Statistics 简明教程
Statistics - Root Mean Square
均方根,RMS 被定义为均方的平方根,其中均方是数字的平方算术平均值。RMS 也称为二次均值。
Root Mean Square, RMS is defined as the square root of mean square where mean square is the arithmetic mean of the squares of numbers. RMS is also termed as the quadratic mean.
Where −
${x_i}$ = items under observation.
${n}$ = total number of items.
Problem Statement:
Problem Statement:
计算以下数据的 RMS。
Compute the RMS of following data.
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Step 1: 计算每个数字的平方。
Step 1: Compute squares of each no.
Step 2: 计算每个数字平方的平均值。
Step 2: Compute mean of squares of each no.
Step 3: 通过计算平方的平均值的平方根来计算 RMS。
Step 3: Compute RMS by taking sqrt of means of squares.
结果,RMS 是 ${7.58}$ 。
As a result, RMS is ${7.58}$.