Tableau 简明教程

Tableau - Add Worksheets

Tableau 屏幕中的工作表是创建数据分析视图的区域。当您建立与数据源的连接时,Tableau 默认提供三个空白工作表。您可以继续添加多个工作表,在一个屏幕中一个接一个地查看不同的数据视图。

Worksheet in the Tableau screen is the area where you create the views for data analysis. By default, Tableau provides three blank worksheets when you have established a connection to data source. You can go on adding multiple worksheets to look at different data views in the same screen, one after another.

Adding a Worksheet


You can add a worksheet in two ways. Right-click on the name of the current worksheet and choose the option New Worksheet from the pop-up menu. You can also click on the small icon to the right of the last sheet name to add a worksheet.

add worksheet 1

Quick Preview of a Worksheet


Staying in one worksheet, you can have a quick preview of another worksheet by hovering the mouse on the name of the other worksheet.

add worksheet 2