Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Project Spartan
Project Spartan 是分配给 Microsoft 即将推出新浏览器的代号。该代号于 2014 年被揭晓,当时 Microsoft 告知他们正在开发独立于 Internet Explorer 的新浏览器。
Project Spartan was the codename assigned to Microsoft’s upcoming new browser. The codename was revealed in year 2014, when Microsoft informed they were working on a new browser separate from Internet Explorer.

Spartan 浏览器被包含在 2015 年初发布的 Windows 10 第一个技术版本中。然而,在 2015 年 4 月,Microsoft 宣布将 Spartan 更名为 Edge。
The Spartan browser was included in the first technical builds of Windows 10 released in early 2015. However, on April 2015 Microsoft announced that Spartan would be renamed as Edge.