Windows10 简明教程

Windows 10 - Notifications

Windows 10 提供了一个介绍通知的新方式。您可以在屏幕右下角的通知区域看到这些通知。

Windows 10 features a new way to present notifications. You can see them in the Notification Area in the lower-right corner of your screen.

Clicking the Notification icon will bring up a sidebar called the ACTION CENTER.

app notification

边栏的上侧展示 TipsApp 通知,而边栏的下侧展现了一系列 Quick Action 按钮。

The upper part of the sidebar features Tips and App notifications, while the lower part of the sidebar presents a series of Quick Action buttons.

Customizing Notifications

通过以下步骤,你可以自定义 Windows 10 在边栏中向你显示的通知 −

You can customize what notifications Windows 10 presents you in the sidebar by following these steps −

Step 1 - 转到 SETTINGS 窗口,然后选择 System

Step 1 − Go to the SETTINGS window and choose System.

system settings

Step 2 − 在 SYSTEM 窗口中,选择 Notifications & actions 。屏幕随后将向你显示不同的设置,你可以在其中自定义 Windows 10 将显示哪些通知。

Step 2 − In the SYSTEM window, select Notifications & actions. The screen will then show you different settings where you can customize what notifications Windows 10 will show.

notifications and actions