Tika 简明教程
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Tika provides a jar file along with its source code in the following link https://tika.apache.org/download.html.
Download both the files, set the classpath for the jar file.
Extract the source code zip folder, open the tika-app folder.
In the extracted folder at “tika-1.6\tika-app\src\main\java\org\apache\Tika\gui” you will see two class files: ParsingTransferHandler.java and TikaGUI.java.
Compile both the class files and execute the TikaGUI.java class file, it opens the following window.
现在,让我们来看看如何使用 Tika GUI。
Let us now see how to make use of the Tika GUI.
在 GUI 上,单击 open(打开),浏览并选择要提取的文件,或将其拖动到窗口的空白处。
On the GUI, click open, browse and select a file that is to be extracted, or drag it onto the whitespace of the window.
Tika 提取文件内容,并以五种不同格式显示,即:元数据、格式化文本、纯文本、主要内容和结构化文本。你可以选择你想要的任何一种格式。
Tika extracts the content of the files and displays it in five different formats, viz. metadata, formatted text, plain text, main content, and structured text. You can choose any of the format you want.
同样,你也可以在“tika-1.6\tikaapp\src\main\java\org\apache\tika\cli”文件夹中找到 CLI 类。
In the same way, you will also find the CLI class in the “tika-1.6\tikaapp\src\main\java\org\apache\tika\cli” folder.
以下插图显示了 Tika 的功能。当我们将图像拖放到 GUI 上时,Tika 会提取并显示其元数据。
The following illustration shows what Tika can do. When we drop the image on the GUI, Tika extracts and displays its metadata.