Ubuntu 简明教程

Ubuntu - Quick Guide

Ubuntu - Overview

Ubuntu 是一款基于 Linux 操作系统。它专为电脑、智能手机和网络服务器设计。该系统由一家名为 Canonical Ltd 的英国公司开发。用于开发 Ubuntu 软件的所有原则均基于开放源软件开发原则。

Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system. It is designed for computers, smartphones, and network servers. The system is developed by a UK based company called Canonical Ltd. All the principles used to develop the Ubuntu software are based on the principles of Open Source software development.

ubuntu site

Features of Ubuntu

以下是 Ubuntu 的一些重要特性:

Following are some of the significant features of Ubuntu −

  1. The desktop version of Ubuntu supports all the normal software on Windows such as Firefox, Chrome, VLC, etc.

  2. It supports the office suite called LibreOffice.

  3. Ubuntu has an in-built email software called Thunderbird, which gives the user access to email such as Exchange, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.

  4. There are a host of free applications for users to view and edit photos.

  5. There are also applications to manage videos and it also allows the users to share videos.

  6. It is easy to find content on Ubuntu with the smart searching facility.

  7. The best feature is, it is a free operating system and is backed by a huge open source community.

Release Cycle of Ubuntu

Canonical 会每年发布 2 个 Ubuntu 版本,分别在 4 月和 10 月发布。版本号通常表示该软件的发布年份。例如,版本 14.04 指定它于 2014 年 4 月发布。同理,版本 16.04 指定它于 2016 年 4 月发布。每年的 4 月版本是更稳定的版本,而 10 月版本在许多新特性上进行了大量试验。

Every year there are 2 releases of Ubuntu, one in April and one in October, from Canonical. The version number normally denotes the year in which the software was released. For example, version 14.04 specifies that it was released in the year 2014 and in the month of April. Similarly, the version 16.04 specifies that it was released in the year 2016 and in the month of April. The April build every year is the more stable build, while the October build does a lot of experimentation on new features.

Ubuntu 的官方网站是 {s1}

The official site for Ubuntu is https://www.ubuntu.com/

该网站包含所有有关 Ubuntu 软件的信息和文档。它还提供适用于 Ubuntu 服务器和桌面版本的文件下载链接。

The site has all information and documentation about the Ubuntu Software. It also has the download links for both the server and desktop versions of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu - Flavors

Ubuntu 有多种口味。在本章中,我们将简要讨论一些流行的 Ubuntu 口味。

Ubuntu comes in a variety of flavors. In this chapter, we will discuss briefly about some of the popular flavors of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Desktop

这是普通用户可以使用的一款操作系统。此版本预装了可帮助用户执行一般基础活动的软件。此版本还提供浏览、电子邮件和多媒体等操作。截至 2016 年 9 月,最新版本为 16.04.01。

This is the operating system which can be used by regular users. This comes pre-built with software that help the users perform usual basic activities. Operations such as browsing, email and multimedia are also available in this edition. The latest version as of September 2016 is 16.04.01.

Ubuntu Server

服务器版本用于托管应用程序,如 Web 服务器和数据库。Ubuntu 对每个服务器版本提供 5 年支持。这些操作系统支持 AWS 和 Azure 等云平台。截至 2016 年 9 月,最新版本为 16.04.1。

The server version is used for hosting applications such as web servers and databases. Each server version is supported by Ubuntu for 5 years. These operating systems have support for cloud platforms such as AWS and Azure. The latest version as of September 2016 is 16.04.1.


常规的 Ubuntu 界面基于称作 Unity 的软件。但是,Kubuntu 基于称作 KDE Plasma 桌面软件。这给 Ubuntu 软件提供不同的外观和感觉。Kubuntu 具有与 Ubuntu 相同的功能和软件可用性。Kubuntu 的官方网站是 https://www.kubuntu.org/

The normal Ubuntu interface is based on a software called Unity. However, Kubuntu is based on a software called KDE Plasma desktop. This gives a different look and feel to the Ubuntu software. Kubuntu has the same features and software availability as Ubuntu. The official site for Kubuntu is https://www.kubuntu.org/


Linux Mint

此版本也基于 Ubuntu 操作系统。此版本预装了许多现代用户需要的照片和多媒体应用。此操作系统完全基于开源社区。

This is also based of the Ubuntu operating system. It comes pre-built with a lot of applications for the modern user in the space of photos and multimedia. This operating system is completely based on the open source community.

Linux Mint 的官方网站是 https://www.linuxmint.com/

The official site for Linux Mint is https://www.linuxmint.com/

linux mint

Ubuntu - Environment

我们需要确保拥有正确的硬件规范才能安装 Ubuntu。

We need to ensure we have the right hardware specifications in order to have Ubuntu installed.

System Requirements


Ensure the following system requirements are met before proceeding with the installation.


2GB RAM (recommended)

Disk Space

25GB of free hard disk space


2 GHz dual core processor or better

Other requirements

An optional DVD drive or USB drive with the Installer media. An internet connection to download the optional updates.

Downloading Ubuntu

Step 1 - 要下载 Ubuntu,请访问以下网址 - https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop

Step 1 − To download Ubuntu, go to the following url − https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop

download ubuntu

Step 2 - 在此页面上,如果需要,可以下载旧版本的 Ubuntu。单击备用下载和种子链接。

Step 2 − On this page, there is an option to download the older versions of Ubuntu if required. Click the Alternative downloads and torrents link.

ubuntu version

Step 3 - 转到旧版本链接。然后会显示一个页面,其中包含 Ubuntu 软件的所有旧版本。

Step 3 − Go to Past releases link. It then presents a page with all the past releases of the Ubuntu software.

ubuntu software

Installing Ubuntu

我们先来了解如何安装 Ubuntu 桌面版本。本教程将使用最新版本 16.04。安装程序是 ISO 映像,可以挂载到 DVD 驱动器或 USB 闪存盘。在计算机上启动映像后,以下是如何安装的步骤:

Now let’s learn about installing the desktop version of Ubuntu. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will go with the latest version which is 16.04. The installer is a ISO image which can be mounted on a DVD drive or USB stick. Once the image is booted on the machine, following are the steps for installation.

Step 1 - 第一个屏幕允许我们安装或试用 Ubuntu。试用选项允许我们在不安装的情况下查看 Ubuntu 的功能。不过,我们希望使用 Ubuntu,因此让我们选择“安装 Ubuntu”选项。

Step 1 − The first screen allows us to either install or try out Ubuntu. The try out option allows us to see the features of Ubuntu without actually installing it. However, we want to use Ubuntu, so let’s choose the Install Ubuntu option.

installing ubuntu

Step 2 - 下一个屏幕提供 2 个选项。一个是安装时在后台下载更新,另一个是安装第三方软件。勾选安装第三方软件的选项。然后,单击“继续”按钮。

Step 2 − The next screen gives you 2 options. One is to download updates in the background while installing and the other is to install 3rd party software. Check the option to install 3rd party software. Then click the Continue button.

click continue button

Step 3 - 在下一个屏幕中,提供以下选项:

Step 3 − In the next screen, the following options are presented −

  1. The disk is erased and the installation is carried out. If there was another operating system already on the disk, then Ubuntu would detect it and give the user the option to install the operating system side by side.

  2. There is an option to encrypt the installation. This is so that if anybody else were to steal the data, they would not be able to decrypt the data.

  3. Finally, Linux offers a facility called LVM, which can be used for taking snapshots of the disk.


For the moment, to make the installation simple, let’s keep the options unchecked and proceed with the installation by clicking the Install Now button.

click install button

Step 4 - 在以下屏幕中,系统将提示我们是否要擦除磁盘。单击“继续”按钮继续。

Step 4 − In the following screen, we will be prompted if we want to erase the disk. Click the Continue button to proceed.

erase disk

Step 5 - 在此屏幕中,系统将要求我们确认位置。单击“继续”按钮继续。

Step 5 − In this screen, we will be asked to confirm our location. Click the Continue button to proceed.

confirm location

Step 6 - 现在,系统将要求我们确认语言和键盘设置。让我们选择英语(英国)作为首选设置。

Step 6 − Now, we will be asked to confirm the language and the keyboard settings. Let us select English (UK) as the preferred settings.

confirm language

Step 7 - 在以下屏幕中,我们需要输入用于登录系统的用户名、计算机名和密码。如以下屏幕截图所示填写必要的详细信息。然后,单击“继续”按钮继续。

Step 7 − In the following screen, we will need to enter the user name, computer name and password which will be used to log into the system. Fill the necessary details as shown in the following screenshot. Then, click the continue button to proceed.

fill details


The system will now proceed with the installation and we will see the progress of the installation as shown in the following screenshot.

installation progress


At the end of the installation, the system will prompt for a restart.

Step 8 - 单击“立即重启”继续。

Step 8 − Click the Restart Now to proceed.

click restart


Once the restart is complete, log in with the username and password.



Once logged in, the desktop is presented as shown in the following screenshot.

logged in

我们现在有了 Ubuntu 的完全功能版本。在后续章节中,我们将了解各种可用功能。

We now have a fully functional version of Ubuntu. In the subsequent chapters, we will look at the various features available.

在继续后续章节之前,让我们快速浏览一下 Ubuntu 环境。

Let us take a quick look at the Ubuntu environment before we proceed ahead with the remaining chapters.

The Control Panel

屏幕左侧的控制面板为所有最常使用的应用程序提供了快捷方式。使用这些选项,我们可以启动 LibreOffice 组件、Firefox 浏览器、软件中心以及许多其他应用程序。

The Control Panel on the left-hand side of the screen presents shortcuts for all of the most used applications. Using these options, we can launch the LibreOffice component, the Firefox browser, the Software Center and many other applications.

control panel

The Menu Bar


When we launch any application, we will get the associated menu bar at the top of the application, which will have the different menu options for that application. We can choose to close the entire window or resize the window, if required.

menu bar



On the right-hand side of the screen is the task bar. The taskbar allows us to choose the change in volume settings, view the status of your internet connect, change your language and other settings, and view the battery status while working on a laptop.


Ubuntu - Device Drivers

默认情况下,Ubuntu 预装了鼠标、键盘、音频和视频驱动程序所需的驱动程序。对于基于 Linux 的操作系统而言,设备驱动程序曾经是噩梦的日子早已一去不复返了。

By default, Ubuntu comes with pre-built required drivers for the mouse, keyboard, audio and video drivers. Long gone are the days where device drivers used to be a nightmare for Linux-based operating systems.


To view the options for devices, go to the settings options on the left-hand side control panel.

device options


In the hardware section, you will see the various options for the hardware devices such as the display monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.


For example, using the Display section, we can change the resolution of the screen along with other display settings as shown in the following screenshot.

change resolution


To install any additional drivers, we need to go to the respective driver website and download the necessary distribution for the particular device driver. Then, use the Software Center to install the required device driver.

Ubuntu - Software Center

Ubuntu 提供了一个软件中心,你可以用这个软件中心安装大量的应用程序。软件中心被设计为搜索网络上可下载和安装的可用软件。

Ubuntu has a Software Center using which you can install a host of applications. The Software Center is designed to search the Internet for available software which can be downloaded and installed.

Installing Software

Step 1 - 在控制面板中,软件中心出现在屏幕的左侧。在下面的截图中,软件中心被一个红框圈起来了。双击打开它。

Step 1 − In the control panel, the Software Center appears on the left-hand side of the screen. In the following screenshot, it is encircled in a red box. Double-click to open it.

installing software


Once open, it shows the following options −

  1. View all the available software.

  2. All software currently installed on the machine.

  3. Any updates available for the software currently installed on the machine.


Step 2 - 我们还可以浏览各种软件类别。例如,我们点击音频类别。我们可以看到一个供安装的可用软件列表。正如在以下截图中看到的,应用程序“Rhythmbox”已经安装好了。

Step 2 − We can also browse through various software categories. For example, let’s click the Audio category. We can see a list of available software for installation. As seen in the following screenshot, the application ‘Rhythmbox’ has already been installed.

software categories

Step 3 - 现在,我们选择一个应用程序,比如说音乐应用程序,看看它是如何安装的。

Step 3 − Now let us choose an application, say the Music application and see how it installs.

choose application

Step 4 - 一旦我们点击音乐应用程序,就会弹出以下截图。点击安装按钮开始安装。

Step 4 − Once we click the Music application, the following screenshot pops up. Click the Install button to begin the installation.

click music application


We will then see the Installing progress bar to show that the Music application is being installed.

see installing progress

Step 5 - 安装完成后,点击启动按钮来启动软件。

Step 5 − Once the installation is complete, click the Launch button to launch the software.

installation complete

Removing Software


To see the list of already installed software on the machine, go to the Installed section of the Software Center application. This presents an option to remove the unwanted software if required, as shown in the following screenshot.

removing software


To remove any unwanted software, click the Remove button associated with the required software.


在更新部分,我们可以安装 Ubuntu 操作系统可用的关键更新。此部分还显示已安装在系统上的软件可用的更新。

In the updates section, we can install critical updates available for the Ubuntu operating system. This section also shows the updates available for the software already installed on the system.



Click the Install button next to the desired update that needs to be installed.

Ubuntu - Browsers

Ubuntu 的默认浏览器是 Firefox,最新版本的 Ubuntu 总是带有最新版本的 Firefox。在桌面上,你会在左侧看到 Firefox 作为第三个组件。双击该图标以开始。

The default browser for Ubuntu is Firefox and the latest version of Ubuntu always comes with the latest version of Firefox. On the desktop, you will see Firefox as the third component on the lefthand side. Double-click the icon to get started.

default browsers

Browsing Sites

我们可以键入我们希望在地址栏中访问的站点的地址,然后按 Enter 以加载该站点。我们将获得与在 Windows 中一样的用户体验。

We can type the address of the site we wish to visit in the address bar and hit enter to get the site loaded. We will get the same user-like experience as in Windows.

browsing sites

Installing Add-ons

Step 1 −可以通过进入选项并选择“附加组件”选项来安装其他附加组件。

Step 1 − Additional add-ons can be installed by going to the options and choosing the Add-ons option.

installing addons


Using this option, we can view the add-ons installed and install new ones.

view addons


We can search for an add-on and then click the Install button to install an add-on.

search addons

Step 2 −例如,让我们安装如上图所示的“下载 Flash 和视频”附加组件。单击其旁边的“安装”按钮。

Step 2 − For example, let us install the “Download flash and Video” add-on as shown in the above screenshot. Click the Install button at its side.

download flash and video

Step 3 −完成后,浏览器会提示重新启动。在重新启动浏览器后,转到“已安装附加组件”部分。它将显示“Flash 和视频下载”附加组件已安装,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 3 − Once done, the browser will prompt for restart. After restarting the browser, go to the Installed Add-ons section. It will show the “Flash and Video Download” add-on installed as seen in the following screenshot.

installed flash and video

Responsive Layout


Here, we can see how the browser will adapt to various screen sizes.

Step 1 − 单击选项 → 开发者。

Step 1 − Click Options → Developer.

click options

Step 2 − 单单击响应式设计视图。

Step 2 − Click Responsive Design View.

responsive design view


Now, we can view the site in different browser sizes to see if they would respond as they should if they are viewed on different devices.

view site

Using Chromium

Ubuntu 上用于 Chrome 用途的默认应用程序称为 Chromium。以下是在安装 Chromium −

The default application for Chrome usage on Ubuntu is called Chromium. Following are the steps to install Chromium −

Step 1 − 转到 Ubuntu 应用程序管理器,然后转到 Internet 部分。

Step 1 − Go to the application manager for Ubuntu and go to the Internet section.

application manager

Step 2 − 在以下屏幕中单击 Chromium 网页浏览器选项。

Step 2 − In the following screen, click the Chromium web browser option.

chromium web browser option

Step 3 − 接下来,单击安装按钮以安装 Chromium。

Step 3 − Next, click the Install button to install Chromium.

install chromium

Step 4 − 一旦浏览器安装完毕,Chromium 浏览器选项将出现在左侧面板上。使用它启动 Chromium。

Step 4 − Once the browser is installed, the chromium browser option will appear on the left-hand panel. Use it to launch Chromium.

launch chromium

Ubuntu - Email

Ubuntu 中的默认电子邮件客户端是 Thunderbird。以下步骤显示如何开始使用 Thunderbird 作为电子邮件客户端软件。

The default email client in Ubuntu is Thunderbird. The following steps show how to start using Thunderbird as the email client software.

我们可以使用 Ubuntu 中的搜索功能快速搜索任何应用程序。

We can quickly search for any application using the Search facility in Ubuntu.

ubuntu search facility

Step 1 − 双击搜索功能,输入电子邮件的关键字,Thunderbird 电子邮件的搜索结果即会出现。

Step 1 − Double-click on the search facility, enter the keyword of email and the search result of Thunderbird email will appear.

thunderbird email

Step 2 − 双击搜索结果以启动 Thunderbird 邮件客户端。启动电子邮件客户端后,将发出将电子邮件帐户链接到邮件客户端的请求。

Step 2 − Double-click the search result to launch the Thunderbird mail client. Once the email client is launched, there will be a request to link an email account to the mail client.

mail client

Step 3 − 单击“跳过此步骤并使用现有电子邮箱”按钮,以便我们可以使用当前电子邮箱凭据。

Step 3 − Click “Skip this and use my existing email” button, so that we can use the current email credentials.

email credentials

Step 4 − 输入所需凭据并单击继续按钮以继续。配置完成后,电子邮件客户端将提供任何电子邮件客户端的常见功能。现在,我们将能够查看收件箱以及收件箱中的所有邮件。

Step 4 − Enter the required credentials and click the Continue button to proceed. Once configured, the email client will then provide the common features for any email client. Now, we will be able to view the Inbox as well as all the messages in the Inbox.

enter credentials

Step 5 - 单击任何消息以获取更多信息,有关所接收电子邮件的信息,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 5 − Click any message to get more information on the received email as shown in the following screenshot.

click message

Sending Email

Step 1 - 在菜单选项中,单击编写选项以创建需要发送的消息。

Step 1 − In the Menu option, click the Write option to create a message which needs to be sent.

create message

Step 2 - 输入消息详细信息。完成后,单击发送按钮。请注意,这里还有一个选项可以拼写检查和添加附件。

Step 2 − Enter the message details. Once complete, click the Send Button. Note, there is also an option to spell check and add attachments.


The sent messages will be displayed in the Sent messages section as shown in the following screenshot.

enter message details


On the right-hand side of the screen, there are shortcuts available to view mail, compose a new message, and view contacts as seen in the following screenshot.

view mail

Ubuntu - Messaging

当今桌面上使用的默认消息软件是 Skype 软件。此软件由 Microsoft 分发。Skype 默认情况下不随 Ubuntu 安装提供。它不会出现在软件中心中。我们必须从官方 Skype 网站下载并安装它。以下是如何获得它的步骤。

The default messaging software used on desktops today is the Skype software. This software is distributed by Microsoft. Skype by default does not come with Ubuntu installation. It will not be present in the Software Center. We have to download and install it from the official Skype site. Following are the steps to get this in place.

Step 1 − 转到 Skype 的官方下载网站: https://www.skype.com/en/downloadskype/skype-for-computer/

Step 1 − Go to the official download site for Skype − https://www.skype.com/en/downloadskype/skype-for-computer/

Step 2 − 此网站会自动了解我们正在使用 Linux 发行版,并提供下载 Linux 版本 Skype 的选项。我们将选择 Ubuntu 12.04 版本,因为它可在以后的发行版上运行。

Step 2 − The site will automatically understand that we are working from a Linux distribution and provide options for downloading the Linux version of Skype. We will choose the Ubuntu 12.04 version, as this will work on the later distribution.

download skype

Step 3 − 下载软件包后,它将在软件中心打开。选择安装选项以安装软件包。

Step 3 − Once the package is downloaded, it will open in the Software Center. Choose the Install option to install the package.

install package

Step 4 − Skype 安装完成后,我们可以搜索它并相应地启动它。

Step 4 − Once Skype is installed, we can search for it and launch it accordingly.

launch skype

Step 5 − 在以下屏幕截图中单击“我同意”按钮。

Step 5 − Click the ‘I Agree’ button in the following screenshot.

click agree button

Skype 现在将启动。

Skype will now launch.

Step 6 − 输入所需的凭据以开始使用 Skype。

Step 6 − Enter the required credentials to start using Skype.

enter required credentials

Ubuntu - Media Players

Ubuntu 在媒体播放器方面提供了一些选项。

Ubuntu provides some options when it comes to Media Players.


默认情况下,它包含一个名为 Rhythmbox 的音乐播放器。

By default, it contains a music player called Rhythmbox.


We can search for it, and launch it as shown in the following screenshot.


Rhythmbox 的一般用户界面如下图所示。它可以用于播放计算机上的音乐,甚至是下载和收听来自互联网的歌曲。

The general user interface of Rhythmbox is as shown in the following screenshot. It can be used to play music from the computer or even download and listen to songs from the Internet.

rhythmbox interface


To add music, click the File menu option and choose the Add Music option.

add music option


To listen to radio stations, click on the Radio option on the left hand side of the screen, click the desired radio station, and click the play button.

click radio option


Shotwell 是用于管理照片的默认应用程序。此应用程序非常出色,它为用户提供了管理照片和相册所需的所有可能选项。

Shotwell is the default application for managing photos. This application does a good job in offering the users all the possible options required for managing photos and photo albums.


We can search for the application and launch it as shown in the following screenshot.



The general user interface of the application is as shown in the following screenshot.

general user interface


To import the existing folders, choose the menu option of File → Import from folder.

import folders


Then choose the location to which the photos are to be imported and click the OK button.

choose location to import photos


It now gives an option to either copy the photos from the place or to Import in place. Let’s choose the option to copy the photos.

copy photos options


Once done, the photos will then be visible in the source location.

photos visible


Enhancement tools can be used to enhance the picture. To do so, just click the picture and choose the Enhance option from the left-hand context menu.

enhancement tools


We can then enlarge the picture, auto correct it, remove red-eye along with many other adjustment features.

adjust features


VLC 是使用最广泛的视频播放器,它在 Ubuntu 中也是可用的。

VLC is the most widely used video player and this is also available in Ubuntu.

要安装 VLC,以下是有步骤。

To get VLC installed, following are the steps.

Step 1 − 转到软件中心并选择视频选项。

Step 1 − Go to the Software Center and choose the Video option.

software center

Step 2 − 选择 VLC 媒体播放器选项,如下面截图所示。

Step 2 − Choose the option of VLC media player as shown in the following screenshot.

choose vlc options

Step 3 − 在以下屏幕中单击安装按钮以开始安装 VLC 媒体播放器。

Step 3 − Click the Install button in the following screen to begin the installation of VLC media player.

vlc media player installation

Step 4 − 完全完成后,单击启动按钮。

Step 4 − Once complete, click the Launch button.

click launch option

VLC 媒体播放器现在将启动。媒体播放器通常可在 Windows 机器上使用。

VLC media player will now launch. The media player can be normally used as on a Windows machine.

launch media player

Ubuntu - User Management

Ubuntu 提供了创建新用户的功能,新用户可获得登录系统的授权。让我们看看借助用户管理可以执行的不同功能。

Ubuntu provides the facility to create new users who can be authorized to log on to the system. Let’s look at the different functions that can be performed with the help of user management.

Creating Users


The following steps need to be performed for the creation of users.

Step 1 − 从搜索菜单启动用户管理控制台。在搜索菜单中,输入用户关键字。此时将出现用户帐户图标。在用户帐户图标上双击。

Step 1 − Launch the user management console from the search menu. In the search menu, enter the keyword of users. The User Accounts icon will then appear. Double-click on the User Accounts icon.

launch user management

Step 2 − 然后将弹出用户管理屏幕,如下面的屏幕截图所示。要执行任何类型用户管理,我们首先需要按解锁按钮并输入管理员凭据。

Step 2 − The user management screen will then pop up as shown in the following screenshot. To perform any sort of user management, we first need to press the Unlock button and enter our administrator credentials.

enter administrator credentials

Step 3 − 在弹出的对话框中输入管理员凭据,然后单击认证按钮。

Step 3 − Enter the administrator credentials in the pop-up box which comes up and click the Authenticate button.

click authenticate button


Once we click Authenticate, all the user management functions on the screen will become enabled.

Step 4 − 单击加号按钮以创建用户。

Step 4 − Click the plus button to create a user.

click plus button

Step 5 − 输入用户详细信息。我们只能创建标准和管理员帐户类型。

Step 5 − Enter the user details. We can only create Standard and Administrator account types.

enter user details

Step 6 − 单击添加按钮以完成添加用户的操作。

Step 6 − Click the Add button to complete the operation of adding the user.

Enabling the User Account


When the user is created, the user account is disabled. This is because a password has not been associated with the account.

adding user


Following are the steps to enable the user account.

Step 1 − 单击帐户已禁用选项。这将提示密码对话框。

Step 1 − Click the Account disabled option. This will prompt for the password dialog box.

click account disabled option


We have the option to either set a password, log in without a password, or enable the account. A good practice is to always set a password for an account.

Step 2 − 要设置密码并单击更改按钮。

Step 2 − To set the password and click the Change button.

set password

Step 3 − 现在将启用帐户。使用新创建的帐户登录。

Step 3 − The account will now be enabled. Log in using the newly created account.

newly created account

Managing User Permissions and Groups


To manage user permissions and groups, an additional package needs to be installed. Following are the steps to manage user permissions and groups.

Step 1 − 转到搜索选项并键入命令关键字。

Step 1 − Go to the search option and type the command keyword.

type command keyword

Step 2 − 终端的搜索结果将出现。单击以打开命令提示符。

Step 2 − The search result of Terminal appears. Click it to open the command prompt.

Step 3 − 接下来,发出以下命令。

Step 3 − Next, issue the following command.

sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools

apt-get 命令行用于从互联网为 Ubuntu 系统安装附加包。在此,我们告诉 Ubuntu 我们想安装其他系统工具,以便我们可以管理用户权限和组。

The apt-get command line is used to install additional packages from the Internet for the Ubuntu system. Here, we are telling Ubuntu that we want to install additional system tools so that we can manage user permissions and groups.

manage user permissions and groups

Step 4 − 然后,我们将提示输入当前登录帐户的密码,并确认下载安装所需的包。输入“Y”选项继续。

Step 4 − We will then be prompted for the password of the current logged in account and to also confirm to download the necessary packages for the installation. Enter the ‘Y’ option to proceed.

enter y option

Step 5 − 安装完成后,当我们在 Ubuntu 中搜索选项中的用户时,我们可以看到用户和组的附加选项。

Step 5 − Once the installation is complete, when we search for users in the search option in Ubuntu, we can see an additional option of Users and Groups.

search users

Step 6 − 单击“用户和组”选项。现在,将会有一个用户和组的附加选项。

Step 6 − Click the Users and Groups option. Now, there will be an additional option of user and groups.

click users and groups option

Step 7 − 单击“高级设置”按钮。将提示我们输入当前登录用户的密码来进行验证。输入密码并单击“验证”按钮。

Step 7 − Click the Advanced settings button. We will be prompted to enter the password of the current logged on user to authenticate. Enter the password and click the Authenticate button.

click advanced settings

Step 8 − 在随后出现的对话框中,我们就能将用户所需的特权分配给该用户。

Step 8 − In the next dialog box which appears, we will then be able to assign the required user privileges to the user.

assign user privileges

Step 9 − 现在,如果我们单击“组”选项,我们会看到它有创建和删除组的选项。

Step 9 − Now, if we click on the Groups option, we will see that it has the option to create and delete groups.

click groups option

Step 10 − 单击“添加”按钮添加一个组。

Step 10 − Click on the Add button to add a group.

Step 11 − 在随后出现的对话框中,我们可以提供一个组名并向该组分配成员。

Step 11 − In the next dialog box, we can provide a group name and assign members to that group.

assign members

Step 12 − 最后,单击“确定”按钮创建组。

Step 12 − Finally, click the OK button to create the group.

Ubuntu - Files and Folders

若要在 Ubuntu 中以资源管理器方式打开文件,请在软件启动器中单击文件选项。在下面的截图中,文件图标以红色圈出。

To open the file like explorer in Ubuntu, click the Files option in the software launcher. In the following screenshot the Files icon is encircled in red.

open file

单击图标后,将打开如下屏幕,它是 Ubuntu 中的资源管理器方式文件。

On clicking the icon, the following screen which is the File like explorer in Ubuntu opens up.

click icon

Creating a Folder

Step 1 − 若要创建文件夹,请选择需要创建文件夹的位置。

Step 1 − To create a folder, choose a location where the folder needs to be created.

Step 2 − 然后右键单击并选择新建文件夹的选项。

Step 2 − Then right-click and choose the option of New Folder.

new folder option

Step 3 − 相应地为该文件夹提供一个名称。

Step 3 − Provide a name for the folder accordingly.

provide folder name

Renaming a Folder

Step 1 − 若要重命名文件夹,请右键单击需要重命名的文件夹。

Step 1 − To rename a folder, right-click the folder which needs to be renamed.

Step 2 − 右键单击并从上下文菜单中选择重命名的选项。

Step 2 − Right-click and choose the rename option from the context menu.

choose rename option

Step 3 − 相应地提供文件夹的新名称。

Step 3 − Provide the new name of the folder accordingly.

provide new name

Note − 还有其他选项,例如移动或复制文件夹或将文件夹移动到回收站。

Note − There are other options such as move or copy the folder or move the folder to trash.

Seeing the Properties of a File


To see the properties of a file, right-click the file and choose the Properties option from the context menu.

see properties file


Using the option, we can view the properties of the file and modify the permissions of the file accordingly as shown in the following screenshot.

view properties

Ubuntu - Word Writer

Word Writer 内置于 Ubuntu 中,可在软件启动器中使用。

The Word Writer comes in-built in Ubuntu and is available in the Software launcher.

word writer


The icon is encircled in red in the above screenshot. Once we click on the icon, the writer will launch.

launch writer

我们可以像在 Microsoft Word 中一样,在 Writer 中开始输入。

We can start typing in the Writer as we normally would do in Microsoft Word.

start typing

Saving Documents


To save a document, just click on the save menu option as shown in the following screenshot.

save document


Specify the location, the name of the file and then click the Save button.

specify location

Creating New Documents


To create a new document, choose the new menu option as shown in the following screenshot. It shows an option to create various types of documents.

creating new documents

Opening an Existing Document


To open an existing document, choose the option of opening an existing document from the file menu options as shown in the following screenshot. The option icon is encircled in red.

open existing document


Once the open menu option is clicked, it presents a dialog box with an option to choose the file which needs to be opened. Click on the desired file and then click Open.

open menu option

Working with Tables


Tables can be inserted using the Insert table option as shown in the following screenshot.

insert table

添加表格后,我们可以像使用 Microsoft Word 一样处理该表格。

Once the table has been added, we can then work on the table as we would on Microsoft Word.

table added


To add additional rows and columns work to the table, right-click on the table and choose the various table options available.

add additional rows and columns

您还可以使用 Word Writer 工具栏中的各种字体选项来处理文本格式。

You can also work with the format of the text using the various font options in the toolbar of Word Writer.

font options

Ubuntu - Spreadsheets

Ubuntu 中用于电子表格的默认应用程序称为 Calc 。软件启动器中也可以找到它。

The default application for spreadsheets in Ubuntu is called Calc. This is also available in the software launcher.



Once we click on the icon, the spreadsheet application will launch.

launch spreadsheet application

我们可以像在 Microsoft Excel 应用程序中那样编辑单元格。

We can edit the cells as we would normally do in a Microsoft Excel application.

edit cells

Adding Formulas

可以像在 Microsoft Excel 中那样添加公式。以下示例显示了一个包含 3 列的 Excel 表格。第三列是“单位”和“单价”列的乘积。

Formulas can be added in the same manner as in Microsoft Excel. The following example shows an excel sheet which has 3 columns. The 3rd column is the multiplication of the Units and Unit price column.

formulas added


The columns can be dragged to ensure the same formula is repeated for each row.

columns dragged

Saving a Sheet


To save a sheet, go to the Save As menu option as shown in the following screenshot.

save as option


Provide the name, location of the spreadsheet and click the Save button to save the sheet.

click save button

在 Calc 应用程序中,工具栏中还有其他各种格式选项,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

There are various other formatting options available in the toolbar in the Calc application as shown in the following screenshot.

formatting options

Inserting Charts

在 Calc 应用程序的右侧,还有其他各种选项。其中一个是在电子表格中插入图表。

On the right-hand side of the Calc application, there are various other options. One of them is to insert a chart in the spreadsheet.

insert chart


Once we click the Chart option, it will prompt for the type of Chart to be inserted. Choose a chart type and click the Finish button.

click chart option


Now, we can see the Chart in the spreadsheet.

see chart

Ubuntu - LibreOffice

LibreOffice 是一套办公产品,在 Ubuntu 中可用。它类似于 Microsoft 产品套件,但有些 Microsoft Office 特性在 LibreOffice 中无法使用,反之亦然。

LibreOffice is a suite of office products available in Ubuntu. It is similar to the Microsoft suite of products although there are some features of Microsoft Office that does not work with LibreOffice and vice versa.

LibreOffice 最初于 1985 年由一家名为 StarOffice 的公司推出。2002 年,此套件由 OpenOffice.org 接手,其中 Sun Microsystems 是该产品的重大贡献者。从 2010 年起,该产品的源代码的一个单独分支被采用,现在称为 LibreOffice。

LibreOffice was first introduced in the year 1985 by a company called StarOffice. In the year 2002, the suite was taken by OpenOffice.org with Sun Microsystems being a major contributor to the product. From the year 2010 onwards, a separate branch of the source code of the product was taken which is now known as LibreOffice.

我们在后续章节中将介绍 LibreOffice Writer 和 Calc。在本章中,我们将介绍 LibreOffice Impress ,它是 Microsoft 的 PowerPoint 版本。

We will look at the LibreOffice writer and Calc in subsequent chapters. In this chapter, we will look at LibreOffice Impress which is the PowerPoint version of Microsoft.

LibreOffice 套件内置于 Ubuntu 中,且可在软件启动器中使用。

The LibreOffice suite comes in-built in Ubuntu and is available in the Software launcher.

libreoffice suite

LibreOffice 的图标在上面的屏幕截图中被圈为红色。一旦我们单击此图标,Impress 软件将启动,并将弹出以下屏幕。

The icon of LibreOffice is encircled in red in the above screenshot. Once we click on the icon, the Impress Software will launch and the following screen will pop up.

launch impress software

此界面看起来非常类似于 Microsoft PowerPoint。然后我们可以根据需要修改幻灯片上的内容。

The interface looks quite similar to Microsoft PowerPoint. We can then modify the content on the slides as required.

libreoffice interface

Adding Slides

将幻灯片添加到 Impress 与 Microsoft PowerPoint 非常类似。添加幻灯片有多种方法。一种方法是使用“重复幻灯片”选项。

Adding slides to Impress is pretty similar to Microsoft PowerPoint. There are multiple ways of adding slides. One way is to use the Duplicate Slide option.

adding slides


We can decide on the slide layout of the new slide by choosing the layout from the layout panel that appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

layout panel

Saving Slides


To save the presentation, choose the ‘Save As’ menu option.

save presentation


Provide the name and location of the slide and click the Save button.

provide slide name and location

Opening Slides


To open an existing presentation, click the Open menu option.

opening slides


Choose the location and name of the file. Click the Open button to open the presentation.

open presentation

Ubuntu - Command Line

Ubuntu 是一个基于 Linux 的操作系统,而大多数 Linux 用户更熟悉命令行界面。在本教程中,我们将介绍在 Ubuntu 中使用的一些流行命令行。

Ubuntu is a Linux based operating system and most Linux users are more familiar with the command line interface. In this chapter, we will go through some of the popular command line’s used in Ubuntu.

Invoking the Command Line


To invoke the command line, go to the search option and enter the command keyword in the search box.

invoking command line


The search result will give the Terminal option. Double-lick to get the command line as shown in the following screenshot.

terminal option

Directory Listing


The easiest command to start with, is the directory listing command which is used to list the directory contents.


ls –option directoryname


  1. Option − These are the options to be specified with the ls command.

  2. Directoryname − This is the optional directory name that can be specified along with the ls command.



The output will be the listing of the directory contents.


在以下示例中,我们只需发出 ls 命令即可列出目录内容。

In the following example, we just issue the ls command to list the directory contents.

list directory contents


The directory listing of the current directory will be shown as the output.

ls 命令的另一种变体是列出目录,但在每行项目上显示更多详细信息。这在以下屏幕截图中使用 ls –l 命令显示。

Another variant of the ls command is to list the directory, but with more details on each line item. This is shown in the following screenshot with the ls –l command.

another variant

Clearing the Screen

为了清除屏幕,我们可以使用 clear 命令。

To clear the screen, we can use the clear command.







The command line screen will be cleared.

Command Help

若要获取有关命令的更多信息,我们可以使用“ man ”命令。

To get more information on a command, we can use the ‘man’ command.


man commandname


Commandname - 这是需要更多信息的命令名称。

Commandname − This is the name of the command for which more information is required.



The information on the command will be displayed.


以下是一个“man”命令示例。如果我们发出“ man ls ”命令,我们将获得以下输出。输出将包含有关 ls 命令的信息。

Following is an example of the ‘man’ command. If we issue the ‘man ls’ command, we will get the following output. The output will contain information on the ls command.

command help

Finding For Files

我们可以使用 find 命令查找文件。

We can use the find command to find for files.


find filepattern


Filepattern - 这是用于查找文件的模式。

Filepattern − This is the pattern used to find for files.



The files based on the file pattern will be displayed.



In this example, we will issue the following command.

find Sample.*


This command will list all the files which start with the word ‘Sample’.




This command is used to display who is the current logged on user.







The name of the current logged on user will be displayed.



In this example, we will issue the following command.


Present Working Directory


This command will display the current working directory.







The current working directory will be displayed.



In this example, we will issue the following command.

present working directory

Ubuntu - Scripting

由于我们有能力处理之前章节中介绍过的命令行,因此创建可执行简单作业的脚本很常见。 Scripting 通常用于自动化管理任务。让我们按照以下步骤创建一个简单的脚本。该脚本将用于显示分配给机器的 IP 地址。

Since we have the ability to work with the command line which we covered in the previous chapter, it is common to create scripts which can perform simple jobs. Scripting is normally used to automate administrative tasks. Let’s create a simple script using the following steps. The script will be used to display the IP address assigned to the machine.

Step 1 − 打开编辑器。就像 Windows 中的记事本一样,Ubuntu 有一个文本编辑器。在搜索对话框中输入编辑器的关键字。然后双击 Text Editor 选项。

Step 1 − Open the editor. Just like notepad in Windows, Ubuntu has a text editor. In the search dialog box, enter the keyword of editor. Then double-click on the Text Editor option.

open editor


The following editor screen pops up.

screen pops up

Step 2 − 在编辑器中输入以下文本。

Step 2 − Enter the following text in the editor.

originalAddress=@(ifconfig | grep “inet addr” | head –n 1 | cut –d “:” –f 2 | cut –d “ “ –f 1)

echo $originalAddress

Step 3 − 将文件另存为 write-ip.sh。

Step 3 − Save the file as write-ip.sh.

save file


Now once you have saved the file, we need to assign the file some execute rights. Otherwise, we will not be able to execute the file.

Step 4 − 转到命令提示符,导航到 Desktop 位置并发出以下命令。

Step 4 − Go to the command prompt, navigate to the Desktop location and issue the following command.

chmod a+x write-ip.sh


The above command will provide execute permissions to the file.

execute permissions

Step 5 − 现在,我们可以通过发出以下命令来执行该文件。

Step 5 − Now, we can execute the file by issuing the following command.


输出将是分配给机器的 IP 地址,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

The output will be the IP address assigned to the machine as shown in the following screenshot.

assign ip address

Ubuntu - Networking

Ubuntu 提供了查看工作站网络详细信息的选项。以下是如何查看机器网络详细信息的步骤。

Ubuntu provides the options to view the network details of the workstation. Following are the steps to view the network details of the machine.

Step 1 − 在搜索对话框中,键入关键字“network”。

Step 1 − In the search dialog box, type the keyword ‘network’.


Step 2 − 双击 Network 图标。我们可以看到分配给计算机的主机名。

Step 2 − Double-click the Network icon. We can see the hostname assigned to the machine.

click network icon

Step 3 − 单击 Network 文件夹选项,我们可以看到分配给机器的 IP 地址。

Step 3 − Click the Network folder option and we can see the IP address assigned to the machine.

click network folder option

Step 4 − 单击 Options 按钮,我们可以修改网络连接的详细信息。

Step 4 − Click the Options button and we can modify the details of the network connection.

modify details

Ubuntu - Server Installation

Ubuntu 还提供服务器版本。此版本用于承载应用程序,如基于 web 的应用程序。服务器版本可从 Ubuntu 网站下载,方式与桌面版 Ubuntu 一致。

Ubuntu also comes in a server version. This version is used for hosting applications such as webbased applications. The server version can be downloaded from the Ubuntu site in the same way as the desktop version of Ubuntu.

本自述教程的目的,让我们看看服务器版本 14.04 的安装,此版本是 Ubuntu 最流行的版本之一。以下为安装步骤。

For the purpose of this tutorial, let’s look at the installation of the server version 14.04, which is one of the most popular versions of Ubuntu. Following are the steps for installation.

http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - 从以下链接下载服务器版本: Step 2

Step 1 − Download for the server version from the link − http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/

download server

Step 2 - 当服务器版本下载完成后,请将其放在 USB 设备或可引导 DVD 中。使用可引导设备启动硬件。

Step 2 − Once the download of the server version is complete, put it on a USB device or bootable DVD. Boot the hardware from the bootable device.

Step 3 - 系统会提示选择安装语言。选择英语,然后按回车键。

Step 3 − The system prompts to select a language for the Installation. Select English and press the Enter button.

select language

Step 4 - 在下一步中,选择安装 Ubuntu 服务器的选项,然后按回车键。

Step 4 − In the next step, choose the option to install Ubuntu server and press the Enter button.

choose option to install ubuntu

Step 5 - 系统再次提示选择安装语言。选择英语,然后按回车键。

Step 5 − The system again prompts to select a language for the installation. Choose the English language and press the Enter button.

again select language

Step 6 - 在下一个屏幕中,选择所需区域,然后按回车键。

Step 6 − In the next screen, select the desired region and then press the Enter button.

select desired region

Step 7 - 下一步包括检测键盘布局。选择“否”选项,然后按回车键。

Step 7 − The next step includes the detection of the Keyboard layout. Choose the ‘No’ option and press the Enter button.

keyboard detection

Step 8 - 在下一个屏幕中,单击英语(美国)作为键盘布局,然后按回车键。

Step 8 − In the next screen, click the English(US) as the keyboard layout and press the Enter button.

click english

Step 9 - 在执行了一组初始配置步骤后,系统会提示我们输入系统名称。输入 Ubuntuserver,然后按回车键。

Step 9 − After performing a set of initial configuration steps, we will be prompted to enter a name for the system. Enter Ubuntuserver and press the Enter key.

set initial configuration steps

Step 10 - 然后系统会提示您输入真实姓名和要创建的帐户的用户名。输入名称“demo”,然后在两个屏幕上按回车键。

Step 10 − You will then be prompted to enter a real name and the username for an account to be created. Enter the name ‘demo’ and press Enter on both screens.

enter real name
enter username

Step 11 - 现在,我们需要为新帐户输入密码。输入密码,然后按回车键。系统会要求验证密码。

Step 11 − Now we need to enter a password for the new account. Enter a password and press the Enter button. The system will ask to verify the password.

enter password

Step 12 - 然后,系统询问我们是否要加密主目录。现在,我们选择“否”,然后按回车键以继续。加密功能有这样的好处,如果有人侵入系统,他们将无法窃取数据,因为数据已经加密。

Step 12 − The system then asks if we want to encrypt the home directory. For the moment, let us say ‘No’ and press Enter to proceed. The encryption is such that if anyone does hack into the system, they will not be able steal the data as it is encrypted.

一旦我们成为 Ubuntu 服务器的高级用户,我们就可以选择“是”作为选项。但现在,让我们不要加密。

Once we are an advanced user of Ubuntu server, we can choose ‘Yes’ as the option. But for now let’s leave this as unencrypted.

choose yes option

Step 13 - Ubuntu 服务器安装然后设置时间设置。选择“是”,然后按回车键以继续。

Step 13 − The Ubuntu server installation will then set the time settings. Choose ‘Yes’ and press the Enter button to proceed.

set time

Step 14 ——接下来将进行磁盘设置。选择“Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM”(使用全部磁盘并设置 LVM 的向导模式)选项,然后按 Enter 键继续。

Step 14 − Next the disk setup will take place. Choose the option ‘Guided – use entire disk and set up LVM’ and press the Enter button to proceed.

setup take place

Step 15 ——安装将擦除磁盘上的所有数据。因为这是全新安装,所以这不成问题。单击 Enter 键继续。

Step 15 − The installation will erase all the data on the disk. Since this is a fresh installation, this is not an issue. Click the Enter button to proceed.

erase data

Step 16 ——系统将要求确认磁盘上的所有更改。选择“Yes”(是)选项,然后按 Enter 键继续。

Step 16 − We will be asked to confirm all the changes to the disk. Choose the ‘Yes’ option and Press the Enter button to proceed.

confirm changes

Step 17 ——系统将检测硬盘大小。按 Enter 键继续。

Step 17 − The installation will detect the size of the hard disk. Hit the Enter button to proceed.

detect size

Step 18 ——然后系统要求最终确定对磁盘的更改。选择“Yes”(是)选项,然后按“Enter”(输入)键继续。

Step 18 − The system then asks to finalize the changes to the disk. Choose the ‘Yes’ option and press the ‘Enter’ button to proceed.

finalize changes


The system will then start performing a series of steps for the installation.

performing series

Step 19 ——然后系统将要求配置代理设置。我们可以“保留”此设置不变,然后按 Enter 键。

Step 19 − It will then ask to configure the Proxy setting. We can leave this setting as is and press the Enter button.

configure proxy setting

然后系统将开始配置 apt 软件包管理器。

The installation will then start configuring the apt package manager.

configure apt package manager


The installation of the necessary software will then start.

install necessary software

Step 20 ——然后系统将询问是否配置自动更新。现在,选择“No automatic updates”(不进行自动更新),然后按 Enter 键。

Step 20 − The system then asks if we want to configure automatic updates. For now, select ‘No automatic updates’ and press the Enter button.

configure automatic updates

Step 21 ——下一步是安装任何其他软件。选择可以让远程连接到服务器的“OpenSSH”服务器。按 Enter 键继续。

Step 21 − The next step is to install any additional software. Select ‘OpenSSH’ server which allows one to remotely connect to the server. Press the Enter button to proceed.

install additional software


The system will start installing the remaining software on the system.

installing remaining software

Step 22 ——系统现在要求安装 GRUB 引导加载程序。选择“Yes”(是)选项,然后按 Enter 键继续。

Step 22 − The system now requests to install the GRUB boot loader. Choose the ‘Yes’ option and press the Enter button to proceed.

install grub boot loader

Step 23 ——安装完成后,按 Continue(继续)选项继续。

Step 23 − Once the installation is complete, press the Continue option to proceed.

press continue option


The system will then reboot after the installation.


Step 24 ——然后系统将要求我们登录系统。输入安装时输入的凭据。

Step 24 − We will then be requested to log into the system. Enter the credentials which were entered at the time of installation.

log request


We will finally be logged into the system.

finally logged

我们已成功安装 Ubuntu 服务器版本。

We have successfully installed the server version of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu - Secure Shell

Linux 中的 Secure Shell (SSH) 用于以加密和安全的方式登录到计算机。这有助于提供一个安全通道,以简化对 Ubuntu 服务器的所有请求。SSH 使用加密密钥登录到服务器。

The Secure Shell (SSH) in Linux is used to log into the machine in an encrypted and safe manner. This helps in providing a secure channel to streamline all requests to the Ubuntu server. SSH uses cryptographic keys to log into the server.

在 Windows 中,执行 Linux 服务器的安全 Shell 的最常用工具是 putty 。在本章中,我们将学习如何使用 putty 在服务器上进行安全 Shell。

On Windows, the most common tool to perform a secure shell to a Linux server is putty. In this chapter, we will learn how to use putty to Secure Shell into a server.

Step 1 − 从 http://www.putty.org/ 站点下载 putty。

Step 1 − Download putty from the http://www.putty.org/ site.

download putty

Step 2 −在连接以使用 putty 之前,我们需要知道 Ubuntu 服务器的 IP 地址。为此,在 Ubuntu 服务器的命令外壳中键入 ifconfig。

Step 2 − Before connecting to use putty, we need to know the IP address of our Ubuntu box. To do this, type ifconfig in the command shell of the Ubuntu server.

ubuntu ip address

从上面的屏幕截图中,我们知道服务器的 IP 地址是

From the above screenshot, we know that the IP address of the server is

Step 3 −接下的步骤是安装服务器上的 SSH。为了 SSH 到服务器,你需要确保它已安装。在 Ubuntu 服务器命令提示符会话中运行以下命令。

Step 3 − Next step is installing SSH on the server. In order to SSH to a server, you need to make sure it is installed. Run the following command in the Ubuntu server command prompt session.

sudo apt-get install openssh-server
installing ssh

Step 4 −启动 PuTTY。输入 Ubuntu 服务器的 IP 地址,然后单击“打开”按钮。

Step 4 − Launch PuTTY. Enter the IP address of the Ubuntu server and click the Open button.

launch putty

Step 5 −下一个屏幕要求接受从服务器发送的加密密钥。

Step 5 − The next screen requests to accept the encrypted key sent from the server.

accept encrypted key

Step 6 −最后,输入用户名和密码登录到服务器。我们已经成功地建立到服务器的安全 Shell。

Step 6 − Finally, enter the username and password to log into the server. We have successfully established a secure shell to the server.

enter username and password

Ubuntu - Development

可以使用 Ubuntu 台式机版开发 Web 应用程序。可用于 Ubuntu 开发的最著名的软件之一是 Aptana 。让我们看看如何获得 Aptana 并启动一个简单的 Web 项目。

The Ubuntu desktop edition can be used to develop web applications. One of the most famous software which can be used for development on Ubuntu is Aptana. Let’s see the steps on how to get Aptana and get a simple web project up and running.

Step 1 − 在 Ubuntu 台式机上,打开 Firefox 并访问该 URL − http://www.aptana.com/products/studio3/download

Step 1 − On Ubuntu desktop, open Firefox and go to the url − http://www.aptana.com/products/studio3/download

open firefox

Step 2 − 单击“下载 Aptana Studio 3”按钮。

Step 2 − Click the Download Aptana Studio 3 button.

Step 1 - 下载后,将 zip 文件解压到合适的位置。解压后,单击 AptanaStudio3 链接。

Step 3 − Once downloaded, extract the zip file to a suitable location. Once extracted, click the AptanaStudio3 link.

click aptanastudio3

会出现以下界面。我们可选择创建新的 web 项目(如果需要)。

The following interface pops up. We can then choose to create a new web project, if required.

new web project

可以在 web 项目上进行必要的开发。

The required development can be carried out on the web project.

Ubuntu - Nginx

Nginx 是比 Apache 轻得多的 Web 服务器。这个 Web 服务器在最近几年中变得非常流行。Apache Web 服务器配置和使用起来可能相当复杂。但是,Nginx 简单的多。本章将重点介绍如何安装这个轻便的 Web 服务器。

Nginx is a much lighter web server than Apache. This web server has become quite popular in the recent years. The Apache web server can be quite complex to configure and use. However, Nginx is much simpler. This chapter will focus on how to install this light web server.

要安装 Nginx,以下是步骤 −

To install Nginx, following are the steps −

Step 1 − 在 Ubuntu 桌面中打开命令终端并运行以下命令。

Step 1 − Open the command terminal on Ubuntu desktop and run the following command.

sudo apt-get update


This first ensures that all packages on the operating system are up to date.

os packages

Step 2 − 接下来输入以下命令以安装 Nginx 服务器。

Step 2 − Next enter the following command to install the nginx server.

sudo apt-get install nginx
enter command

Step 3 − 完成后,如果运行 ps –ef | grep nginx ,我们就能看到 Web 服务器进程的运行状态。

Step 3 − Once done, if we run ps –ef | grep nginx, we can see the process for the web server in a running state.

running state

现在已让 Nginx 在 Ubuntu 上作为 Web 服务器运行。

We now have nginx run as a web server on Ubuntu.

Ubuntu - Virtual Machines

Ubuntu 也可以作为虚拟机安装。以下是一些支持虚拟机的软件——

Ubuntu can also be installed as virtual machines. Some of the software which support virtual machines are −

  1. Microsoft Hyper-V

  2. VMWare Workstation

  3. Oracle VirtualBox

我们使用 Oracle VirtualBox 来创建我们的 Ubuntu 虚拟机。Oracle VirtualBox 是 Oracle 的免费工具。以下是设置虚拟机所需步骤。

Let’s use Oracle VirtualBox to create our Ubuntu virtual machine. Oracle VirtualBox is a free tool from Oracle. Following are the steps to have the virtual machine in place.

Step 1 − 从 oracle 网站下载 Oracle VirtualBox − https://www.virtualbox.org/

Step 1 − Download Oracle VirtualBox from the oracle site − https://www.virtualbox.org/

download oracle virtualbox

Step 2 − 转到下载部分并下载 Windows 版本。

Step 2 − Go to the downloads section and download the Windows version.

download windows version

Step 3 − 下载完成后,安装 VirtualBox。启动安装程序。单击以下屏幕上的“运行”按钮。

Step 3 − Once download is complete, install VirtualBox. Launch the installer. Click the Run button on the following screen.

install virtualbox

Step 4 − 在后续屏幕中单击“下一步”按钮。

Step 4 − Click the Next button on the subsequent screen.

click next button

Step 5 − 选择合适的文件夹位置,然后单击“下一步”按钮。

Step 5 − Choose the appropriate folder location and click the Next button.

choose appropriate folder

Step 6 − 在后续屏幕上单击“下一步”。

Step 6 − Click Next on the subsequent screen.

click next

Step 7 - 在下一个屏幕中,单击“是”按钮以便继续进行安装。

Step 7 − Click the ‘Yes’ button on the next screen to proceed ahead with the installation.

proceed with installation

Step 8 - 在下一个屏幕中,单击“安装”。

Step 8 − Click Install on the next screen.

click install

Step 9 - 在安装完成后,启动 Oracle VirtualBox。在启动屏幕中,单击“新建”菜单选项。

Step 9 − After the installation is complete, launch Oracle VirtualBox. On the Launch screen, click the ‘New’ menu option.

launch oracle virtualbox

Step 10 - 为虚拟机提供一个名称,将类型指定为 Ubuntu,然后单击“下一步”按钮。

Step 10 − Give a name for the virtual machine and give the type as Ubuntu and then click the Next button.

virtual machine

Step 11 - 在下一个屏幕中,保留推荐的 RAM 原样,然后单击“下一步”按钮。

Step 11 − In the next screen, keep the recommended RAM as it is and click the Next button.

keep recommended ram

Step 12 - 接受虚拟硬盘的默认设置,然后单击“创建”按钮。

Step 12 − Accept the default setting for the virtual hard disk and click the Create button.

accept default setting

Step 13 - 接受硬盘类型,然后单击“下一步”按钮。

Step 13 − Accept the hard disk type and click the Next button.

accept hard disk

Step 14 - 接受物理硬盘空间分配的默认类型,然后单击“下一步”按钮。

Step 14 − Accept the default type of physical hard disk allocation and click the Next button.

hard disk allocation

Step 15 - 接受默认文件位置,然后单击“创建”按钮。

Step 15 − Accept the default file location and click the Create button.

default file location

Step 16 - 如今,虚拟机已经创建好,单击“设置”菜单选项。

Step 16 − Now that the Virtual Machine has been created, click the Settings Menu option.

click setting menu

Step 17 - 转到“存储”选项,单击“空磁盘”图标并浏览查找 Ubuntu iso 镜像。然后,单击“确定”按钮。

Step 17 − Go to the Storage option, click the Empty disk icon and browse for the Ubuntu iso image. Then click the OK button.

storage option

最后,单击“启动”按钮。系统将提示安装 Ubuntu。按照“安装”章节中的步骤进行操作,将会创建一个托管 Ubuntu 的虚拟机。

Finally click the Start button. The system prompts to install Ubuntu. Follow the steps in the Installation chapter and we will have a Virtual Machine hosting Ubuntu.

click start button

Ubuntu - Installing MySQL and Python

MySQL 和 Python 分别是著名的数据库和开发软件。它们通常安装在基于 Linux 的系统上。我们来看一下我们如何将它们安装在 Ubuntu 服务器环境中。

MySQL and Python are famous database and development software respectively. These are normally installed on Linux-based systems. Let’s see how we can get them installed on Ubuntu server environments.

Installing Python

首先要做的就是找出系统上安装的 Python 版本。我们可以通过发布以下命令来找到它。

The first thing to do is to find out what is the version of Python installed on the system. We can find this issuing the following command.

Python –v

其中 –v 选项用于说明安装的 Python 版本。下面的屏幕截图显示了上述命令的输出样例。

Where the –v option specifies to show what is the version of Python installed. The following screenshot shows a sample of the output of the above command.

python version

从上面的输出中,我们可以看到安装的 Python 版本是 2.7 版。

From the above output, we can see that the version of Python installed is version 2.7.

还有另一种方法可以通过以下命令查看 Python 是否已安装。

There is another way to see if Python is installed via the following commands.

Python –V
Python3 –V

后一条命令用于查看已安装的 Python 的版本 3。

The later command is used to see the version 3 of Python installed.

python installed version

如果我们想要安装最新版本的 Python,那么我们需要发布以下声明。

If we want to have the latest version of Python installed, then we need to issue the following statement.

sudo apt-get install python3

上述命令将下载 Python 所需的程序包并安装它。

The above command will download the necessary packages for Python and have it installed.

Installing MySQL

要安装 MySQL,需要执行以下步骤。

To install MySQL, the following steps need to be followed.

Step 1 - 发布 apt-get 命令以确保所有操作系统程序包都是最新的。

Step 1 − Issue the apt-get command to ensure all operating system packages are up to date.

sudo apt-get update
os update

Step 2 - 一旦所有程序包更新完毕,便可获取 MySQL 程序包。

Step 2 − Once all the packages have been updated, it is time to get the packages for MySQL.

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

上述命令将开始下载 MySQL 的所有相关程序包。

The above command will start the download of all the relevant packages for MySQL.


Once the download completes and the installation starts, the installer will first ask to configure a root password.

Step 3 - 输入所需密码并单击确定按钮。它还将提示重新输入密码。

Step 3 − Enter the required password and click the OK button. It will also prompt to re-enter the password.

enter required password
reenter password

Step 4 - 要查看正在运行的 MySQL 进程,请运行以下命令。

Step 4 − To see the MySQL process running, run the following command.

ps –ef | grep mysql

以下屏幕截图显示了 mysqld ,它是在后台运行的 mysql 的守护进程。

The following screenshot shows mysqld which is the daemon process for mysql running in the background.

daemon process

Step 5 - 要配置 mysql,请运行以下命令。

Step 5 − To configure mysql, run the following command.

configure mysql

它会提示输入在安装过程中输入的 root 密码。

It prompts to enter the root password which was entered during the installation process.

Step 6 - 输入密码并按 Enter 键。

Step 6 − Enter the password and hit Enter.

现在,它提示是否要更改 root 密码。

Now, it prompts on whether we want to change the root password.

Step 7 - 输入“N”表示否并继续。

Step 7 − Enter ‘N’ for No and proceed.


Again, it prompts on whether we want to remove the Anonymous access.

remove anonymous access

Step 8 - 当从其他计算机连接到此数据库时,建议对匿名用户保持默认选项“ N ”,并远程禁止 root 登录。

Step 8 − When connecting from other machines on this database, it is advised to keep the default options as ‘N’ for both anonymous users and disallow root login remotely.

connecting machines

Step 9 - 建议对删除测试数据库的选项也提供 No 选项。我们可以输入“ Y ”来重新加载权限表。

Step 9 − It is advised to provide the option as No for the options of Remove test database as well. We can enter ‘Y’ to reload the privileges table.

最后,MySQL 的配置将完成。

Finally, the configuration of MySQL will be complete.

Ubuntu - Node.js

Node.js 是用于开发服务器端应用程序的流行 JavaScript 框架。在本章中,我们将了解如何在 Ubuntu 上安装 Node.js。

Node.js is a popular JavaScript framework used for developing server side applications. In this chapter, we will see how to get Node.js installed on Ubuntu.

以下是安装 Node.js 的步骤。

Following are the steps to get Node.js installed.

Step 1 - 运行以下命令。

Step 1 − Run the following command.

sudo apt-get install nodejs

它将安装 Node.js 所需的所有软件包

This will install all the necessary packages for Node.js

install necessary package

接下来,我们需要安装 Node.js 应用程序所需的 Node 包管理器。

Next, we need to install the Node package manager which is required for Node.js applications.

Step 2 - 运行以下命令。

Step 2 − Run the following command.

sudo apt-get install npm


All the necessary packages for the node package manager will be installed.

necessary packages

Step 3 - 接下来,创建指向 Node.js 文件夹的符号链接。然后,运行 Node –v 命令和 npm –v 以查看已安装的 Node 和 npm 版本。

Step 3 − Next, create a symbolic link to the Node.js folder. Then, run the Node –v command and npm –v to see the Node and npm version installed.

create symbolic link

Ubuntu - Docker

Docker 是一个容器服务,允许用户在主操作系统上作为容器运行应用程序甚至操作系统。 Containers 是一项全新且令人振奋的技术,在过去几年中不断发展,并被许多主要组织采用。

Docker is a container service which allows one to run applications or even operating systems on a host operating system as containers. Containers are a new and exciting technology that has evolved over the last couple of years and being adopted by a lot of key organizations.

Docker 是一个为应用程序开发这些特殊容器的公司。Docker 的官方网站是 {s4}

Docker is a company that develops these special containers for applications. The official website for Docker is https://www.docker.com/

docker official website

作为一项练习,我们来在 Ubuntu 系统上安装一个 CentOS 容器。CentOS 是一个基于 Red Hat 的 Linux 操作系统。因此,我们将在 Ubuntu 之上运行 CentOS 系统。以下是实现这一点的步骤。

As an exercise, let’s install a CentOS container on an Ubuntu system. CentOS is a Linux-based operating system from Red Hat. Thus, we will be running the CentOS system on top of Ubuntu. Following are the steps to have this in place.

Step 1 - 第一步是在 Ubuntu 服务器上安装 Docker 应用程序。因此,在 Ubuntu 测试服务器上,运行以下命令以确保已更新操作系统。

Step 1 − The first step is to install the Docker application on Ubuntu server. Thus on the Ubuntu test server, run the following command to ensure that OS updates are in place.

sudo apt-get update
install docker

Step 2 - 在处理完所有更新后,发出以下命令来安装 Docker。

Step 2 − Once all updates have been processed, issue the following command to get Docker installed.

sudo apt-get install -y docker.io
docker installed

Step 3 - 在安装完 Docker 软件包后,我们应当收到一个输出消息,该消息表明 Docker 进程已启动并且正在运行。Docker 进程称为 Docker 引擎或 Docker 守护程序。

Step 3 − Once the Docker packages are installed, we should receive an output message stating that the Docker process has started and is running. The Docker process is known as the Docker engine or Docker daemon.

Step 4 - 要查看正在运行的 Docker 版本,发出 Docker info 命令。

Step 4 − To view the version of Docker running, issue the Docker info command.

docker version

Step 5 − 下一步是在 Ubuntu 上安装我们的 CentOS 镜像。

Step 5 − The next step is to install our CentOS image on Ubuntu.

Docker 有一个称为 Docker 集线器的特殊站点,用于存储为 Docker 预构建的镜像。该站点的链接为 https://hub.docker.com/

Docker has a special site called the Docker hub, which is used to store pre-built images for Docker. The link to the site is https://hub.docker.com/

Step 6 − 进行一个快速和简单的登录过程,以能够登录站点并查看所有可用的 Docker 镜像。

Step 6 − Do a quick and simple sign-in process to be able to log into the site and see all the available Docker images.

docker images

Step 7 − 登录后,单击“浏览”按钮以查看所有可用的 Docker 镜像。

Step 7 − Once logged in, click the Explore button to see all the available Docker images.

click explore

需要了解的两个重要点是 −

The two important points to note are −

  1. The Docker pull command. This is the command to install the Docker image on Linux box.

  2. The Docker details for the various versions of CentOS.

available docker images

Step 8 − 在 Ubuntu 容器上,运行命令。

Step 8 − On Ubuntu box, run the command.

sudo docker pull centos:latest

Docker 组件下载开始,同时 CentOS Docker 已下载。Docker 镜像的名称为 centos:latest,这意味着我们拥有最新的 CentOS Docker 镜像。

The download of the Docker component starts and the CentOS Docker is downloaded. The name of the Docker image is centos:latest, which means that we have the latest Docker image for CentOS.

Step 9 − 要查看所有已安装的 Docker 镜像,请发出命令

Step 9 − To see all the Docker images installed, issue the command

sudo docker images

在下图中,我们可以看到 Docker 镜像的大小仅为 196.8 MB,这是 CentOS 的子集,现在在 Ubuntu 系统上运行。

In the following screenshot, we can see that the Docker image is just 196.8 MB in size, and this is the subset of the CentOS which now runs on Ubuntu system.

docker image size

Step 10 − 要启动 CentOS,我们需要向操作系统发出命令以启动线程。我们可以通过运行以下命令来完成此操作。

Step 10 − To start CentOS, we need to issue a command to the OS to get a thread started. We can do this by running the following command.

sudo docker run -it centos /bin/bash

以上命令执行以下操作 −

The above command does the following things −

  1. Runs the CentOS Docker image.

  2. Runs the image in interactive mode by using the -it option.

  3. Runs the /bin/bash command as the initial process.

Ubuntu - On the Cloud

我们可以在 Google Cloud、Amazon web services 和 Azure web services 等各种云环境中安装 Ubuntu。在本章中,我们将看到如何在 Amazon web services 上启动并运行 Ubuntu。以下是实现此目的的步骤。

We can also install Ubuntu on various cloud environments such as Google Cloud, Amazon web services, and Azure web services. In this chapter, we will see how to get Ubuntu up and running on Amazon web services. Following are the steps to get this in place.

Step 1 - 人们可以从 Amazon web services 获取免费帐户。我们只需在以下 URL 上向 AWS 注册即可 - https://aws.amazon.com/

Step 1 − One can get a free account with Amazon web services. All we need to do is register with AWS on the following url − https://aws.amazon.com/

amazon web services

Step 2 - 单击登录控制台,它将显示以下对话框。

Step 2 − Click the Sign in to the Console and it presents the following dialog box.

click signin

Step 3 − 单击选项‘我是新用户’,并输入一个现有 Gmail 帐户的必需电子邮件 id。然后单击‘使用我们的安全服务器登录’按钮。然后我们需要在后续屏幕中提供一些信息来创建帐户。

Step 3 − Click the option ‘I am a new user’ and enter the required email id of an existing Gmail account. Then click the ‘Sign in using our secure server’ button. We will then need to give some information in the subsequent screen to create an account.

Step 4 − 一旦创建了帐户,我们就可以登录到控制台。登录后,单击 EC2 选项。此选项用于在云端创建虚拟机。

Step 4 − Once an account has been created, we can log into the console. Once logged in, click the EC2 option. This option is used for creating virtual machines on the cloud.

click ec2

Step 5 − 在以下屏幕截图中,单击启动实例按钮。

Step 5 − In the following screenshot, click the Launch Instance button.

launch instance button

Step 6 − 下一个屏幕提示选择一个合适的 AMI。AMI 是 Amazon 中一个预先构建的操作系统映像。向下滚动到 Ubuntu 选项,然后单击选择按钮。

Step 6 − The next screen prompts to select an appropriate AMI. An AMI is a pre-built image for an operating system in Amazon. Scroll down until to the Ubuntu option and click the Select button.

select ami

Step 7 − 在下一个屏幕中,选择计算机的配置。选择通用 - t2.micro 选项,然后单击‘下一步:配置实例详细信息’按钮。

Step 7 − In the next screen, choose the configuration of the machine. Choose the General purpose – t2.micro option and then click the ‘Next: Configure Instance Details’ button.

choose configuration

Step 8 − 在下一个屏幕中,输入以下详细信息,如屏幕截图所示。

Step 8 − In the next screen, enter the following details as shown in the screenshot.

enter shown details
  1. The number of instances to launch – Keep 1 as the default.

  2. VPC – If there is no existing VPC, choose the option to create a new one.


Now, if we choose the option to create a new subnet, we need to perform the following sub steps.

create new subnet

单击创建 VPC 按钮。(注意:VPC 被称为虚拟私有网络,用于在隔离环境中存储所有 AWS 对象。)

Click the Create VPC button. (Note: The VPC is known as a virtual private network which is used to store all AWS objects in an isolated environment.)

在创建 VPC 对话框中,输入以下详细信息并单击‘Yes Create’按钮。

In the Create VPC dialog box, enter the following details and click the ‘Yes Create’ button.

create vpc button
  1. For the subnet, keep the default setting as it is.

  2. For the Auto-assign Public IP option, choose ‘use subnet setting(Enable)’.

  3. Keep the IAM Role as ‘none’.

  4. Keep the Shutdown behavior as ‘none’.

  5. The remaining settings can remain as by default.


Click the Next: Add Storage button.

Step 9 − 在下一个屏幕中,保留默认存储,并单击检查并启动按钮。

Step 9 − In the next screen, keep the default storage as is and click the Review and Launch button.

review and launch

Step 10 − 检查屏幕会弹出。单击启动按钮。

Step 10 − The review screen will pop up. Click the Launch button.

click launch button

Step 11 − 下一个屏幕提示创建新的密钥对。在创建实例时需要它来登录实例。输入密钥名称,并单击下载密钥对按钮。

Step 11 − The next screen prompts to create a new key pair. This is required to log into the instance when it is created. Enter a key name and click the download Key pair button.

create new key pair

Step 12 − 下载完成后,单击启动实例按钮。

Step 12 − Once download is complete, click the Launch Instances button.

click launch instance button

Step 13 − 单击“查看实例”按钮。

Step 13 − Click the ‘View Instances’ button.

view instances button

Step 14 − 实例状态显示为正在运行时,单击连接按钮。

Step 14 − Once the state of the instance is running, click the Connect button.

click connect button

下一个对话框为登录到 Ubuntu 服务器机器提供了步骤。

The next dialog box presents the steps to log into the Ubuntu server machine.

Step 15 − 使用 SSH 客户端按照通常方法执行步骤以登录到机器。

Step 15 − Perform the steps as we would normally do, using a SSH client to log into the machine.

ssh client