Ubuntu 简明教程

Ubuntu - Spreadsheets

Ubuntu 中用于电子表格的默认应用程序称为 Calc 。软件启动器中也可以找到它。

The default application for spreadsheets in Ubuntu is called Calc. This is also available in the software launcher.



Once we click on the icon, the spreadsheet application will launch.

launch spreadsheet application

我们可以像在 Microsoft Excel 应用程序中那样编辑单元格。

We can edit the cells as we would normally do in a Microsoft Excel application.

edit cells

Adding Formulas

可以像在 Microsoft Excel 中那样添加公式。以下示例显示了一个包含 3 列的 Excel 表格。第三列是“单位”和“单价”列的乘积。

Formulas can be added in the same manner as in Microsoft Excel. The following example shows an excel sheet which has 3 columns. The 3rd column is the multiplication of the Units and Unit price column.

formulas added


The columns can be dragged to ensure the same formula is repeated for each row.

columns dragged

Saving a Sheet


To save a sheet, go to the Save As menu option as shown in the following screenshot.

save as option


Provide the name, location of the spreadsheet and click the Save button to save the sheet.

click save button

在 Calc 应用程序中,工具栏中还有其他各种格式选项,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

There are various other formatting options available in the toolbar in the Calc application as shown in the following screenshot.

formatting options

Inserting Charts

在 Calc 应用程序的右侧,还有其他各种选项。其中一个是在电子表格中插入图表。

On the right-hand side of the Calc application, there are various other options. One of them is to insert a chart in the spreadsheet.

insert chart


Once we click the Chart option, it will prompt for the type of Chart to be inserted. Choose a chart type and click the Finish button.

click chart option


Now, we can see the Chart in the spreadsheet.

see chart