Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Start Menu
The Start Menu is the main point of access to your applications. There are two main ways to open it −
Step 1 − 使用鼠标点击任务栏左下角的 Windows 图标。
Step 1 − Use your mouse to click Windows icon in the lower-left corner of the taskbar.
Step 2 − 按下键盘上的 Windows 键。
Step 2 − Press the Windows key on your keyboard.
Windows 10“开始”菜单具有两个窗格。
The Windows 10 Start Menu features two panes.
左窗格类似于 Windows 7 及更早版本的传统“开始”菜单,而右窗格具有 Windows 8 中使用的动态磁贴。
The left pane resembles the traditional Start Menu from Windows 7 and earlier, while the right pane features live tiles that were used in Windows 8.
Left Pane
Among the things you can do in the left pane are −
Click the username at the top of the menu to change account settings or log in with another user.
Access the applications you use more frequently.
A small arrow next to an application will open a sub-menu with a list of recent documents opened with that application.
Open the “File Explorer” to navigate your folders and files.
Change the settings of your computer like your Internet connection or changing your background.
See different options to shut down your computer.
See a list of all the applications installed in your computer.
Search Box
The “Search box” on the Taskbar will allow you to search within your documents and files or on the Web for anything you write. The initial results will appear within the Start Menu itself.
结果将根据列在列表顶部的最接近的匹配项(或匹配项)“ Best match ”进行分组。
The results will be grouped according to the closest match (or matches) labeled “Best match” at the top of the list.
其余结果将根据它们是什么或其位置进行分组 −
The remaining results will be grouped according to what they are or their location −
Web results
Documents or folders
System settings
菜单左侧的图标执行以下操作 −
The icons on the left side of the menu do the following −
The Gear icon will allow you to configure the settings of your Search.
This icon will let you send Feedback to Microsoft on what you like or dislike about Windows.
The Cortana icon will activate Windows’ new personal assistant.
Clicking “My stuff” or “Web” at the bottom will expand the Start Menu and limit your results to the location you choose, as well as streamlining the search.
Right Pane
右侧窗格具有各种磁贴,类似于 Windows 8 开始屏幕上看到的磁贴。
The right pane features a varied array of tiles, similar to the ones that were seen on the Start Screen of Windows 8.
These tiles can be moved and dragged to different places by holding the mouse button.
You can also configure them by right-clicking on them to see options to resize them or “unpin” them (remove them) from the Menu.
The whole Start Menu can also be resized by dragging the borders with the mouse to the desired size.