Tableau 简明教程

Tableau - Motion Charts

动态图表使用 X 轴和 Y 轴显示数据,通过显示限定空间内数据点的运动以及线条颜色的变化来展示数据随时间的变化。动态图表的最大优势在于可以查看数据随时间变化的整个轨迹,而不仅仅是数据的快照。

Motion charts show data using the X and Y-axes, displaying changes over time by showing the movement of data points within the defined space as well as changes in the color of the lines. The main advantage of motion chart is to view the entire trail of how the data has changed over time and not just a snapshot of the data.

Tableau 需要一个时间维度和一个度量来创建动态图表。

Tableau needs one Time Dimension and one Measure to create a Motion chart.

Creating a Motion Chart


Using the Sample-superstore, plan to find the variation of Profits over the months. To achieve this objective, following are the steps.

Step 1 − 将维度订单日期拖到列功能区。再次将其拖到页功能区。在页功能区中,右键单击订单日期并选择“月份”。然后将度量利润拖到行功能区。将出现以下图表。

Step 1 − Drag the Dimension Order Date to the Columns Shelf. Drag it again to the Pages Shelf. In the Pages shelf, right-click on the Order Date and choose Month. Then drag the measure Profit to the Rows Shelf. The following chart appears.

motion chart 1

Step 2 − 选中展示历史记录旁边的复选框,然后单击其旁边的下拉箭头。对于“要为其展示历史记录的标记”,选择“全部”。然后在“展示”下,选择“两者”。选择“标记”只显示点,选择“轨迹”只显示线条。单击播放按钮。将出现以下图表。

Step 2 − Put a check mark on the box next to Show History and then click on the dropdown arrow next to it. For “Marks to Show History For” select “All”. Then under “Show”, select “Both”. Selecting “Marks” shows only the points and selecting “Trails” shows only the line. Click the Play button. The following chart appears.

motion chart 2

Step 3 − 让图表从 1 月运行到 12 月将创建一个图表,该图表显示每年每个月的利润如何变化。请注意,随着数据的变化,最近几个月会变成较深的颜色,而历史数据会变成较浅的颜色。

Step 3 − Allowing the chart to run from January to December will create the chart which shows how the profits have varied over each month for all the years. Note that as the data changes the recent months get a darker shade of color and the historical data gets a lighter shade of color.


Finally, you will get the following chart.

motion chart 3