Tableau 简明教程

Tableau - Scatter Plot

顾名思义,散点图显示了许多散布在笛卡尔平面上​​的点。它通过将数值变量的值绘制为笛卡尔平面中的 X 和 Y 坐标来创建。Tableau 至少需要一行架中的一个度量和一列架中的一个度量来创建散点图。但是,我们可以向散点图中添加维度字段,这些字段会在散点图中已存在的点上标记不同的颜色。

As the name suggests, a scatter plot shows many points scattered in the Cartesian plane. It is created by plotting values of numerical variables as X and Y coordinates in the Cartesian plane. Tableau takes at least one measure in the Rows shelf and one measure in the Columns shelf to create a scatter plot. However, we can add dimension fields to the scatter plot which play a role in marking different colors for the already existing points in the scatter graph.

Simple Scatter Plot


Using the Sample-superstore, let’s aim to find the variation of sales and profit figures as the two axes of the Cartesian plane is distributed according to their Sub-Category. To achieve this objective, following are the steps.

Step 1 - 将度量销售拖放到列架。

Step 1 − Drag and drop the measure Sales to the Columns shelf.

Step 2 - 将度量利润拖放到行架。

Step 2 − Drag and drop the measure Profit to the Rows shelf.

Step 3 - 将维度子类别拉到“标记”下的标签架。

Step 3 − Pull the dimension Sub-Category to the labels Shelf under Marks.


The following chart appears which shows how profit and sales is distributed across the Sub-Category of products.

sactter 1

Scatter Plot - Color Encoded


You can get the values color encoded by dragging the dimension Sub-Category to the color Shelf under the Marks card. This chart shows the scatter points with different color for each point.

sactter 2

Drill-Down Scatter Plot


The same scatter plot can show different values when you choose a dimension with hierarchy. In the following example, we expand the Sub-Category field to show the scatter plot values for the Manufacturers.

sactter 3