Windows10 简明教程

Windows 10 - Security

Windows 10 提供一系列工具帮你保护你的电脑免遭病毒和其他恶意软件之类的威胁。三个主要的安全工具是 −

Windows 10 features a series of tools to help you protect your computer from threats like viruses and other malware. The three main security tools are −

  1. User Account Control

  2. Windows Defender

  3. Windows Firewall

User Account Control

Windows 用户账户控制是一个工具,它会在有人或某物试图改变你的电脑系统设置时向你发出警告。发生这种情况时,屏幕将向你发出警报,直到管理员能够确认这一变更。它有助于保护你的电脑免遭意外变更或恶意软件更改你的设置。

The Windows User Account Control is a tool that warns you when someone or something attempts to change your computer system settings. When this happens, the screen will alert you until an Administrator can confirm the change. This helps protect your computer against accidental changes or malicious software altering your settings.

最初,该用户账户控制设置在中等至较高的级别,这意味着只有当某个应用程序试图对你的电脑进行变更时才会通知你。但是,你可以通过以下步骤将其更改为你所需的级别 −

Initially, this User Account Control is set at a moderate to high level, which means it will notify you only when an application tries to make changes to your computer. However, you can change this setting to your desired level by following these steps −

Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel

Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

control panel

Step 2 − 在打开“控制面板”后,选择 User Accounts

Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose User Accounts.

user accounts


After choosing User Accounts, click on “Change User Account Control settings”.

user account control settings

User Account Control Settings 中,你可以将滑块移动到你所需的级别。Windows 10 将向你提供你的系统将在此级别下如何运行的摘要。

In the User Account Control Settings, you can move the slider to the desired position. Windows 10 will give you a summary of how your system will behave under that level.

user account control setting

Windows Defender

Windows Defender 是包含在你的操作系统中的一个防病毒和反恶意软件保护。它允许你扫描你的电脑以寻找恶意软件,同时还将你打开的每个文件或程序进行检查。

Windows Defender is an antivirus and malware protection included in your operating system. It allows you to scan your computer for malicious software, while also checking each file or program you open.

若要配置 Windows Defender,请遵循以下步骤 −

To configure Windows Defender, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Update & security

Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and select Update & security.

update security

Step 2 − 在 UPDATE & SECURITY 窗口中,选择 Windows Defender

Step 2 − In the UPDATE & SECURITY window, select Windows Defender.

windows defender

在这里你可以自定义一些设置,例如关闭实时保护或激活基于云的保护,它允许 Defender 将其发现的安全威胁相关的信息发送给 Microsoft。

Here you can customize settings like turning off real-time protection or activating cloudbased protection, which allows Defender to send Microsoft information about security threats it finds.

Windows Firewall

Windows 防火墙可以防止未经授权的外部访问进入到你的电脑。默认情况下,它处于打开状态,以保护你的电脑和你的网络。

Windows Firewall prevents unauthorized access from outside to get into your computer. By default, it is turned on to protect your computer and your network.

如果你想自定义你的防火墙,请遵循以下步骤 −

If you want to customize your Firewall, follow these steps −

Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel

Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

control panel

Step 2 − 在打开“控制面板”后,选择 Windows Firewall

Step 2 − When the Control Panel is open, choose Windows Firewall.

windows firewall

Step 3 − 在 Windows Firewall 窗口中,你可以通过打开或关闭它或选择何时保护你的电脑来自定义它的设置。

Step 3 − In the Windows Firewall window, you can customize the settings of it by turning it on or off or choosing when to protect your computer.

windows firewall setting