Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Cloud
Windows 10 允许您使用 Outlook 帐户登录。通过这样做,Windows 会将您的文档、联系人和其他内容同步到云中。要使用 Outlook 登录,请执行以下步骤 −
Windows 10 allows you to sign in using an Outlook account. By doing this, Windows synchronizes your documents, contacts, and other things to the cloud. To sign in with Outlook, follow these steps −
Step 1 − 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Accounts 。
Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and choose Accounts.
Step 2 − 在 ACCOUNTS 窗口中,选择“改为使用 Microsoft 帐户登录”。
Step 2 − In the ACCOUNTS window, choose “Sign in with a Microsoft account instead”.
Step 3 − 之后,Windows 将索要您的用户名和密码。如果您没有 Microsoft 或 Outlook 帐户,它还会提供一个链接来创建一个帐户。使用 Microsoft 帐户将允许您将文档和个人文件同步到任何兼容设备,您可以在该设备上使用该帐户。
Step 3 − After that, Windows will ask for your username and password. If you don’t have a Microsoft or Outlook account, it will also provide a link to create one. Using a Microsoft account will allow you to sync your documents and personal files to any compatible device, where you use that account.
Using OneDrive
通过使用 Microsoft 或 Outlook 帐户登录,您可以从 Windows 10 访问 OneDrive 。OneDrive 是 Microsoft 帐户的每个用户的免费云存储空间。
By signing in with a Microsoft or Outlook account, you have access to OneDrive from your Windows 10. OneDrive is a free storage space in the Cloud given to every user of a Microsoft account.
若要从 Windows 访问 OneDrive,只需单击任务栏中的 File Explorer 图标。
To access your OneDrive from Windows, simply click on the File Explorer icon in the Taskbar.
文件资源管理器窗口打开后,您将会看到屏幕左侧的 OneDrive 链接。
When the File Explorer window opens, you will see the link to OneDrive on the left side of the screen.
您可以将本地文件夹中的文档拖到 OneDrive 中,方法是用鼠标或手指将其拖动。
You can move documents from your local folders into OneDrive by dragging them with your mouse or your finger.
OneDrive 使用不同的图标显示您的文件和文件夹的状态 −
OneDrive uses different icons to show you the status of your files and folders −
A green checkmark means that the document or folder is in sync with the online version.
A blue double-arrow means that the document or folder is currently syncing.
A red X means that there was some issue or problem syncing the document or folder.