Statistics 简明教程

Statistics - Relative Standard Deviation

在概率论和统计学中,变异系数 (CV),也称为相对标准差 (RSD),是一种标准化的概率分布或频率分布离散度度量。

In probability theory and statistics, the coefficient of variation (CV), also known as relative standard deviation (RSD), is a standardized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution or frequency distribution.

相对标准差 RSD 的定义和概率函数如下:

Relative Standard Deviation, RSD is defined and given by the following probability function:



Where −

  1. ${s}$ = the sample standard deviation

  2. ${\bar x}$ = sample mean


Problem Statement:

Problem Statement:

找出以下数字集合的 RSD:49、51.3、52.7、55.8 且标准差为 2.8437065。

Find the RSD for the following set of numbers: 49, 51.3, 52.7, 55.8 and the standard deviation are 2.8437065.



Step 1 - 样本标准差:2.8437065(或四舍五入到小数点后两位的 2.84)。

Step 1 - Standard deviation of sample: 2.8437065 (or 2.84 rounded to 2 decimal places).

Step 2 - 将步骤 1 乘以 100。暂时将此数字放在一边。

Step 2 - Multiply Step 1 by 100. Set this number aside for a moment.

Step 3 - 找出样本均值 ${\bar x}$。样本均值为:

Step 3 - Find the sample mean, ${\bar x}$. The sample mean is:

*步骤 4*将步骤 2 除以步骤 3 的绝对值。

*Step 4*Divide Step 2 by the absolute value of Step 3.

RSD 为:

The RSD is:

请注意,RSD 以百分比表示。

Note that the RSD is expressed as a percentage.