Teradata 简明教程
Teradata Tutorial
Teradata 是一种流行的关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS),适用于海量数据仓库应用程序。它能够处理海量数据,并具有高扩展性。本教程对 Teradata 架构、各种 SQL 命令、索引概念和用于导入/导出数据的实用程序提供了很好的理解。
Teradata is a popular Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) suitable for large data warehousing applications. It is capable of handling large volumes of data and is highly scalable. This tutorial provides a good understanding of Teradata Architecture, various SQL commands, Indexing concepts and Utilities to import/export data.
本教程专为愿意学习 Teradata 概念并成为 Teradata 开发人员的软件专业人员设计。在本教程结束时,您将获得 Teradata 的中级专业水平。
This tutorial is designed for software professionals who are willing to learn Teradata concepts and become a Teradata developer. By the end of this tutorial, you will have gained intermediate level of expertise in Teradata.