Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Media Management
Windows 10 提供多种方式来处理媒体文件(音乐和视频)。处理这些文件所需的部分功能已整合到 Windows 中,以便于你访问这些文件。例如,如果你选择一个音乐文件,你将在文件夹窗口的顶部看到以下功能区。
Windows 10 offers multiple ways to work with your media files (music and videos). Some of the features needed to handle these files have been integrated into Windows to facilitate the way you access them. For example, if you select a music file, you will see the following ribbon on the top of your folder window.

You will see similar options when you select a video file.
Media Applications
虽然你的计算机中可以有许多媒体程序,但 Windows 10 包含你可以使用的几个选项。
Although you can have multiple media programs in your computer, Windows 10 includes several options for you to use.
对于音乐文件,Windows 包括传统的 Windows 媒体播放器。然而,新的 Windows 版本还包括 Groove Music 应用程序(以前称为 Xbox Music)。
For music files, Windows includes the traditional Windows Media Player. However, new Windows versions also include the Groove Music app (previously known as Xbox Music).

对于视频文件,Windows 也使用 Windows 媒体播放器,但现在还包括 Movies & TV 应用程序。
For video files, Windows also uses Windows Media Player, but now also includes the Movies & TV app.

Windows 10 还包括 Windows DVD Player 应用程序,用于在你的计算机上播放 DVD。
Windows 10 also includes the Windows DVD Player app for playing DVD’s in your computer.

You can also choose which application you want to use to open your media file by following these steps −
Step 1 - 右键单击任何媒体文件(音乐或视频)。
Step 1 − Right-click any media file (music or video).

Step 2 - 选择 Open with 选项。
Step 2 − Select the Open with option.
Step 3 - 选择要用来打开媒体文件的应用程序。
Step 3 − Choose what application you want to use to open the media file.