Statistics 简明教程

Statistics - Regression Intercept Confidence Interval


Regression Intercept Confidence Interval, is a way to determine closeness of two factors and is used to check the reliability of estimation.



Where −

  1. ${\beta_0}$ = Regression intercept.

  2. ${k}$ = Number of Predictors.

  3. ${n}$ = sample size.

  4. ${SE_{\beta_0}}$ = Standard Error.

  5. ${\alpha}$ = Percentage of Confidence Interval.

  6. ${t}$ = t-value.


Problem Statement:

Problem Statement:

计算以下数据的回归截距置信区间。预测变量总数(k)为 1,回归截距 ${\beta_0}$ 为 5,样本量 (n) 为 10,标准误差 ${SE_{\beta_0}}$ 为 0.15。

Compute the Regression Intercept Confidence Interval of following data. Total number of predictors (k) are 1, regression intercept ${\beta_0}$ as 5, sample size (n) as 10 and standard error ${SE_{\beta_0}}$ as 0.15.



Let us consider the case of 99% Confidence Interval.

Let us consider the case of 99% Confidence Interval.

步骤 1:计算 ${ \alpha = 0.99}$ 处的 t 值。

Step 1: Compute t-value where ${ \alpha = 0.99}$.

步骤 2:${\ge} $ 回归截距:

Step 2: ${\ge} $Regression intercept:

步骤 3:${\le} $ 回归截距:

Step 3: ${\le} $Regression intercept:

因此,对于 99% 置信区间,回归截距置信区间为 ${4.49669}$${5.50331}$

As a result, Regression Intercept Confidence Interval is ${4.49669}$ or ${5.50331}$ for 99% Confidence Interval.