Ubuntu 简明教程

Ubuntu - Word Writer

Word Writer 内置于 Ubuntu 中,可在软件启动器中使用。

The Word Writer comes in-built in Ubuntu and is available in the Software launcher.

word writer


The icon is encircled in red in the above screenshot. Once we click on the icon, the writer will launch.

launch writer

我们可以像在 Microsoft Word 中一样,在 Writer 中开始输入。

We can start typing in the Writer as we normally would do in Microsoft Word.

start typing

Saving Documents


To save a document, just click on the save menu option as shown in the following screenshot.

save document


Specify the location, the name of the file and then click the Save button.

specify location

Creating New Documents


To create a new document, choose the new menu option as shown in the following screenshot. It shows an option to create various types of documents.

creating new documents

Opening an Existing Document


To open an existing document, choose the option of opening an existing document from the file menu options as shown in the following screenshot. The option icon is encircled in red.

open existing document


Once the open menu option is clicked, it presents a dialog box with an option to choose the file which needs to be opened. Click on the desired file and then click Open.

open menu option

Working with Tables


Tables can be inserted using the Insert table option as shown in the following screenshot.

insert table

添加表格后,我们可以像使用 Microsoft Word 一样处理该表格。

Once the table has been added, we can then work on the table as we would on Microsoft Word.

table added


To add additional rows and columns work to the table, right-click on the table and choose the various table options available.

add additional rows and columns

您还可以使用 Word Writer 工具栏中的各种字体选项来处理文本格式。

You can also work with the format of the text using the various font options in the toolbar of Word Writer.

font options