Tableau 简明教程

Tableau - Line Chart


In a line chart, a measure and a dimension are taken along the two axes of the chart area. The pair of values for each observation becomes a point and the joining of all these points create a line showing the variation or relationship between the dimensions and measures chosen.

Simple Line Chart

选择一个维度和一个度量值来创建一个简单的折线图。将维度 Ship Mode(运输方式)拖到“列”栏架中,将销售额拖到“行”栏架中。从“标记”卡中选择“折线图”。您将获得以下折线图,显示不同运输方式的销售额变化情况。

Choose one dimension and one measure to create a simple line chart. Drag the dimension Ship Mode to Columns Shelf and Sales to the Rows shelf. Choose the Line chart from the Marks card. You will get the following line chart, which shows the variation of Sales for different Ship modes.

line chart 1

Multiple Measure Line Chart


You can use one dimension with two or more measures in a line chart. This will produce multiple line charts, each in one pane. Each pane represents the variation of the dimension with one of the measures.

line chart 2

Line Chart with Label

构成折线图的每个点可以标为标签,以显示度量值的值。在这种情况下,将另一个度量值 Profit Ratio(利润率)拖放到“标记”卡的“标签”窗格中。选择平均值作为聚合,您将获得显示标签的以下图表。

Each of the points making the line chart can be labeled to make the values of the measure visible. In this case, drop another measure Profit Ratio into the labels pane in the Marks card. Choose average as the aggregation and you will get the following chart showing the labels.

line chart 3