accomodate two cars at a time.

  4. ${C_p = 3}$ - garage size is three times than your car and can accomodate three cars at a time.

Process Performance

Process performance works to check the conformance of the sample generated using the process. It is expressed as a process performance index ${P_p}$. It checks whether it is meeting customer requirement or not. It varies from Process Capability in the fact that Process Performance is applicable to a particular batch of material. Sampling method may need to be quite substancial to support of the variation in the batch. Process Performance is only to be used when a process control cannot be evaluated. ${P_p}$ is governed by following formula:



  1. ${USL}$ = 上规格限。

  2. ${LSL}$ = 下规格限。

  3. ${\sigma}$ = 过程的估计变异性,标准差。

Higher the value of process performance index ${P_p}$, better is the process.