Weka 简明教程
Weka - Installation
若要在你的计算机上安装 WEKA,请访问 WEKA’s official website 并下载安装文件。WEKA 支持在 Windows、Mac OS X 和 Linux 上安装。你只需按照此页面上的说明为你的操作系统安装 WEKA。
To install WEKA on your machine, visit WEKA’s official website and download the installation file. WEKA supports installation on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. You just need to follow the instructions on this page to install WEKA for your OS.
在 Mac 上安装的步骤如下 −
The steps for installing on Mac are as follows −
Download the Mac installation file.
Double click on the downloaded weka-3-8-3-corretto-jvm.dmg file.
You will see the following screen on successful installation.

Click on the weak-3-8-3-corretto-jvm icon to start Weka.
Optionally you may start it from the command line −
java -jar weka.jar
WEKA GUI Chooser 应用程序将启动,你将看到以下屏幕 −
The WEKA GUI Chooser application will start and you would see the following screen −

GUI Chooser 应用程序允许你运行五种不同类型的应用程序,如下所示 −
The GUI Chooser application allows you to run five different types of applications as listed here −
Simple CLI
我们将在本教程中使用 Explorer 。
We will be using Explorer in this tutorial.