Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Apps Management
Windows 10 提供多种方式来访问应用程序。如前所述,最基本的方法之一是打开搜索菜单并单击 All Apps 。
Windows 10 offers you multiple ways to access your applications. Like discussed earlier, one of the most basic ways is to open the Search menu and click All Apps.

This will present an alphabetical list of all the applications installed in your computer. If there is an application that was recently installed, it will be labeled as “New” in the menu.

Uninstalling Applications
There are three ways in which you can remove an unwanted application −
From the Start Menu
From the Settings window
From the Control Panel
Here are the steps for each way.
Uninstalling an Application from the Start Menu
Perhaps the easiest way to uninstall an application is from the Start Menu. To do this, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 打开 All Apps ,然后单击它。
Step 1 − Open the Start Menu and click on All Apps.

Step 2 - 在列表中,找到要卸载的应用程序,然后右键单击它。
Step 2 − Find the application you want to uninstall on the list, and right-click on it.

Step 3 - 在菜单上,选择 Uninstall 。然后,按照完成该流程所需的步骤操作。这些步骤会因应用程序的不同而有所不同。
Step 3 − On the menu, choose Uninstall. After this, follow the steps needed to complete the process. These steps will vary for each application.
Uninstalling an Application from the Settings window
A new and different way to uninstall an application is from the new Settings window. To do this, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 打开开始菜单,然后单击 Settings 。
Step 1 − Open the Start Menu and click Settings.

Step 2 - 在 SETTINGS 窗口上,选择 System 。
Step 2 − On the SETTINGS window, choose System.

Step 3 - 在 SYSTEM 窗口上,选择 Apps & features 。
Step 3 − On the SYSTEM window, choose Apps & features.

Step 4 - 在 Apps & features 窗口上,在搜索方框中搜索要卸载的应用程序。
Step 4 − On the Apps & features window, search for the application you want to uninstall in the search box.
Step 5 - 从结果中,单击该应用程序,然后选择 Uninstall 。
Step 5 − From the results, click on the application and choose Uninstall.
Uninstalling Applications from the Control Panel
The third way to uninstall an application is more traditional, because it uses the popular Control Panel window. To use this method, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel 。
Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

Step 2 - 在控制面板打开后,选择 Programs and Features 。
Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose Programs and Features.

Step 3 - Programs and Features 窗口将显示计算机中已安装的所有应用程序的列表。要卸载应用程序,只需单击它并使用 Uninstall 按钮即可。
Step 3 − The Programs and Features window will present a list of all the applications installed in your computer. To uninstall an application, just click on it and use the Uninstall button.

An alternate way is to right-click the application on the list.
This window also gives you other details about the applications you have installed like −
The date it was installed.
The size it occupies on the hard disk.
The specific version of this application.