Statistics 简明教程
Statistics - Reliability Coefficient
A measure of the accuracy of a test or measuring instrument obtained by measuring the same individuals twice and computing the correlation of the two sets of measures.
Reliability Coefficient is defined and given by the following function:
Where −
${N}$ = Number of Tasks
Problem Statement:
Problem Statement:
一个研究经历了三个人 (P) 和他们被分配的三个不同的任务 (T)。找出信度系数?
An undertaking was experienced with three Persons (P) and they are assigned with three distinct Tasks (T). Discover the Reliability Coefficient?
给出,学生数量 (P) = 3 任务数量 (N) = 3。找到,按照以下步骤进行信度系数:
Given, Number of Students (P) = 3 Number of Tasks (N) = 3. To Find, Reliability Coefficient, follow the steps as following:
Step 1
Give us a chance to first figure the average score of the persons and their tasks
Step 3
目前,计算 P0-T0 和 P1-T0、P0-T1 和 P1-T1、P0-T2 和 P1-T2 的个体方差。要确定个体方差值,我们必须包括以上计算出的所有变化值。
Presently, figure the individual variance of P0-T0 and P1-T0, P0-T1 and P1-T1, P0-T2 and P1-T2. To ascertain the individual variance value, we ought to include all the above computed change values.