Teradata 简明教程
Teradata - Relational Concepts
关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS) 是一种 DBMS 软件,有助于与数据库交互。它们使用结构化查询语言 (SQL) 与存储在表中的数据交互。
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a DBMS software that helps to interact with databases. They use Structured Query Language (SQL) to interact with the data stored in tables.
Database is a collection of logically related data. They are accessed by many users for different purposes. For example, a sales database contains entire information about sales which is stored in many tables.
表是 RDBMS 中存储数据的基本单位。表是行和列的集合。以下是 employee 表的示例。
Tables is the basic unit in RDBMS where the data is stored. A table is a collection of rows and columns. Following is an example of employee table.
EmployeeNo |
FirstName |
LastName |
BirthDate |
101 |
Mike |
James |
1/5/1980 |
104 |
Alex |
Stuart |
11/6/1984 |
102 |
Robert |
Williams |
3/5/1983 |
105 |
Robert |
James |
12/1/1984 |
103 |
Peter |
Paul |
4/1/1983 |
一列中包含类似的数据。例如,Employee 表中的列 BirthDate 包含所有员工的 birth_date 信息。
A column contains similar data. For example, the column BirthDate in Employee table contains birth_date information for all employees.
BirthDate |
1/5/1980 |
11/6/1984 |
3/5/1983 |
12/1/1984 |
4/1/1983 |
行是所有列的一个实例。例如,在 employee 表中,一行包含关于单个员工的信息。
Row is one instance of all the columns. For example, in employee table one row contains information about single employee.
EmployeeNo |
FirstName |
LastName |
BirthDate |
101 |
Mike |
James |
1/5/1980 |
Primary Key
主键用于唯一标识表中的行。主键列中不允许重复的值,并且它们不能接受 NULL 值。它是表中的一个必填字段。
Primary key is used to uniquely identify a row in a table. No duplicate values are allowed in a primary key column and they cannot accept NULL values. It is a mandatory field in a table.
Foreign Key
Foreign keys are used to build a relationship between the tables. A foreign key in a child table is defined as the primary key in the parent table. A table can have more than one foreign key. It can accept duplicate values and also null values. Foreign keys are optional in a table.