Windows10 简明教程

Windows 10 - Taskbar

Windows 10 任务栏位于屏幕底部,允许用户访问“开始”菜单以及常用应用程序的图标。在右侧,任务栏具有“通知区域”,该区域会通过互联网连接状态或笔记本电脑电池电量等不同的信息来通知用户。

The Windows 10 taskbar sits at the bottom of the screen giving the user access to the Start Menu, as well as the icons of frequently used applications. On the right-side, the Taskbar features the Notification Area which informs the user of different things like the state of the Internet connection or the charge of the laptop battery.

windows10 taskbar


The icons in the middle of the Taskbar are “pinned” applications, which is a way to have a quick access to applications you use frequently. “Pinned” applications will stay in the Taskbar until you “unpin” them.

Pin an Application to the Taskbar

Step 1 - 在“开始”菜单中搜索要固定的应用程序。

Step 1 − Search for the application you want to pin in the Start Menu.

Step 2 - 右键单击应用程序。

Step 2 − Right-click on the application.

Step 3 - 选择菜单顶部的“更多”选项。

Step 3 − Select “More” option at the top of the menu.

Step 4 - 选择“固定到任务栏”选项。

Step 4 − Select the “Pin to taskbar” option.

pin application taskbar

这将附加或“固定”应用程序图标到你的 Windows 任务栏。

This will attach or “pin” the application icon to your Windows Taskbar.

Unpin an Application from the Taskbar


To “unpin” it, just right-click the icon in the Taskbar and select “Unpin from taskbar”. You can “pin” it back again any time you want.

unpin taskbar

Notification Area


The Notification Area is located at the right side of the Taskbar. It shows different types of notifications from your computer like your Internet connection, or the volume level.


At first, the Notification Area shows a limited amount of icons. But you can click the upward arrow on its left-side to see other icons as well.

system tray features

Task View


Task View allows you to quickly move within your open windows and applications. You can access it by clicking the “Task View” button from the Taskbar.

task view

你还可以按住 Windows 键,然后按 Tab 来实现相同的结果。

You can also press and hold the Windows key, and then press Tab to achieve the same result.

按 Alt+Tab 键盘快捷键也可以起到类似的作用。

By pressing the Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut also serves a similar purpose.

task view shortcuts