Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Shortcuts
在 Windows 10 中,快捷方式只是一个图标,可将您导向计算机其他位置上的某个项目(文档、应用程序或图片)。顾名思义,快捷方式可以让您更方便(通常在桌面上)地访问该项目。快捷方式的图标角上有一个小箭头。
In Windows 10, a shortcut is simply an icon that directs you to an item (a document, application, or picture) that is located somewhere else in your computer. As the name implies, shortcuts make it easier for you to access that item by being more accessible (usually on the Desktop). Shortcuts are identified by a small arrow in the corner of the icon.
Creating a Shortcut
To create a shortcut in your Desktop, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 将鼠标指针放在空白处,然后右键单击。
Step 1 − Position your mouse pointer over an empty space and right-click.
Step 2 - 在菜单中,选择 New ,然后选择 Shortcut 。
Step 2 − In the menu, select New and then Shortcut.
Step 3 - 在“创建快捷方式”窗口中,您可以 Browse 或键入要访问的项目的路径。
Step 3 − On the Create Shortcut window, you can either Browse or type the location of the item you want to access.
选择 Browse 将打开另一个窗口,允许您在计算机中搜索项目。
Choosing Browse will open another window, allowing you to search for the item in your computer.
Step 4 - 选中项目并单击 Next 后,您可以指定或更改快捷方式的名称。
Step 4 − After choosing the item and clicking Next, you can assign or change the name with which the shortcut will be identified.
Step 5 - 做出任何更改后,单击 Finish 。这时您将在桌面上看到快捷方式。
Step 5 − After making any changes, click Finish. You will then see the shortcut in your Desktop.
Deleting the shortcut won’t delete the file it accesses.