Tensorflow 简明教程
TensorFlow - Introduction
TensorFlow 是 Google 团队设计的一个软件库或框架,以最简单的形式实现机器学习和深度学习概念。它将优化技术的计算代数相结合,以方便计算许多数学表达式。
TensorFlow is a software library or framework, designed by the Google team to implement machine learning and deep learning concepts in the easiest manner. It combines the computational algebra of optimization techniques for easy calculation of many mathematical expressions.
TensorFlow 的官方网站如下 −
The official website of TensorFlow is mentioned below −

现在让我们考虑 TensorFlow 的以下重要特性 −
Let us now consider the following important features of TensorFlow −
It includes a feature of that defines, optimizes and calculates mathematical expressions easily with the help of multi-dimensional arrays called tensors.
It includes a programming support of deep neural networks and machine learning techniques.
It includes a high scalable feature of computation with various data sets.
TensorFlow uses GPU computing, automating management. It also includes a unique feature of optimization of same memory and the data used.
Why is TensorFlow So Popular?
TensorFlow 具有完善的文档,并包含许多机器学习库。它为这些库提供了一些重要的功能和方法。
TensorFlow is well-documented and includes plenty of machine learning libraries. It offers a few important functionalities and methods for the same.
TensorFlow 也称为“Google”产品。它包含多种机器学习和深度学习算法。TensorFlow 可以训练和运行深度神经网络,用于手写数字分类、图像识别、词嵌入和创建各种序列模型。
TensorFlow is also called a “Google” product. It includes a variety of machine learning and deep learning algorithms. TensorFlow can train and run deep neural networks for handwritten digit classification, image recognition, word embedding and creation of various sequence models.