Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - File Explorer
文件资源管理器是 Windows 操作系统用于浏览文件夹和文件的的文件管理应用程序。它为用户提供图形化界面以导航和访问存储在计算机中的文件。
File Explorer is the file management application used by Windows operating systems to browse folders and files. It provides a graphical interface for the user to navigate and access the files stored in the computer.

The main way to access the File Explorer is by clicking the folder icon in the Taskbar. After clicking the icon, the File Explorer window will open.

The initial File Explorer window is comprised of the following sections −
The File Explorer ribbon, which resembles the ribbon featured in Microsoft Office. The ribbon contains buttons for common tasks to perform with your files and folders.
The Navigation Pane gives you access to your libraries of documents and pictures, as well as your storage devices. It also features frequently used folders and network devices.
The Frequent folders section on the right features the folders you’ve worked with recently to allow for quick access to them.
The Recent files section in the lower part of the window features files and documents that you’ve opened recently.
The File Explorer Ribbon
在 Windows 10 中,文件资源管理器采用新的功能区工具栏,类似于 Microsoft Office 最近版本中的工具栏。此功能区包含最常见任务的按钮和命令。
In Windows 10, the File Explorer features a new ribbon toolbar, similar to the one featured in the recent versions of Microsoft Office. This ribbon contains buttons and commands for the most common tasks.

功能区有四个选项卡,每个选项卡都有不同的命令。您可以从 Home 选项卡执行的任务包括:
The Ribbon features four tabs, each with different commands. Among the tasks you can perform from the Home tab are −
Copying and pasting files and folders from one place to another.
Moving files and folders to another location.
Copying files and folders to another location.
Deleting a file or folder permanently or sending it to the Recycle Bin.
Renaming a file or folder.
Creating a new folder or other new items.
Verifying or modifying the Properties of a document or folder.
Opening a file or folder.
Different options to select one or various files and folders.

Share 功能区为您提供了不同的选项,以便您可以共享您的文件和文件夹。例如 −
The Share ribbon gives you different options to share your files and folders. For example −
E-mailing or messaging a file.
Compressing (“Zip”) a folder to take less space.
Printing or faxing documents.
Sharing with other users or networks.

View 功能区允许您更改 Windows 显示文件和文件夹的方式。您可以在此处进行的一些更改如下 −
The View ribbon allows you to change the way Windows displays your files and folders. Some of the changes you can make here are −
Adding additional panes to show a preview or details of your files.
Changing the layout of the files and folders from icons to list, and others.
Sorting and arranging the contents of your folder.
Hiding selected folders or files.
File 选项卡打开了一个包含不同选项的菜单,例如 −
The File tab opens a menu with different options like −

Opening an additional File Explorer window.
Opening command windows for advanced users.
Changing or configuring options about how File Explorer behaves.