Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Navigation
要浏览 Windows,只需在任务栏搜索处键入要搜索的内容。可以是文档或应用程序的名称,或您正在寻找的任何信息。
To navigate your Windows, you can simply type what you are looking for on the Taskbar search. It can be the name of a document or application, or just any information you are looking for.
Start Menu
If you are looking for a specific application, you can also open the Start Menu and click “All Applications”. This will open an alphabetical list of all the applications installed on your computer.
File Explorer
If you are looking for a specific document, another alternative is to use the File Explorer by clicking on the Folder icon on the Taskbar.
In the File Explorer window, you can browse all your folders and documents.
Virtual Desktops
Windows 10 的一项新功能是添加虚拟桌面。这使您可以拥有多个桌面屏幕,以整理维持开启的窗口。
One of the new features of Windows 10 is the addition of Virtual Desktops. This allows you to have multiple desktop screens where you can keep open windows organized.
To add a virtual desktop, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 单击任务栏上的任务视图。
Step 1 − Click Task View on the Taskbar.
Step 2 - 单击右下角的“新建桌面”选项。您可以再次单击 Task View 访问或删除新桌面。
Step 2 − Click the “New desktop” option on the lower-right corner. You can access or delete the new Desktop by clicking Task View again.