Windows10 简明教程

Windows 10 - Quick Guide

Windows 10 - Overview

Windows 10 是 Microsoft 操作系统的最新版本。它于 2015 年正式发布,最初免费提供给 Windows 7 和 Windows 8.1 的合法用户。此新版本结合了前两个版本的特性,以更加适合桌面/笔记本电脑和移动设备的用户。

Windows 10 is the most recent version of the operating system from Microsoft. Officially it was released in 2015 and was initially offered free of charge to legitimate users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. This new version combines features from those two previous installments to suit the users in a better way for both desktop/laptop computers as well as mobile devices.

windows10 most recent

Windows 10 最显着的变化是,Microsoft 取代了 Windows 8 中的开始屏幕磁贴,并带回了开始菜单。他们还删除了从屏幕侧面出现的垂直工具栏(或“超级按钮”)。这些变化使得此 Windows 版本对于桌面/笔记本电脑和移动设备的用户来说更加容易使用。

The most notable change in Windows 10 is that Microsoft replaced the Start screen tiles from Windows 8, and brought back the Start Menu. They also removed the vertical toolbars (or “charms”) that appeared from the sides of the screen. These changes make this Windows version easier to use for users of both desktop/laptops and mobile devices.

Windows 10 - Installation

你有两种方法可以在自己的电脑上安装 Windows 10:升级或全新安装。

There are two approaches you can take for installing Windows 10 in your computer: Upgrade or a Clean Install.

通常,当你升级你的操作系统时,所有文件和应用程序都将保持不变,而全新安装则意味着从头开始。但首先要确认电脑是否有支持 Windows 10 的必要硬件。

Typically, when you upgrade your operating system, all your documents and applications remain unchanged, whereas with a clean install you would be starting again from scratch. But one important thing to verify first is if your computer has the necessary hardware to support Windows 10.

System Requirements

虽然如今大部分电脑很可能具备 Windows 10 的必要硬件要求。如果你想要从旧系统升级,了解这些要求肯定是有用的。

Although most computers nowadays probably have the necessary requirements for Windows 10. It will certainly be useful to know them in case you want to upgrade from an older system.

主要要求包括 −

The main requirements are −

  1. A processor (CPU) with a clock rate of at least 1GHz.

  2. At least 1 to 2GB of memory (RAM), but Microsoft recommends 4GB.

  3. At least 16GB space in your hard disk.

需要注意的一件重要事情是安装过程本身将验证您的计算机硬件并告诉您它是否符合 Windows 10 升级条件。如果不符合,则您需要升级您的硬件。

One important thing to note is that the installation process itself will verify your computer hardware and let you know if it qualifies for a Windows 10 upgrade or not. If not, then you will need to upgrade your hardware.


如果您的计算机符合 Windows 10 升级条件,则可以按照以下步骤执行升级:

If your computer qualifies for a Windows 10 upgrade, then you can follow these steps to perform the upgrade −

Step 1 - 查找屏幕右下角的 Windows 10 通知。这是 Microsoft 对有效的 Windows 7 和 Windows 8.1 用户提供的仅限一年的优惠。

Step 1 − Look for the Windows 10 notification in the lower-right corner of the screen. This is a one-year-only offer that Microsoft is extending to valid users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

windows10 notification

Step 2 - 单击通知,它将开始在您的系统中下载和安装 Windows 10。

Step 2 − By clicking on the notification, it will start the download and installation process of Windows 10 in your system.

download installation


The download required for the upgrade is quite large, so make sure you have a stable Internet connection and continuous power for your computer to avoid interruptions during the process.

Step 3 - 下载完成后,它会提示您接受 Microsoft 的许可条款。

Step 3 − After the download is complete, it will prompt you to accept Microsoft’s license terms.

microsoft license terms

Step 4 - 同意条款后,它会询问您是否要立即安装升级或将其安排在稍后。

Step 4 − After agreeing to the terms, it will ask if you want to install the upgrade at that moment or schedule it for later.

start upgrade

由于升级过程大约需要 2 小时,因此安排一个最合适的时间将会有帮助。

Since the upgrade process can take approximately 2 hours, it will be helpful to schedule it for a time, that will be more suitable to you.

Step 5 - 升级开始后,系统将执行一系列任务,在此期间您将看到以下屏幕。

Step 5 − Once the upgrade starts, the system will perform a series of tasks, during which you will see the following screen.

perform series tasks


During this time, your computer will reboot a couple of times, so don’t worry. The process itself will take you through the steps to complete the upgrade.

Step 6 - 随着升级接近尾声,它会要求您配置一些基本的 Windows 设置。您可以选择使用 Express settings ,它将应用最常用或推荐的设置,也可以选择 customize the settings

Step 6 − As the upgrade approaches its end, it will ask you to configure some basic Windows settings. You can choose to use Express settings, which will apply the most common or recommended settings, or you can choose to customize the settings as you please.

express settings

Step 7 - 升级完成后,您将看到 Windows 欢迎屏幕。

Step 7 − After the upgrade finishes, you’ll see the Windows welcome screen.

Clean Install

如果您的计算机使用旧的操作系统,如 Windows XP 或 Vista,您将无法免费升级。在这些情况下,您需要购买盒装的 Windows 10 以获得安装的有效许可证。Windows 10 的起售价为 119 美元。

If your computer has an older operating system like Windows XP or Vista, you won’t be able to upgrade for free. In these cases, you’ll need to buy a boxed copy of Windows 10 to have a valid license for the installation. Windows 10 will have a starting price of $119.

clean install

但请考虑已经安装了 XP 或 Vista 的旧计算机可能具有过时的硬件组件,可能不适合 Windows 10。在这种情况下,请务必查看本章开头列出的系统要求,以检查您的计算机是否有资格进行 Windows 10 升级。

But take in consideration that old computers that have either XP or Vista installed might have obsolete hardware components and might not be suitable for Windows 10. In this case, make sure you review the system requirements listed at the beginning of this chapter to check if your computer is qualified for a Windows 10 upgrade.

如果您选择这种类型的安装,只需将光盘插入计算机并打开计算机。大多数计算机都要求您按下特定键以从 CD/DVD 启动,但大多数系统都使用 F12 键。访问光盘后,您只需按照与升级中非常相似的步骤进行操作即可。

If you choose this type of an installation, just insert the disc in your computer and turn it on. Most computers will ask you to press a specific key to boot from the CD/DVD, but most systems use the F12 key. After accessing the disc, you just have to follow the steps which are very similar to the ones from the upgrade.

Windows 10 - Getting Started

安装或升级 Windows 后,将看到带有时间和日期的欢迎屏幕。只需单击任意位置即可转到用户帐户屏幕。

After you have installed or upgraded your Windows, you will get a Welcome Screen with the time and date. Just click anywhere to go to the User Accounts Screen.

user accounts screen

此屏幕允许你从左下角选择想要登录的用户。选择正确的用户后,并在必要时输入密码,你将看到 Windows 桌面。

This screen lets you choose which user you want to log in to from the lower-left corner. After choosing the right user, and entering a password if necessary, you will see the Windows Desktop.

windows desktop

Windows 桌面只是操作系统主屏幕。你可以在此处访问开始菜单、任务栏等一系列工具以及其他图标。Windows 10 还引入了任务栏中的一个搜索框,该搜索框可方便浏览计算机和 Web。

The Windows Desktop is simply your operating system main screen. Here you have access to an array of tools like the Start Menu, Taskbar, and other icons. Windows 10 also introduces a search box in the Taskbar, which facilitates browsing both your computer and the Web.

Windows 10 - GUI Basics

一旦您进入 Windows 桌面屏幕,以下是一些您将看到的基本功能。

Once you get to the Windows Desktop screen, here are some basic features you will see.

basic features


One of the most important parts of your Desktop is the Taskbar. By default, it sits at the bottom of your screen giving you access to the Start Menu, several application icons, and the Notification Area.


在 Windows 10 中,如果某个应用程序处于活跃或打开状态,您将在其图标下方看到一条绿色线。单击图标将调出应用程序窗口。

In Windows 10, if an application is active or opened, you will see a green line below its icon. Clicking the icon will bring the application window up.

features three buttons

每个打开的窗口都具有右上角的三颗按钮。这些按钮用于最小化、最大化或关闭窗口 −

Every open window features three buttons in the upper-right corner. These are used to minimize, maximize, or close the window −

  1. Minimizing means that the window will hide in the Taskbar.

  2. Maximizing will bring the window to a full-screen size.

您可以根据需要移动或调整窗口大小 −

Windows can be moved around or resized as you please −

  1. To move a window, just click on its Title Bar on the upper side of the window and drag it.

  2. To resize a window, move your mouse to any corner until you see a double-sided arrow. Then click and drag until you reach the desired size.


大多数 Windows 版本将在其背景上显示不同的图标。简单来说,图标就是应用程序或文件的一个图形表示。只需双击即可打开或访问图标。

Most Windows versions will feature different icons on the background. An icon is simply a graphic representation of an application or a file. To open or access an icon, just double click on it.

feature different icons


Although the amount and type of icons will vary, depending on the computer, you can add more icons by following these steps −

Step 1 − 右键点击桌面背景。

Step 1 − Right-click on the Desktop Background.

Step 2 − 选择“新建”和“快捷方式”。

Step 2 − Choose “New” and “Shortcut”.

Step 3 − 浏览想要创建快捷方式的应用程序或文件。

Step 3 − Browse for the application or file you want to create a shortcut to.

Step 4 − 给快捷方式指定一个名称并点击“完成”。

Step 4 − Assign a name to the shortcut and click “Finish”.


Icons can also be moved around by clicking on them and dragging them to another place in the screen.

Desktop Background


Another component of your Desktop is the Background. This is simply an image that appears at the back of your screen. Most computers come with a pre-selected background, but you can change it to any image you want.


To change the background, follow these steps −

Step 1 − 右键点击背景并选择“个性化”。

Step 1 − Right-click on the background and choose “Personalize”.


Step 2 − 在个性化窗口中,从一系列预先选择的图片中选择或者浏览自己的图片。

Step 2 − From the Personalization window, choose from a series of pre-selected pictures or browse for your own.

pre selected pictures


After choosing a picture, the Background will change automatically.

Windows 10 - Navigation

要浏览 Windows,只需在任务栏搜索处键入要搜索的内容。可以是文档或应用程序的名称,或您正在寻找的任何信息。

To navigate your Windows, you can simply type what you are looking for on the Taskbar search. It can be the name of a document or application, or just any information you are looking for.

Start Menu


If you are looking for a specific application, you can also open the Start Menu and click “All Applications”. This will open an alphabetical list of all the applications installed on your computer.

start menu

File Explorer


If you are looking for a specific document, another alternative is to use the File Explorer by clicking on the Folder icon on the Taskbar.

file explorer


In the File Explorer window, you can browse all your folders and documents.

file explorer window

Virtual Desktops

Windows 10 的一项新功能是添加虚拟桌面。这使您可以拥有多个桌面屏幕,以整理维持开启的窗口。

One of the new features of Windows 10 is the addition of Virtual Desktops. This allows you to have multiple desktop screens where you can keep open windows organized.


To add a virtual desktop, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 单击任务栏上的任务视图。

Step 1 − Click Task View on the Taskbar.

task view

Step 2 - 单击右下角的“新建桌面”选项。您可以再次单击 Task View 访问或删除新桌面。

Step 2 − Click the “New desktop” option on the lower-right corner. You can access or delete the new Desktop by clicking Task View again.

new desktop

Windows 10 - Start Menu


The Start Menu is the main point of access to your applications. There are two main ways to open it −

Step 1 − 使用鼠标点击任务栏左下角的 Windows 图标。

Step 1 − Use your mouse to click Windows icon in the lower-left corner of the taskbar.

windows icon

Step 2 − 按下键盘上的 Windows 键。

Step 2 − Press the Windows key on your keyboard.

windows key

Windows 10“开始”菜单具有两个窗格。

The Windows 10 Start Menu features two panes.

start menu features

左窗格类似于 Windows 7 及更早版本的传统“开始”菜单,而右窗格具有 Windows 8 中使用的动态磁贴。

The left pane resembles the traditional Start Menu from Windows 7 and earlier, while the right pane features live tiles that were used in Windows 8.

Left Pane


Among the things you can do in the left pane are −

  1. Click the username at the top of the menu to change account settings or log in with another user.

  2. Access the applications you use more frequently.

  3. A small arrow next to an application will open a sub-menu with a list of recent documents opened with that application.

  4. Open the “File Explorer” to navigate your folders and files.

  5. Change the settings of your computer like your Internet connection or changing your background.

  6. See different options to shut down your computer.

  7. See a list of all the applications installed in your computer.

list of all applications


The “Search box” on the Taskbar will allow you to search within your documents and files or on the Web for anything you write. The initial results will appear within the Start Menu itself.

结果将根据列在列表顶部的最接近的匹配项(或匹配项)“ Best match ”进行分组。

The results will be grouped according to the closest match (or matches) labeled “Best match” at the top of the list.

best match

其余结果将根据它们是什么或其位置进行分组 −

The remaining results will be grouped according to what they are or their location −

  1. Web results

  2. Documents or folders

  3. Apps

  4. System settings

菜单左侧的图标执行以下操作 −

The icons on the left side of the menu do the following −

The Gear icon will allow you to configure the settings of your Search.

This icon will let you send Feedback to Microsoft on what you like or dislike about Windows.

The Cortana icon will activate Windows’ new personal assistant.


Clicking “My stuff” or “Web” at the bottom will expand the Start Menu and limit your results to the location you choose, as well as streamlining the search.

streamlining search

Right Pane

右侧窗格具有各种磁贴,类似于 Windows 8 开始屏幕上看到的磁贴。

The right pane features a varied array of tiles, similar to the ones that were seen on the Start Screen of Windows 8.


These tiles can be moved and dragged to different places by holding the mouse button.

right pane features


You can also configure them by right-clicking on them to see options to resize them or “unpin” them (remove them) from the Menu.


The whole Start Menu can also be resized by dragging the borders with the mouse to the desired size.

Windows 10 - Taskbar

Windows 10 任务栏位于屏幕底部,允许用户访问“开始”菜单以及常用应用程序的图标。在右侧,任务栏具有“通知区域”,该区域会通过互联网连接状态或笔记本电脑电池电量等不同的信息来通知用户。

The Windows 10 taskbar sits at the bottom of the screen giving the user access to the Start Menu, as well as the icons of frequently used applications. On the right-side, the Taskbar features the Notification Area which informs the user of different things like the state of the Internet connection or the charge of the laptop battery.

windows10 taskbar


The icons in the middle of the Taskbar are “pinned” applications, which is a way to have a quick access to applications you use frequently. “Pinned” applications will stay in the Taskbar until you “unpin” them.

Pin an Application to the Taskbar

Step 1 - 在“开始”菜单中搜索要固定的应用程序。

Step 1 − Search for the application you want to pin in the Start Menu.

Step 2 - 右键单击应用程序。

Step 2 − Right-click on the application.

Step 3 - 选择菜单顶部的“更多”选项。

Step 3 − Select “More” option at the top of the menu.

Step 4 - 选择“固定到任务栏”选项。

Step 4 − Select the “Pin to taskbar” option.

pin application taskbar

这将附加或“固定”应用程序图标到你的 Windows 任务栏。

This will attach or “pin” the application icon to your Windows Taskbar.

Unpin an Application from the Taskbar


To “unpin” it, just right-click the icon in the Taskbar and select “Unpin from taskbar”. You can “pin” it back again any time you want.

unpin taskbar

Notification Area


The Notification Area is located at the right side of the Taskbar. It shows different types of notifications from your computer like your Internet connection, or the volume level.


At first, the Notification Area shows a limited amount of icons. But you can click the upward arrow on its left-side to see other icons as well.

system tray features

Task View


Task View allows you to quickly move within your open windows and applications. You can access it by clicking the “Task View” button from the Taskbar.

task view

你还可以按住 Windows 键,然后按 Tab 来实现相同的结果。

You can also press and hold the Windows key, and then press Tab to achieve the same result.

按 Alt+Tab 键盘快捷键也可以起到类似的作用。

By pressing the Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut also serves a similar purpose.

task view shortcuts

Windows 10 - Tablet Mode

平板电脑模式是 Windows 10 中一项新的功能,它允许用户在平板电脑从底座或扩展坞分离时切换系统界面。当平板电脑模式激活时,开始菜单将转为全屏。在平板电脑模式下,许多其他窗口(比如文件资源管理器或设置窗口)也将以全屏打开。

The Tablet Mode is a new feature in Windows 10, which allows the user to switch the system interface, whenever a tablet is detached from a base or dock. When the Tablet Mode activates, the Start Menu goes full-screen. During Tablet Mode, many other windows like the File Explorer or the Settings window also open at full screen.

How to Activate the Tablet Mode?

Step 1 − 打开开始菜单并选择“设置”。

Step 1 − Open the Start Menu and select “Settings”.

activate tablet mode

Step 2 − 选择“系统”选项。

Step 2 − Select the “System” option.

Step 3 - 将平板电脑模式开关从“关闭”切换到“开启”。

Step 3 − Turn the Tablet Mode switch from “Off” to “On”.

turn tablet mode

Windows 10 - File Explorer

文件资源管理器是 Windows 操作系统用于浏览文件夹和文件的的文件管理应用程序。它为用户提供图形化界面以导航和访问存储在计算机中的文件。

File Explorer is the file management application used by Windows operating systems to browse folders and files. It provides a graphical interface for the user to navigate and access the files stored in the computer.

file explorer


The main way to access the File Explorer is by clicking the folder icon in the Taskbar. After clicking the icon, the File Explorer window will open.

file explorer windows


The initial File Explorer window is comprised of the following sections −

  1. The File Explorer ribbon, which resembles the ribbon featured in Microsoft Office. The ribbon contains buttons for common tasks to perform with your files and folders.

  2. The Navigation Pane gives you access to your libraries of documents and pictures, as well as your storage devices. It also features frequently used folders and network devices.

  3. The Frequent folders section on the right features the folders you’ve worked with recently to allow for quick access to them.

  4. The Recent files section in the lower part of the window features files and documents that you’ve opened recently.

The File Explorer Ribbon

在 Windows 10 中,文件资源管理器采用新的功能区工具栏,类似于 Microsoft Office 最近版本中的工具栏。此功能区包含最常见任务的按钮和命令。

In Windows 10, the File Explorer features a new ribbon toolbar, similar to the one featured in the recent versions of Microsoft Office. This ribbon contains buttons and commands for the most common tasks.

file explorer features

功能区有四个选项卡,每个选项卡都有不同的命令。您可以从 Home 选项卡执行的任务包括:

The Ribbon features four tabs, each with different commands. Among the tasks you can perform from the Home tab are −

  1. Copying and pasting files and folders from one place to another.

  2. Moving files and folders to another location.

  3. Copying files and folders to another location.

  4. Deleting a file or folder permanently or sending it to the Recycle Bin.

  5. Renaming a file or folder.

  6. Creating a new folder or other new items.

  7. Verifying or modifying the Properties of a document or folder.

  8. Opening a file or folder.

  9. Different options to select one or various files and folders.

file explorer options

Share 功能区为您提供了不同的选项,以便您可以共享您的文件和文件夹。例如 −

The Share ribbon gives you different options to share your files and folders. For example −

  1. E-mailing or messaging a file.

  2. Compressing (“Zip”) a folder to take less space.

  3. Printing or faxing documents.

  4. Sharing with other users or networks.

file explorer share option

View 功能区允许您更改 Windows 显示文件和文件夹的方式。您可以在此处进行的一些更改如下 −

The View ribbon allows you to change the way Windows displays your files and folders. Some of the changes you can make here are −

  1. Adding additional panes to show a preview or details of your files.

  2. Changing the layout of the files and folders from icons to list, and others.

  3. Sorting and arranging the contents of your folder.

  4. Hiding selected folders or files.

File 选项卡打开了一个包含不同选项的菜单,例如 −

The File tab opens a menu with different options like −

file explorer ribbon
  1. Opening an additional File Explorer window.

  2. Opening command windows for advanced users.

  3. Changing or configuring options about how File Explorer behaves.

Windows 10 - Cortana

Cortana 是 Microsoft 的智能个人助理。Cortana 包含在 Windows 10 中,以及 Windows Phone、Xbox 等其他 Microsoft 系统和设备中。

Cortana is Microsoft’s intelligent personal assistant. It is included in Windows 10, as well as with other Microsoft systems and devices like Windows Phones and Xbox, among others.

Cortana 将帮助你在计算机中查找内容、设置约会、解答问题以及完成许多其他操作。

Cortana will help you find things in your computer, set appointments, answer questions, and many other things.

要使用 Cortana,只需在任务栏中的搜索框中键入问题,或单击麦克风图标并与 Cortana 对话即可。

To use Cortana simply type a question in the search box in the Taskbar, or click the microphone icon and talk to Cortana.


The icons on the left-side are for −

  1. Home

  2. Notebook

  3. Reminders

  4. Feedback

Home 是初始 Cortana 窗口,你可以在其中键入问题或提出问题。

Home is the initial Cortana window where you can type or ask questions.

initial cortana window

Activating Cortana

如果 Cortana 不处于活动状态,你可以通过在任务栏搜索中键入“Cortana”来启用它以访问 Cortana 设置,或只需单击菜单左侧的“齿轮”图标即可。

If Cortana isn’t active, you can turn it on by typing “Cortana” in the Taskbar search to access the Cortana settings, or just clicking the “Gear” icon on the left-side of the menu.

activate cortana

激活 Cortana 后,它将开始收集你的信息以个性化体验。

After activating Cortana, it will start gathering information about you to personalize the experience.

cortana window

你还可以自定义 Cortana 对你的回应方式。

You can also customize how Cortana responds to you.

Personalizing Cortana

为了进一步自定义 Cortana 并个性化你的互动,还可以访问 Cortana 笔记本。

To further customize Cortana and personalize your interactions with it, you can also access the Cortana Notebook.

personalizing cortana

该笔记本会储存 Cortana 关于你的了解。

This notebook stores what Cortana knows about you.

你还可以通过输入或与 Cortana 对话来添加提醒。

You can also add reminders by either typing them or talking to Cortana.

reminders in cortana

Windows 10 - Notifications

Windows 10 提供了一个介绍通知的新方式。您可以在屏幕右下角的通知区域看到这些通知。

Windows 10 features a new way to present notifications. You can see them in the Notification Area in the lower-right corner of your screen.

Clicking the Notification icon will bring up a sidebar called the ACTION CENTER.

app notification

边栏的上侧展示 TipsApp 通知,而边栏的下侧展现了一系列 Quick Action 按钮。

The upper part of the sidebar features Tips and App notifications, while the lower part of the sidebar presents a series of Quick Action buttons.

Customizing Notifications

通过以下步骤,你可以自定义 Windows 10 在边栏中向你显示的通知 −

You can customize what notifications Windows 10 presents you in the sidebar by following these steps −

Step 1 - 转到 SETTINGS 窗口,然后选择 System

Step 1 − Go to the SETTINGS window and choose System.

system settings

Step 2 − 在 SYSTEM 窗口中,选择 Notifications & actions 。屏幕随后将向你显示不同的设置,你可以在其中自定义 Windows 10 将显示哪些通知。

Step 2 − In the SYSTEM window, select Notifications & actions. The screen will then show you different settings where you can customize what notifications Windows 10 will show.

notifications and actions

Windows 10 - Quick Actions

Quick Actions 是一组图块,可以让您访问常用的设置和任务(如 Wi-Fi 连接或屏幕亮度)。

Quick Actions are a set of tiles that give you access to frequently used settings and tasks (like Wi-Fi connection, or screen brightness).

quick actions


Most of the actions can be configured simply by clicking or tapping on the tile. Additional settings and options can be accessed if you right-click the tile.

Selecting the All settings tile will take you directly to the SETTINGS window.

Customizing Quick Actions

利用这些通知,您可以转到 SETTINGS 窗口来自定义 Quick Actions 图块。

With these Notifications, you can customize the Quick Actions tiles by going to the SETTINGS window.

system settings

打开 Settings 后,可以选择 SYSTEM ,然后选择 Notifications & actions

After opening Settings, you can choose SYSTEM and then select Notifications & actions.

quick action

Windows 10 - Cloud

Windows 10 允许您使用 Outlook 帐户登录。通过这样做,Windows 会将您的文档、联系人和其他内容同步到云中。要使用 Outlook 登录,请执行以下步骤 −

Windows 10 allows you to sign in using an Outlook account. By doing this, Windows synchronizes your documents, contacts, and other things to the cloud. To sign in with Outlook, follow these steps −

Step 1 − 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Accounts

Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and choose Accounts.

account icon

Step 2 − 在 ACCOUNTS 窗口中,选择“改为使用 Microsoft 帐户登录”。

Step 2 − In the ACCOUNTS window, choose “Sign in with a Microsoft account instead”.

account window

Step 3 − 之后,Windows 将索要您的用户名和密码。如果您没有 Microsoft 或 Outlook 帐户,它还会提供一个链接来创建一个帐户。使用 Microsoft 帐户将允许您将文档和个人文件同步到任何兼容设备,您可以在该设备上使用该帐户。

Step 3 − After that, Windows will ask for your username and password. If you don’t have a Microsoft or Outlook account, it will also provide a link to create one. Using a Microsoft account will allow you to sync your documents and personal files to any compatible device, where you use that account.

outlook account

Using OneDrive

通过使用 Microsoft 或 Outlook 帐户登录,您可以从 Windows 10 访问 OneDrive 。OneDrive 是 Microsoft 帐户的每个用户的免费云存储空间。

By signing in with a Microsoft or Outlook account, you have access to OneDrive from your Windows 10. OneDrive is a free storage space in the Cloud given to every user of a Microsoft account.

file explorer

若要从 Windows 访问 OneDrive,只需单击任务栏中的 File Explorer 图标。

To access your OneDrive from Windows, simply click on the File Explorer icon in the Taskbar.

文件资源管理器窗口打开后,您将会看到屏幕左侧的 OneDrive 链接。

When the File Explorer window opens, you will see the link to OneDrive on the left side of the screen.

one drive

您可以将本地文件夹中的文档拖到 OneDrive 中,方法是用鼠标或手指将其拖动。

You can move documents from your local folders into OneDrive by dragging them with your mouse or your finger.

OneDrive 使用不同的图标显示您的文件和文件夹的状态 −

OneDrive uses different icons to show you the status of your files and folders −

A green checkmark means that the document or folder is in sync with the online version.

A blue double-arrow means that the document or folder is currently syncing.

A red X means that there was some issue or problem syncing the document or folder.

Windows 10 - Universal Apps

利用 Windows 10,Microsoft 已针对应用程序推出一项倡议,使其可在不同平台上“通用”。这意味着专为您的电脑设计的应用程序也可在 Windows 手机、Xbox 或任何其他兼容 Windows 的设备上运行。

With Windows 10, Microsoft has launched an initiative for applications to be “universal” across their different platforms. This means that an application designed for your computer can also work in a Windows Phone, an Xbox, or any other Windows-compatible devices.

universal app

为实现此目标,Windows 开发了 Universal Windows Platform (UWP)并改进了 Windows Store ,作为所有 Windows 应用程序的统一商店界面。用户可以单击任务栏上的图标访问 Windows 商店。这将打开 Windows 商店,允许用户浏览所需的任何应用程序。

To achieve this, Windows developed the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and improved the Windows Store to serve as the unified storefront for all Windows apps. To access the Windows Store, users can click the icon on the Taskbar. This will open the Windows Store allowing the user to browse for any app he wants.

Windows 也支持“跨设备购买”,这意味着在一个设备上购买应用程序许可证,也适用于用户拥有的任何其他兼容的设备。

Windows also allows “cross-buys”, which means that buying the license for an application on one device, also applies to any other compatible device the user has.

universal apps

Windows 10 - Multiple Desktops

Windows 10 操作系统的创新功能之一是添加 Virtual Desktops 。这允许多个桌面屏幕,您可以在其中保持打开的窗口井井有条。

One of the innovative features of Windows 10 operating system is the addition of Virtual Desktops. This allows you to have multiple desktop screens, where you can keep open windows organized.


To add a virtual desktop, follow these steps −

Step 1 − 单击任务栏中的 Task View 图标。

Step 1 − Click Task View icon on the Taskbar.

task view

Step 2 − 单击右下角的“新建桌面”选项。您可以再次单击 Task View 图标访问或删除新的桌面。

Step 2 − Click “New Desktop” option on the lower-right corner. You can access or delete the new Desktop by clicking Task View icon again.

new desktop

Windows 10 - Users Management

像 XP 之后的多数 Windows 版本一样,Windows 10 在使用计算机时允许您登录不同的用户帐户。就像我们先前讨论的,您可以在打开计算机后选择想要登录哪个帐户。

Like most Windows versions since XP, Windows 10 allows you to log in to different user accounts when using your computer. Like we discussed earlier, you can choose which account you want to log in to after turning on the computer.

user accounts screen


But you can also configure or manage your user account after you’re logged in. To do this, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 打开“开始”菜单。

Step 1 − Open the Start Menu.

Step 2 - 点击 Settings

Step 2 − Click on Settings.

start menu and settings

Step 3 - 从 SETTINGS 窗口中,选择 Accounts 选项。

Step 3 − From the SETTINGS window, choose Accounts option.

account icon

Step 4 - 在 ACCOUNTS 窗口中,选择您想要配置的帐户设置。

Step 4 − In the ACCOUNTS window, choose the account setting you want to configure.

account setting

如果您想要更改您的登录选项,例如密码,则选择 Sign-in options

If you want to change your sign-in options, like your password, select Sign-in options.

signin options

options 下,Windows 10 允许您更改您的密码。它还允许您选择计算机在何时要求您登录。

Under Sign-in options, Windows 10 lets you change your password. It also lets you choose when the computer will ask you to sign in.

Windows 10 - Security

Windows 10 提供一系列工具帮你保护你的电脑免遭病毒和其他恶意软件之类的威胁。三个主要的安全工具是 −

Windows 10 features a series of tools to help you protect your computer from threats like viruses and other malware. The three main security tools are −

  1. User Account Control

  2. Windows Defender

  3. Windows Firewall

User Account Control

Windows 用户账户控制是一个工具,它会在有人或某物试图改变你的电脑系统设置时向你发出警告。发生这种情况时,屏幕将向你发出警报,直到管理员能够确认这一变更。它有助于保护你的电脑免遭意外变更或恶意软件更改你的设置。

The Windows User Account Control is a tool that warns you when someone or something attempts to change your computer system settings. When this happens, the screen will alert you until an Administrator can confirm the change. This helps protect your computer against accidental changes or malicious software altering your settings.

最初,该用户账户控制设置在中等至较高的级别,这意味着只有当某个应用程序试图对你的电脑进行变更时才会通知你。但是,你可以通过以下步骤将其更改为你所需的级别 −

Initially, this User Account Control is set at a moderate to high level, which means it will notify you only when an application tries to make changes to your computer. However, you can change this setting to your desired level by following these steps −

Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel

Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

control panel

Step 2 − 在打开“控制面板”后,选择 User Accounts

Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose User Accounts.

user accounts


After choosing User Accounts, click on “Change User Account Control settings”.

user account control settings

User Account Control Settings 中,你可以将滑块移动到你所需的级别。Windows 10 将向你提供你的系统将在此级别下如何运行的摘要。

In the User Account Control Settings, you can move the slider to the desired position. Windows 10 will give you a summary of how your system will behave under that level.

user account control setting

Windows Defender

Windows Defender 是包含在你的操作系统中的一个防病毒和反恶意软件保护。它允许你扫描你的电脑以寻找恶意软件,同时还将你打开的每个文件或程序进行检查。

Windows Defender is an antivirus and malware protection included in your operating system. It allows you to scan your computer for malicious software, while also checking each file or program you open.

若要配置 Windows Defender,请遵循以下步骤 −

To configure Windows Defender, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Update & security

Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and select Update & security.

update security

Step 2 − 在 UPDATE & SECURITY 窗口中,选择 Windows Defender

Step 2 − In the UPDATE & SECURITY window, select Windows Defender.

windows defender

在这里你可以自定义一些设置,例如关闭实时保护或激活基于云的保护,它允许 Defender 将其发现的安全威胁相关的信息发送给 Microsoft。

Here you can customize settings like turning off real-time protection or activating cloudbased protection, which allows Defender to send Microsoft information about security threats it finds.

Windows Firewall

Windows 防火墙可以防止未经授权的外部访问进入到你的电脑。默认情况下,它处于打开状态,以保护你的电脑和你的网络。

Windows Firewall prevents unauthorized access from outside to get into your computer. By default, it is turned on to protect your computer and your network.

如果你想自定义你的防火墙,请遵循以下步骤 −

If you want to customize your Firewall, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel

Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

control panel

Step 2 − 在打开“控制面板”后,选择 Windows Firewall

Step 2 − When the Control Panel is open, choose Windows Firewall.

windows firewall

Step 3 − 在 Windows Firewall 窗口中,你可以通过打开或关闭它或选择何时保护你的电脑来自定义它的设置。

Step 3 − In the Windows Firewall window, you can customize the settings of it by turning it on or off or choosing when to protect your computer.

windows firewall setting

Windows 10 - Parental Control

Windows 10 允许您为子女设置一个儿童帐户。此帐户允许您限制帐户的使用方式并监控子女的行为。

Windows 10 allows you to set up a child’s account for your children. This account will allow you to establish restrictions on how the account is used and monitor what your child does.


To create a child’s account, follow these steps −

Step 1 − 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Accounts

Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and choose Accounts.

account icon

Step 2 − 在 ACCOUNTS 中,选择 Family & other users 选项。

Step 2 − In ACCOUNTS, select the Family & other users option.

other users icon

Step 3 − 单击“添加家庭成员”按钮。

Step 3 − Click the “Add a family member” button.

Step 4 − 选择您要添加的家庭成员(儿童或成人)

Step 4 − Choose what family member you want to add (child or adult)

add family member

Step 5 − 然后系统会提示您为子女创建帐户。如果没有电子邮件帐户,您可以为他们创建 Outlook 帐户。

Step 5 − You will then be prompted to create an account for your child. If they don’t have an e-mail account, you can create an Outlook account for them.

create outlook account

Step 6 − 提供一个用于帐户安全的电话号码。如果帐户被黑客入侵或无法访问,将使用此号码。

Step 6 − Provide a phone number for account security. This will be used in case the account is hacked or inaccessible.

phone number account security

Step 7 − 从一些通知和体验选项中进行选择,例如,如果您想接收 Microsoft 的促销信息。

Step 7 − Choose from some notification and experience options, for example, if you want to receive promotional offers from Microsoft.

notification experience options

创建后,您的子女可以登录到自己的 Windows 10 帐户。

After creation, your child can log in to his own Windows 10 account.

own windows10 account

此外,您可以选择通过开启活动报告来监控子女在帐户中的行为 −

In addition, you can choose to monitor what your child does in his account by turning on reports on his activity −

activity reporting


You can also choose to block “inappropriate websites” to limit your child’s browsing only to allowed websites.

inappropriate website
inappropriate websites

最后,您还可以建立时间表来确定允许您的子女登录的时间 −

Finally, you can also establish when your child is allowed to log in by establishing a schedule −

establishing schedule

Windows 10 - Applications

借助 Windows 10,您可以通过多种方式访问应用程序。最简单的方法是使用 Taskbar 中的搜索框搜索应用程序名称。

Windows 10 lets you access your applications in several ways. The easiest way is to search for the name of application using the Search box in Taskbar.

search box taskbar

另一个基本选项是打开“开始”菜单,然后单击 All Apps

Another basic option is to open the Start Menu and click on All Apps.

all apps icon

在选择 All Apps 后,Windows 10 将显示计算机中安装的所有应用程序的按字母顺序排列的列表。

After selecting All Apps, Windows 10 will present an alphabetical list of all the applications installed in your computer.

all apps

Windows 10 - Web Browsing

Windows 10 包括 Microsoft 新浏览器的第一个版本 − Edge 。默认情况下,可以通过单击置于任务栏上的图标来访问 Edge。

Windows 10 includes the first version of Microsoft’s new browser − Edge. By default, Edge can be accessed by clicking on the icon placed on the taskbar.

edge icon

当 Edge 打开时,它显示的窗口类似于大多数浏览器。

When Edge opens, it presents a window similar to most browsers.

edge open

但工具栏比 Internet Explorer 更简洁。

The toolbar, however, is more simplified than the Internet Explorer.

toolbar features


It features the following buttons −

  1. Back − Takes you to the previous web page.

  2. Forward − Takes you to the next web page.

  3. Refresh − Reloads the web page.

  4. New tab − Add another tab to see a different web page.

  5. Hub (Favorites and History) − See lists of favorite web pages and history of visited web pages.

  6. Web Notes − Make Web Notes on the web page.

  7. Share − Share the web page via e-mail or other methods.

  8. More options − See more options to configure the browser.

Adding a Web Page to your Favorites

与大多数浏览器类似, Edge 允许你将经常访问的页面存储为“收藏夹”。为此,请执行以下步骤:

Like most browsers, Edge allows you to store pages that you visit frequently as “Favorites”. To do this, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 转至要添加为“收藏夹”的页面。

Step 1 − Go to the page you want to add as a “Favorite”.

Step 2 - 单击浏览器右侧的“星号”按钮。

Step 2 − Click on the “Star” button on the right-side of the browser.

favorite icon


You can then access your list of Favorite websites by clicking the “Hub” button on your browser.

hub button

Reviewing Browsing History


The same “Hub” button can also present you a list or “History” of web pages you’ve visited.

reviewing browsing history


If you wish, you can clear the history by clicking on the “Clear all history” option in the menu.

Windows 10 - Networking

与之前版本的 Windows 一样,Windows 10 会在通知区域里告知您的网络连接状态。

Like previous Windows version, Windows 10 will let you know the status of your network connection in the Notification Area.


If the connection is wireless, you will see this icon.

wireless icon


If the connection is wired, you will see this icon.

connection wired icon

Wired Connection (Ethernet)

如果您的网络连接是通过电缆,您可以访问其设置:进入 SETTINGS 窗口,选择 Network & Internet

If your network connection is through cable, you can access its settings by going to the SETTINGS window, and selecting Network & Internet.

network internet

NETWORK & INTERNET 窗口,单击 Ethernet 查看你的连接情况。

In the NETWORK & INTERNET window, click on Ethernet to see the settings of your connection.


Wireless Connection (Wi-Fi)


If your connection is wireless, clicking on the wireless icon will show you details of your connection as well as other wireless networks available.

单击 Network settings 将会带您到网络和 Internet 窗口,提供更具体的连接详细信息,以及对其配置的选项。

Clicking on Network settings will take you to the Network & Internet window, which presents more specific details about your connection, and options to configure it.

wireless connection

NETWORK & INTERNET 窗口,您可以打开或关闭您的 Wireless Network Connection

In the NETWORK & INTERNET window, you can turn your Wireless Network Connection on or off

wireless network connection

Windows 10 - Virtualization

Windows 10 包含的功能之一是可以创建虚拟机。虚拟机是一种计算机系统的软件仿真。它们是在实际或物理计算机中创建的,允许您创建多个独立的“计算机”,可以运行不同的操作系统和程序。这些虚拟机使用一种称为 Hypervisor 的特殊软件来处理。在这种情况下,是 Microsoft 自有的 Hyper-V。

One of the features that Windows 10 has included is the capacity of creating virtual machines. A virtual machine is the software emulation of a computer system. They are created within a real or physical computer, allowing you to create multiple separate “computers” that can run different operating systems and programs. These virtual machines are handled using a special software called a Hypervisor. In this case, Microsoft’s own Hyper-V.

由于虚拟化的技术先进性,并非所有计算机都可以运行虚拟机。过去,此功能仅限于服务器使用。但通过 Windows 10 等操作系统,用户也可以创建自己的虚拟机。

Due to the advanced nature of virtualization, not all computers can run virtual machines. In the past, this feature was reserved for servers. But with operating systems like Windows 10, users can create their own virtual machines too.

Pre-requisites in Windows 10

在 Windows 10 中创建和运行虚拟机的基本先决条件如下 −

The basic pre-requisites for creating and running virtual machines in Windows 10 are the following −

  1. A 64-bit edition of Windows 10 Pro or Windows Enterprise. Hyper-V isn’t available for Windows 10 Home edition.

  2. Your computer processor needs to support virtualization, or more specifically SLAT (Secondary Level Address Translation).

  3. Virtualization has to be enabled in your computer’s BIOS. This is a small program that handles the boot-up of your computer making sure everything is in the right place.

What Windows version do you have?

要找出您拥有的具体 Windows 版本,请执行以下步骤 −

To find out what specific Windows version you have, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel

Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

control panel

Step 2 - 在打开控制面板后,选择 System

Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose System.

system icon

Step 3 − 在 System 窗口中,您可以看到您的计算机的具体 Windows 版本和处理器类型(CPU)。

Step 3 − In the System window you can see what specific Windows version and what type of processor (CPU) your computer has.

windows version

Enabling Virtualization in the BIOS

BIOS 是一个小型程序,每当您打开计算机时都会运行。它的基本功能是通过确保一切正常工作来帮助计算机启动。但是,它还在您的计算机中控制一些高级功能,其中一些功能需要启用才能工作。 Virtualization 就是一个例子。

The BIOS is a small program that runs whenever you turn on your computer. Its basic function is to help the computer boot up by making sure everything is working properly. However, it also controls some advanced features within your computer, some of which have to be enabled in order to work. One example is Virtualization.

要启用虚拟化,请执行以下步骤 −

To enable virtualization, follow these steps −

Step 1 − 重新启动计算机并进入 BIOS 设置。只需在计算机启动时按下一个键即可完成此操作。您需要按下的键因系统而异,但通常是 F2、F10 或 Delete。大多数系统会告诉您按哪个键进入设置,或者您可以查阅计算机手册。

Step 1 − Restart your computer and enter the BIOS setup. This is done by pressing a key just as the computer is turned on. The key you have to press varies from one system to another, but it usually is F2, F10, or Delete. Most systems tell you which key to press to enter the setup, or you can consult your computer manual.


Step 2 − 输入 BIOS 设置后,您必须启用所有虚拟化设置。BIOS 也因品牌而异,差异很大。

Step 2 − After entering the BIOS setup, you must enable all virtualization settings. The BIOS also varies greatly from system to system, depending on the brand.

virtualization setting

Step 3 − 启用所有必要设置后,保存并退出 BIOS 设置。这通常是通过按 F10 来完成的。之后,计算机将重新启动。

Step 3 − After enabling all necessary settings, save and exit the BIOS setup. This is usually done by pressing F10. After this, the computer will restart.

Setting Up Hyper-V

要创建和管理虚拟机,您需要设置 Microsoft Hyper-V。要执行此操作,请执行以下步骤 −

To create and manage virtual machines, you need to set up Microsoft Hyper-V. To do this, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel

Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

control panel

Step 2 - 在控制面板打开后,选择 Programs and Features

Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose Programs and Features.

programs features icon

Step 3 − 在 Programs and Features 窗口中,单击“打开或关闭 Windows 功能”。

Step 3 − In the Programs and Features window, click “Turn Windows features on or off”.

turn windows features

Step 4 − 在 Windows Features 窗口中,查找 Hyper-V 功能并选中所有框。

Step 4 − In the Windows Features window, look for the Hyper-V feature and check all the boxes.

hyper v feature

然后,Windows 将安装并配置 Hyper-V,然后它会要求您重新启动并确认更改。然后,它将进行一系列重新启动以完成系统的配置。

Windows will then install and configure Hyper-V, after which it will ask you to restart and confirm the changes. It will then go through a series of restarts to finish configuring your system.

configure hyper v

Using Hyper-V to Create a Virtual Machine

在 Hyper-V 安装完毕后,您可以打开它,并用它创建位于 Windows 10 计算机中的虚拟机。要启动 Hyper-V 和创建虚拟机,请遵循以下步骤 -

After Hyper-V finishes installing, you can open it and use it to create virtual machines in your Windows 10 computer. To start Hyper-V and create a virtual machine, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 进入控制面板,选择 Administrative Tools

Step 1 − Enter Control Panel and select Administrative Tools.

administrative tools

Step 2 - 在 Administrative Tools 窗口,单击 Hyper-V Manager

Step 2 − In the Administrative Tools window, click on Hyper-V Manager.

hyper v manager

Step 3 - 当 Hyper-V 启动时,您会在应用程序的左侧看到您的计算机名称。选择计算机来对其工作。

Step 3 − When Hyper-V starts, you will see the name of your computer on the left-side of the application. Select the computer to work on it.

hyper v managers

Step 4 - 在 Action 菜单,选择 NewVirtual Machine

Step 4 − On the Action menu, select New and Virtual Machine.

virtual machine

您还可以从右边的边栏中操作,在 Actions 下。

You can also do this from the sidebar on the right-side of the application, under Actions.

virtual machines

Step 5 - Hyper-V 将打开 New Virtual Machine Wizard ,帮助您创建虚拟机。在这里,您可以单击 Finish 按钮,使用一些基本配置创建虚拟机。高级用户可以单击下一步,完成创建自定义虚拟机的步骤。

Step 5 − Hyper-V will open the New Virtual Machine Wizard to help you in the process of creating a virtual machine. Here you can click the Finish button to create a virtual machine with some basic configurations. Advanced users can click Next to go through the steps of creating a customized virtual machine.

new virtual machine wizard

Step 6 - 虚拟机创建后,您会在 Hyper-V 窗口内看到它。

Step 6 − After the virtual machine is created, you will see it inside the Hyper-V window.

create virtual machine

就像真正的物理计算机一样,虚拟机需要安装操作系统才能工作。Hyper-V 允许您使用右侧的按钮将其打开或关闭。

Like real, physical computers, virtual machines need to have an operating system installed in order to work. Hyper-V allows you to turn them on or shut them down using the buttons on the right side.

Windows 10 - Remote Access


Remote Desktop is a feature that allows you to access another computer on a remote location from your computer.

Allowing Remote Access to your Computer


To use Remote Access, the remote computer must be configured first to accept remote connections. This setting is turned off by default to avoid unwanted connections, but to turn it on, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel

Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

control panel

Step 2 - 在打开控制面板后,选择 System

Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose System.

system icon

Step 3 - 在“系统”窗口中,记下“计算机名称”;你稍后会用到它。

Step 3 − In the System window, note the “Computer Name”; you’ll need it later.

computer name

Step 4 - 之后,单击“更改设置”链接以打开 System Properties 窗口。

Step 4 − After that, click the “Change settings” link to open the System Properties window.

Step 5 - 在“系统属性”窗口中,你可以再次查看“计算机名称”,然后单击 Remote 选项卡。

Step 5 − In the System Properties window, you can review the “Computer Name” again, and then click on the Remote tab.

remote tab

Step 6 - 在“远程”选项卡中,选择读取“允许远程连接到此计算机”的选项。

Step 6 − In the Remote tab, select the option that reads “Allow Remote connection to this computer”.

allow remote connection

Step 7 - 选择适当的选项后,确保单击 ApplyOK 保存你的更改。这将允许其他用户远程访问你的计算机。

Step 7 − After selecting the appropriate option, make sure you click Apply or OK to save your changes. This will allow other users to access your computer remotely.

Use Remote Desktop to access another Computer


Now that you’ve ensured that the remote computer will allow your connection, follow these steps to access it remotely.

Step 1 - 通过在任务栏中搜索 Remote Desktop Connection 窗口来打开它。

Step 1 − Open the Remote Desktop Connection window by searching for it in the Taskbar.

remote desktop

Step 2 - 在“远程桌面连接”窗口中,键入你要访问的计算机的名称,然后单击 Connect

Step 2 − On the Remote Desktop Connection window, type the name of the computer you want to access and click Connect.

remote desktop connection

Step 3 - 在此之后,你将看到远程计算机的桌面出现,允许你在其中工作。

Step 3 − After this, you will see the Desktop of the remote computer appear, allowing you to work in it.

Windows 10 - Backup & Recovery

Windows 10 具有多种工具来帮助你执行文档备份。以下是其中一些工具。

Windows 10 features several tools to help you perform backups of your documents. Here are some of these tools.

File History


File History will perform a back-up of the files located in your libraries (Documents, Pictures, Music, etc.) It allows you to choose a drive, where you can back-up your files and then asks you when to do it.


To configure the File History backup, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Update & security

Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and select Update & security.

update security

Step 2 - 在 UPDATE & SECURITY 窗口中,选择 Backup

Step 2 − In the UPDATE & SECURITY window, select Backup.

update security backup

Step 3 - 单击“添加驱动器”以选择存储备份的位置。

Step 3 − Click “Add a drive” to choose where to store your backup.

add drive

Backup & Restore (Windows 7)

此工具在 Windows 8 和 8.1 中被删除,现已重新启用,允许你执行备份并从旧的 Windows 7 备份中恢复数据。但是,它还允许你备份 Windows 10 上的常规文档。

This tool, which was removed in Windows 8 and 8.1, was brought back allowing you to perform back-ups and restore data from old Windows 7 backups. However, it also lets to back-up your regular documents on Windows 10.


To open the Back-up & Restore, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel

Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

control panel

Step 2 - 在控制面板打开后,选择 Backup and Restore (Windows 7)

Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose Backup and Restore (Windows 7).

backup and restore

Step 3 - 在备份和还原窗口中,可以选择“设置备份”。

Step 3 − In the Backup and Restore window, you can choose to “Set up backup”.

set up backup

Step 4 - 在 Set up backup 窗口中,选择你想要存储备份的位置。

Step 4 − In the Set up backup window, choose where you want to store your backup.

set backup drive

在选择任何列出的存储设备时,Windows 10 将向你提供有关该特定设备的信息。在选择所需目的地后,单击 Next

When choosing any of the listed storage devices, Windows 10 will give you information about that specific device. After choosing the desired destination, click Next.

Step 5 - 在下一个窗口中,您可以选择要备份的文件。

Step 5 − In the next window, you can choose what files you want to backup.

choose files

Windows 默认是将所有内容存储在您的库(文档、图片等)和桌面上,但您也可以选择特定的文件和文件夹进行备份。在做出选择后,单击 Next

Windows default is to store everything in your libraries (Documents, Pictures, etc.) and in your Desktop, but you can also choose specific files and folders to backup. After making your selection, click Next.

Step 6 - 在最后一个窗口中,您可以查看备份的设置并建立要执行它的计划。

Step 6 − In the last window, you can review the settings of your backup and establish the schedule in which you want to perform it.

change schedule

Step 7 - 在最后,单击 Save settings and run backup 。备份将在计划时间执行。

Step 7 − In the end, click Save settings and run backup. The backup will perform at the scheduled time.

Creating a System Image

在您的计算机发生故障时,Windows 10 为您提供了某些将其恢复到特定状态的替代方案。其中一种替代方案是创建一个称为系统映像的内容。系统映像是对您计算机正常运行所需的所有系统和程序文件的一个副本。

In case your computer failing, Windows 10 offers you some alternatives to restore it to a specific state. One of these alternatives is creating what is called a system image. A system image is a copy of all your system and program files needed for your computer to run properly.


You can use this option to store an image of your computer at a specific moment, and use it to restore your computer to that state later. The option to create a system image is in the same Backup and Restore window we discussed before.

Step 1 - 从控制面板打开 Backup and Restore 窗口。

Step 1 − Open the Backup and Restore window from the Control Panel.

backup and restore

Step 2 - 在 Backup and Restore 窗口中,选择左侧的“创建系统映像”选项。

Step 2 − On the Backup and Restore window, choose the “Create a system image” option on the left.

create system image

Step 3 - 在 Create a system image 窗口中,您可以在硬盘、DVD 或网络中选择三个地方之一来存储备份。

Step 3 − On the Create a system image window, you can choose where to store the backup from among three places: your hard disk, on DVD’s, or in the network.

create system images

选择存储备份的位置后,单击 Next

After choosing where to store the backup, click Next.

Step 4 - 在下一个窗口中,只需确认您的映像设置并单击 Start backup

Step 4 − In the next window, just confirm your image settings and click Start backup.

start backup

Resetting the PC

Windows 10 为您提供的另一个系统恢复替代方案仅仅称为“重置此电脑”。此选项将允许您将计算机恢复到其默认出厂设置。它还会为您提供保留文件或删除所有内容的选项。要重置您的电脑,请按照以下步骤操作−

Another alternative Windows 10 offers you for system recovery is simply called “Reset this PC”. This option will allow you to return your computer to its default factory settings. It will also give you the option of keeping your files or removing everything. To reset your PC, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Update & security

Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and select Update & security.

update security

Step 2 - 在 UPDATE & SECURITY 窗口中,选择 Recovery

Step 2 − On the UPDATE & SECURITY window, select Recovery.


Step 3 - 在 Recovery 窗口中,您可以在 Reset this PC 下单击“开始”按钮。

Step 3 − On the Recovery window, you can click the “Get started” button under Reset this PC.

Step 4 - 下一个窗口,将询问您是想重置设置和应用程序,但仍保留个人文件,还是只删除所有内容并将计算机恢复到其默认状态。

Step 4 − The next window, will ask you whether you want to reset your settings and applications, but still keep your personal files, or just remove everything and return your computer to its default state.

reset pc

Advanced Options

Windows 10 具有恢复您的电脑的几个高级选项。虽然这些选项是为高级用户准备的,但您可以从我们之前讨论过的同一 Update & Security 窗口中访问它们。

Windows 10 features several advanced options to restore your PC. Although these are meant for advanced users, you can access them from the same Update & Security window that we have discussed before.

Step 1 - 打开 Settings 窗口并选择 UPDATE & SECURITY

Step 1 − Open the Settings window and select UPDATE & SECURITY.

restart now

Step 2 - 在 UPDATE & SECURITY 窗口中,选择 Recovery 。在 Advanced startup 下,立即单击 Restart 按钮。

Step 2 − On the UPDATE & SECURITY window, select Recovery. Under Advanced startup, click the Restart now button.

Step 3 - 当 Windows 10 重新启动时,它将向您提供可供选择的选项菜单。

Step 3 − When Windows 10 restarts, it will present you a menu of options to select from.

advanced startup

每次 Windows 尝试启动不成功时,都会出现相同的菜单。

The same menu will appear whenever Windows tries to boot unsuccessfully.

Windows 10 - Project Spartan

Project Spartan 是分配给 Microsoft 即将推出新浏览器的代号。该代号于 2014 年被揭晓,当时 Microsoft 告知他们正在开发独立于 Internet Explorer 的新浏览器。

Project Spartan was the codename assigned to Microsoft’s upcoming new browser. The codename was revealed in year 2014, when Microsoft informed they were working on a new browser separate from Internet Explorer.

microsoft spartan

Spartan 浏览器被包含在 2015 年初发布的 Windows 10 第一个技术版本中。然而,在 2015 年 4 月,Microsoft 宣布将 Spartan 更名为 Edge。

The Spartan browser was included in the first technical builds of Windows 10 released in early 2015. However, on April 2015 Microsoft announced that Spartan would be renamed as Edge.

Windows 10 - Apps Management

Windows 10 提供多种方式来访问应用程序。如前所述,最基本的方法之一是打开搜索菜单并单击 All Apps

Windows 10 offers you multiple ways to access your applications. Like discussed earlier, one of the most basic ways is to open the Search menu and click All Apps.

all apps icon


This will present an alphabetical list of all the applications installed in your computer. If there is an application that was recently installed, it will be labeled as “New” in the menu.

new app

Uninstalling Applications


There are three ways in which you can remove an unwanted application −

  1. From the Start Menu

  2. From the Settings window

  3. From the Control Panel


Here are the steps for each way.

Uninstalling an Application from the Start Menu


Perhaps the easiest way to uninstall an application is from the Start Menu. To do this, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 打开 All Apps ,然后单击它。

Step 1 − Open the Start Menu and click on All Apps.

all apps icon

Step 2 - 在列表中,找到要卸载的应用程序,然后右键单击它。

Step 2 − Find the application you want to uninstall on the list, and right-click on it.


Step 3 - 在菜单上,选择 Uninstall 。然后,按照完成该流程所需的步骤操作。这些步骤会因应用程序的不同而有所不同。

Step 3 − On the menu, choose Uninstall. After this, follow the steps needed to complete the process. These steps will vary for each application.

Uninstalling an Application from the Settings window


A new and different way to uninstall an application is from the new Settings window. To do this, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 打开开始菜单,然后单击 Settings

Step 1 − Open the Start Menu and click Settings.

settings window

Step 2 - 在 SETTINGS 窗口上,选择 System

Step 2 − On the SETTINGS window, choose System.

system settings

Step 3 - 在 SYSTEM 窗口上,选择 Apps & features

Step 3 − On the SYSTEM window, choose Apps & features.

apps features

Step 4 - 在 Apps & features 窗口上,在搜索方框中搜索要卸载的应用程序。

Step 4 − On the Apps & features window, search for the application you want to uninstall in the search box.

Step 5 - 从结果中,单击该应用程序,然后选择 Uninstall

Step 5 − From the results, click on the application and choose Uninstall.

Uninstalling Applications from the Control Panel


The third way to uninstall an application is more traditional, because it uses the popular Control Panel window. To use this method, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel

Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

control panel

Step 2 - 在控制面板打开后,选择 Programs and Features

Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose Programs and Features.

programs features icon

Step 3 - Programs and Features 窗口将显示计算机中已安装的所有应用程序的列表。要卸载应用程序,只需单击它并使用 Uninstall 按钮即可。

Step 3 − The Programs and Features window will present a list of all the applications installed in your computer. To uninstall an application, just click on it and use the Uninstall button.

uninstall application


An alternate way is to right-click the application on the list.


This window also gives you other details about the applications you have installed like −

  1. The date it was installed.

  2. The size it occupies on the hard disk.

  3. The specific version of this application.

Windows 10 - Email Management

Windows 10 具有新的 Mail 应用程序以帮助您处理电子邮件。您可以直接从“开始”菜单访问邮件应用程序。

Windows 10 features the new Mail app to help you handle your e-mails. You can access the Mail app directly from the Start Menu.

mail app

如果您使用邮件帐户连接到 Windows, Mail 应用程序会自动进行配置以显示您的电子邮件。但如果您使用本地帐户,则“邮件”应用程序会要求您对其进行配置。

If you are connected to Windows with a mail account, the Mail app will automatically configure itself to present you your e-mails. But, if you are using a local account, the Mail app will ask you to configure it.

Configuring the Mail App


The first time you access the Mail account, you will see this window.

configuring mail app


To configure it, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 单击 Get started 按钮。

Step 1 − Click on the Get started button.

Step 2 - 在下一个窗口中,添加您要与 Mail 一起使用的帐户。

Step 2 − On the next window, add the account you want to use with Mail.

add mail account

Step 3 - 在 Choose an account 窗口中,选择您要配置的帐户类型。“邮件”与大多数当前邮件提供商兼容。

Step 3 − On the Choose an account window, select what type of account you want to configure. Mail is compatible with most of the current mail providers.

choose account

Step 4 - 如果您使用的是 Microsoft account ,请输入您的用户名和密码。

Step 4 − If you’re using a Microsoft account, enter your username and password.

microsoft account

Step 5 - 过一段时间后, Mail 应用程序将开始加载您的电子邮件。

Step 5 − After a while, the Mail app will start loading your emails.

loading mail app

Windows 10 - Keyboard Shortcuts

像大多数 Windows 应用程序一样,你可以使用多个键盘快捷键,让一些人更容易或更快速地执行某些任务。

Like most Windows applications, there are several keyboard shortcuts you can use to make it easier or faster for some to perform certain tasks.

大多数新的 Windows 快捷键将 Windows 键( )与其他键组合,以执行多个操作。以下是一些在 Windows 10 中使用的一些最常见或有用的快捷键。

Most of the new Windows shortcuts use the Windows key ( ) combined with other keys to perform several actions. The following are some of the most common or useful shortcuts used in Windows 10.



Windows key

Open the Start menu

Windows key + S

Open the Windows Search

Windows key + C

Open Cortana

Windows key + Tab

Open Task View

Windows key + D

Show or Hide the Desktop

Windows key + L

Lock your account

Windows key + A

Open the Action Center sidebar

Windows key + I

Open the Settings window

Windows key + E

Open the File Explorer window

Windows key + PrintScreen

Takes a screenshot of your whole display and stores it in Pictures > Screenshots

Window Snapping

在 Windows 10 中引入的其他有用的快捷键是用于 Windows 捕捉的快捷键。捕捉 Windows 是在 Windows 7 中引入的,它允许你自动排列窗口,从而更轻松地同时使用多个应用程序。

Other useful shortcuts introduced in Windows 10 are the ones used for Windows snapping. Snapping windows was introduced in Windows 7 and allows you to automatically arrange your windows making it easier to work with multiple applications at the same time.

window snapping

虽然你可以通过将窗口拖到屏幕的每一侧来使用鼠标执行此操作,但 Windows 10 引入了执行此任务的快捷键。

Although you can do this with your mouse by dragging the windows to each side of the screen, Windows 10 introduced shortcuts to perform this task.



Windows key + Left arrow

Snap the active window on the left side of the screen

Windows key + Right arrow

Snap the active window on the right side of the screen

Windows key + Up arrow

Snap the active window on the top of the screen

Windows key + Down arrow

Snap the active window on the bottom of the screen

Windows 10 - System Tray

系统托盘是通知区域的另一个名称,我们可以在 Windows 任务栏的右侧找到它。系统托盘具有不同类型的通知和提醒,包括来自计算机的内容,如互联网连接或音量级别。

The System Tray is another name given to the Notification Area, which we can find in the right-side of the Windows Taskbar. The System Tray features different types of notifications and alerts from your computer like your Internet connection, or the volume level.

system tray features


However, you can choose what icons and notifications appear here. To further customize the System Tray follow these steps −

Step 1 - 转到 SETTINGS 窗口,然后选择 System

Step 1 − Go to the SETTINGS window and choose System.

system settings

Step 2 - 在 SYSTEM 窗口中,选择 Notifications & actions 。在此处,你可以选择显示“选择出现在任务栏中的图标”的选项。

Step 2 − In the SYSTEM window, select Notifications & actions. Here you can select the option that reads “Select which icons appear on the taskbar”.

notifications actions

Step 3 - 在 SELECT WHICH ICONS APPEAR ON THE TASKBAR 窗口中,你可以以你喜欢的任何方式启用或禁用图标。

Step 3 − In the SELECT WHICH ICONS APPEAR ON THE TASKBAR window, you can turn on or off the icons in whichever way you prefer.

system tray icon

Windows 10 - Media Management

Windows 10 提供多种方式来处理媒体文件(音乐和视频)。处理这些文件所需的部分功能已整合到 Windows 中,以便于你访问这些文件。例如,如果你选择一个音乐文件,你将在文件夹窗口的顶部看到以下功能区。

Windows 10 offers multiple ways to work with your media files (music and videos). Some of the features needed to handle these files have been integrated into Windows to facilitate the way you access them. For example, if you select a music file, you will see the following ribbon on the top of your folder window.

music tools


You will see similar options when you select a video file.

Media Applications

虽然你的计算机中可以有许多媒体程序,但 Windows 10 包含你可以使用的几个选项。

Although you can have multiple media programs in your computer, Windows 10 includes several options for you to use.

对于音乐文件,Windows 包括传统的 Windows 媒体播放器。然而,新的 Windows 版本还包括 Groove Music 应用程序(以前称为 Xbox Music)。

For music files, Windows includes the traditional Windows Media Player. However, new Windows versions also include the Groove Music app (previously known as Xbox Music).

media application

对于视频文件,Windows 也使用 Windows 媒体播放器,但现在还包括 Movies & TV 应用程序。

For video files, Windows also uses Windows Media Player, but now also includes the Movies & TV app.

movies and tv app

Windows 10 还包括 Windows DVD Player 应用程序,用于在你的计算机上播放 DVD。

Windows 10 also includes the Windows DVD Player app for playing DVD’s in your computer.

windows dvd player


You can also choose which application you want to use to open your media file by following these steps −

Step 1 - 右键单击任何媒体文件(音乐或视频)。

Step 1 − Right-click any media file (music or video).

media file

Step 2 - 选择 Open with 选项。

Step 2 − Select the Open with option.

Step 3 - 选择要用来打开媒体文件的应用程序。

Step 3 − Choose what application you want to use to open the media file.

Windows 10 - Favorite Settings

正如我们已经看到的,Windows 10 对其大部分配置使用新的 Settings 应用程序。虽然可以通过开始菜单轻松访问设置应用程序,但 Windows 10 还允许你将喜爱的设置应用程序“固定”到开始菜单,以便更容易访问。一个“固定的”设置应用程序将直接出现在开始菜单的磁贴中。

As we’ve seen already, Windows 10 uses the new Settings app for most of its configuration. And although the Settings app can be easily accessed through the Start menu, Windows 10 also allows you to “pin” your favorite setting apps to the Start menu for even easier access. A “pinned” setting app will appear directly in the tiles of your Start Menu.

favorite setting apps

Pin your Favorite Settings

若要将喜爱的设置“固定”到开始菜单,请按照以下步骤操作 −

To “pin” your favorite settings to the Start Menu, follow these steps −

Step 1 − 从开始菜单中打开设置窗口。

Step 1 − Open the Settings window from the Start Menu.

favorite setting window

Step 2 − 在设置窗口中,指向你喜爱的设置,然后右键单击。

Step 2 − In the Settings window, point to your favorite settings and right-click.

favorite setting point

Step 3 − 在出现的快捷菜单中,选择 Pin to Start

Step 3 − On the small menu that appears, select Pin to Start.

pin to start

Step 4 − 在屏幕上单击 Yes 以确认操作。之后,你将直接在开始菜单中看到 Network & Internet 应用程序。

Step 4 − Click Yes on the screen to confirm the action. After this, you will see the Network & Internet app directly in the Start Menu.

你还可以固定更具体的设置应用程序。若要执行此操作,请按照以下步骤操作 −

You can also pin more specific setting apps. To do this, follow these steps −

Step 1 − 再次打开 Settings 窗口。

Step 1 − Open the Settings window again.

system settings

Step 2 − 在 SETTINGS 窗口中,单击 System

Step 2 − On the SETTINGS window, click on System.

Step 3 − 在 SYSTEM 窗口中,右键单击 Display

Step 3 − On the SYSTEM window, right-click on Display.

system window display

Step 4 − 从快捷菜单中,选择 Pin to Start 。与之前的示例一样,此操作将 Display 设置固定到开始菜单中。

Step 4 − From the small menu, select Pin to Start. Like the previous example, this will pin the Display setting to the Start Menu.

favorite setting apps

Unpin your Favorite Settings

或者,你只需右键单击固定到开始菜单中的任何应用程序,然后选择 Unpin from Start ,就可将其移除。

Alternatively, you can remove any pinned app from the Start Menu just by right-clicking on it and choosing Unpin from Start.

unpin favorite settings

Windows 10 - Shortcuts

在 Windows 10 中,快捷方式只是一个图标,可将您导向计算机其他位置上的某个项目(文档、应用程序或图片)。顾名思义,快捷方式可以让您更方便(通常在桌面上)地访问该项目。快捷方式的图标角上有一个小箭头。

In Windows 10, a shortcut is simply an icon that directs you to an item (a document, application, or picture) that is located somewhere else in your computer. As the name implies, shortcuts make it easier for you to access that item by being more accessible (usually on the Desktop). Shortcuts are identified by a small arrow in the corner of the icon.

Creating a Shortcut


To create a shortcut in your Desktop, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 将鼠标指针放在空白处,然后右键单击。

Step 1 − Position your mouse pointer over an empty space and right-click.

Step 2 - 在菜单中,选择 New ,然后选择 Shortcut

Step 2 − In the menu, select New and then Shortcut.

creating shortcut

Step 3 - 在“创建快捷方式”窗口中,您可以 Browse 或键入要访问的项目的路径。

Step 3 − On the Create Shortcut window, you can either Browse or type the location of the item you want to access.

create shortcut

选择 Browse 将打开另一个窗口,允许您在计算机中搜索项目。

Choosing Browse will open another window, allowing you to search for the item in your computer.

choosing browse

Step 4 - 选中项目并单击 Next 后,您可以指定或更改快捷方式的名称。

Step 4 − After choosing the item and clicking Next, you can assign or change the name with which the shortcut will be identified.

shortcut created

Step 5 - 做出任何更改后,单击 Finish 。这时您将在桌面上看到快捷方式。

Step 5 − After making any changes, click Finish. You will then see the shortcut in your Desktop.


Deleting the shortcut won’t delete the file it accesses.

delete shortcut

Windows 10 - Phones

Windows Phone 10 是一个移动操作系统,由 Microsoft 作为 Windows 10 的一个版本进行营销。这是 Microsoft 统一所有平台在一个品牌下的计划的一部分。

Windows Phone 10 is a mobile operating system, marketed by Microsoft as an edition of Windows 10. It is part of Microsoft’s plan to unify all their platforms under one brand.

windows phone 10

Windows Phone 10 于 2015 年 11 月发布,并包含在 Microsoft 的智能手机和平板电脑中。它支持 Microsoft Office 应用程序,而且允许您在多台设备之间同步通知。

Windows Phone 10 was released in November 2015 and is included in Microsoft’s smartphones and tablets. It features support of Microsoft Office apps and also lets you synchronize your notifications between multiple devices.