Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Getting Started
安装或升级 Windows 后,将看到带有时间和日期的欢迎屏幕。只需单击任意位置即可转到用户帐户屏幕。
After you have installed or upgraded your Windows, you will get a Welcome Screen with the time and date. Just click anywhere to go to the User Accounts Screen.

此屏幕允许你从左下角选择想要登录的用户。选择正确的用户后,并在必要时输入密码,你将看到 Windows 桌面。
This screen lets you choose which user you want to log in to from the lower-left corner. After choosing the right user, and entering a password if necessary, you will see the Windows Desktop.

Windows 桌面只是操作系统主屏幕。你可以在此处访问开始菜单、任务栏等一系列工具以及其他图标。Windows 10 还引入了任务栏中的一个搜索框,该搜索框可方便浏览计算机和 Web。
The Windows Desktop is simply your operating system main screen. Here you have access to an array of tools like the Start Menu, Taskbar, and other icons. Windows 10 also introduces a search box in the Taskbar, which facilitates browsing both your computer and the Web.