Tableau 简明教程

Tableau - Box Plot

箱线图又称为盒须图。它们显示沿轴分布的值。盒子表示中间 50% 的数据,即数据分布的中间两个四分位数。其余 50% 的数据在两侧由也称为须线的线表示,以显示不超过四分位间距 1.5 倍的所有点,即不超过邻接盒子宽度的 1.5 倍的所有点,或数据最大程度的所有点。

The box plots are also known as a box-and-whisker plots. They show the distribution of values along an axis. Boxes indicate the middle 50 percent of the data which is, the middle two quartiles of the data’s distribution. The remaining 50 percent of data on both sides is represented by lines also called whiskers, to display all points within 1.5 times the interquartile range, which is all points within 1.5 times the width of the adjoining box, or all points at the maximum extent of the data.


The Box Plots take one or more measures with zero or more dimensions.

Creating a Box Plot


Using the Sample-superstore, plan to find the size of profits for the respective category for each Ship mode values. To achieve this objective, following are the steps.

Step 1 − 将维度类别拖放到列架,将利润拖放到行架。同时将维度运输模式拖放到列架中类别的右侧。

Step 1 − Drag and drop the dimension category to the Columns shelf and profit to the Rows shelf. Also drag the dimension Ship mode to the right of Category in Columns shelf.

Step 2 − 从“展示方式”中选择箱形图。将出现下面的显示箱形图的图表。这里,Tableau 会自动将运输模式重新分配到标记卡中。

Step 2 − Choose Box-and-Whisker plot from Show Me. The following chart appears which shows the box plots. Here, Tableau automatically reassigns the ship mode to the Marks card.

box plot 1

Box Plot with Two Dimensions


You can create box plots with two dimensions by adding another dimension to the Column shelf. In the above chart, add the region dimension to the Column shelf. This produces a chart which shows the box plots for each region.